
Andrew Tate, Elon Musk, Alex Jones in the same call

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5 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

Elon literally posted this.

Omg, are you serious?

The cringe is unreal.

Those 3 actually believe it. That's what makes it so pathetic.

Edited by Leo Gura

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49 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

Elon literally posted this.


Describe a thought.

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It's hard not to vomit a little in your mouth when Andrew Tate and Alex Jones start agreeing with eachother. 


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2 hours ago, StarStruck said:

Elon literally posted this. I love people who can laugh at themselves. This forum definitely need some of this integration. From sticking all those tubes up your ass you can get stiff. 

They're not laughing at themselves. They fully believe everything they were talking about and that they're literally saving humanity. It's just cringe.

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They are our last hope against the Matrix.

Edited by Leo Gura

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We are looking at a mirror.  If the reflection is bad, is the original image any better?   Is it better to ask, why did Argentina elect a radical as president, or what was wrong with Argentina in the first place?   America is a declining empire with an entitled ruling class in a world of rapid change it can no longer control.  You haven’t seen anything yet.

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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@Danioover9000 talking about elon musk in this context "neutrally" is actually a lot more biased, since being neutral with a devil like him is actually not truthful because it's so obvious he is extremely biased. 

I made my question in a cynical and biased way, yes, but only to show my own opinion of him. I'm honestly interested in what people have to say about him that do support him and think he's cool. If you truly have good arguments for why he is not the things i said, those characterisations i made about him shouldn't matter. I said those characteristics precisely because i want to hear the arguments against my point of view, by making those cynical arguments im only setting up for other people to make their arguments against me. I know damn well that Elon isn't the literal devil, but i've been cringing extremely hard at his rhetoric and worldview lately, that is my honest opinion of him. i just want to know @StarStruck's arguments, because he is a person whom i often disagree with, so in the spirit of this forum and this work i want to know his arguments for his stances.



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I mean, I understand the appeal of Elon, Tate, etc, railing against the matrix, because that woke/liberal/ matrix does exist, however the matrix that Elon and Tate propose as the answer to that is just an ever deeper matrix of BS

Edited by Bandman



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Elon revolutionized banking, car industry, internet, space, key investor in AI, and more. And he does everything with a wink. What do you guys want him to do more? What do you guys have to show up for to be such a critic? He is just doing his part and nothing more. Squirting up DMT juices up your ass is not going to save the world neither if you use the same critique you guys are putting up. You guys need to think for yourselves and stop parroting Leo’s points. 

Edited by StarStruck

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18 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

Mirror effect, you speak of yourself in denial.



Kinda disrespectful and lacking in social awareness to insult someone who created the very forum you use to insult them on lol


True. None of us have probably achieved a fraction of what Elon has achieved - combined. Dismissing people of having nothing worthy of saying or learning from because your views don’t align on certain things seems foolish at best and ideaologically captured and egotistical at worst. 

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1 hour ago, StarStruck said:

Elon revolutionized banking, car industry, internet, space, key investor in AI, and more. And he does everything with a wink. What do you guys want him to do more? What do you guys have to show up for to be such a critic? He is just doing his part and nothing more. Sticking up DMT juices up your ass is not going to safe the world neither if you use the same critique you guys are putting up. You guys need to think for yourselves and stop parroting Leo’s points. 

I don't even do psychedelics bro, not now at least. I just find Elon's whole worldview very cringe because he does not actually realize why woke, etc, exists, and he parrots conspiracy theories etc that are not original at all. if you honestly think listening to Alex Jones and Tate is proper worldview building and truth seeking, i just find it very hard to see that you are doing an honest job in checking your own biases and valueing truth. Because most of what they say is just classic partisan and populist. They actually take advantage of young men, because they say they are saving people from "woke" etc while just grifting them and putting them in an even shittier worldview. The answer to the decline of masculinity is in finding it in yourself, by working out, doing spiritual practice, cleaning your room, getting money, cleaning your mind off bias, etc. It's not in following people who hate gays and spout 1930s germany rhetoric. it will make you less loving and truthful.

However, I do agree with Tate and some right wing ppl like JP in the fact that tradition and structure should not be flaunted against, but that it is vital for a good life to have traditions and structure to whatever degree you need. The woke/consumerist matrix does exist and it actually hates everybody, not only white men. it's moreso a perverse disdain against anything conservative and traditional, and masculine. 




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On 12/11/2023 at 7:03 PM, StarStruck said:

And Elon Musk? He is a freak of nature. Just listening to him is such a delight.  Guy is fucking changing paradigms after paradigms. It is crazy.  He is the new Columbus on steroids

Bro what? 😭😭

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3 hours ago, StarStruck said:

car industry, internet, space, key investor in AI

His direct revolutionary impact on these fields can be questioned. He put his money into the right places, but that doesn't make him a revolutionary genius.

For example I have seen stories of how there are groups of people at Tesla and SpaceX that are specifically dedicated to managing Elon's behaviour to stop it from being destructive. These teams are essentially responsible for finding ways to reject his batshit crazy impractical ideas without harming his ego enough for him to shut his wallet. This would imply that although he is the owner, he is not the one doing the revolutionary work.

I can't find the original video I watched which discussed this in more detail, but this article gets pretty close.

At Twitter you are now getting a sense of what Tesla and SpaceX would have looked like if those departments to manage Elon didn't exist.

Edited by something_else

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On 11.12.2023 at 2:02 PM, Bandman said:



I saw this posted on twitter few weeks ago and reading through the comments brought me close to a stroke.
It's the ultimate litmus test for being a gullible fool.


MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
- Rainer Maria Rilke

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4 hours ago, zazen said:

Kinda disrespectful and lacking in social awareness to insult someone who created the very forum you use to insult them on lol


Perhaps you name the insult? 

You too are talking about yourself there, lmao.

The devil is in the details.

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7 hours ago, StarStruck said:

What do you guys want him to do more?

We want him to do less. Less politicking because he's really bad at it. It's like if Albert Einstein started doing porn.

Edited by Leo Gura

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This is the level of political analysis we're dealing with:

These two have lost any right to talk about politics.

It's just embarssing that a billionaire has such a bad understanding of stage Green and leftism. This is teenage level political understanding. This is like calling all conservatives Nazis.

Edited by Leo Gura

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 Tate talking about the enslavement of the populus, as if he is a communist xD

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