Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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4 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

A Dutch politician, who is not even in the government, organized a Muhammad caricature contest (obviously the guy has a 24-hour bodyguard), and for this reason Pakistan threatened to cut off international relations with Holland. At the end the contest was cancelled to avoid a massacre. Institutionalized madness, mandatory schizophrenia. It's so ridiculous that it seems impossible, but it's reality. Pakistan, nuclear power

If they were cool they would just make a caricature of dutch people, dutch king and jesus or something. But they aren’t cool, they’re whack ?

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4 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

If they were cool they would just make a caricature of dutch people, dutch king and jesus or something. But they aren’t cool, they’re whack ?

They are demons who want to castrate the humans using the terror

Edited by Breakingthewall

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I understand where you’re coming from. There are states where Islamic teaching manifest in an extreme manner. The problem then is not religion but the state.

The Quran has a whole chapter devoted specifically on how to deal woth non-muslims: Say, "O disbelievers, ۝ I do not worship what you worship. ۝ Nor are you worshippers of what I worship. ۝ Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship. ۝ Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship.

I am not in favor of following religion mindlessly. But religion provides the initial structure needed to stop you from falling into traps and equipping you with the necessary theory. Yes, one has to be careful not to take religion too literally and there comes a stage when you have to transcend religion, which is scary and advanced. But it’s a nice start, especially if you find the right teacher. 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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UK Home Secretary says waving the Palestinian flag might be a hate crime.

What are they even thinking? 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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8 minutes ago, HMD said:

The Quran has a whole chapter devoted specifically on how to deal woth non-muslims: Say, "O disbelievers, ۝ I do not worship what you worship. ۝ Nor are you worshippers of what I worship. ۝ Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship. ۝ Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship

Interesting. In hadices It is explained how to stone an adulterous woman. how far it has to be buried, and the size of the stones, they should not kill on the first try. They also explain the thickness of the stick with which to hit your wife, like a thumb, and the force, not excessive to break, but enough to cause pain. It also explains how to treat your slaves.

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5 minutes ago, HMD said:


UK Home Secretary says waving the Palestinian flag might be a hate crime.

What are they even thinking? 

   They don't want to be seen supporting HAMAs, so they choose the side that feels comfy for them to support. I don't know how they could ever do that, but fear of terrorists is a real feeling, and deep fear, and nobody wants to be seen supporting that. For example, who wants to be a defense lawyer for a pedophile? To go out and challenge the eye witness testimonies, who you may or may not know is truth? So, because of the thought terminating cliche in psychology, which the mind avoids the thing that makes it uncomfortable, they don't defend pedophiles but are happy to prosecute them, even if allegations are false, because of deep social stigma.

   It's also based on many developmental factors like spiral dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, 9 stages of ego development, Architypes and shadow work, other lines of development in society and life domains, ideological beliefs indoctrinated from family upbringing, community, peers and teachers in education schools, tv channels, radio, news papers, news outlets, social media sites, mainstream/alternative news sources, books, films, arts, and so many more points of data in the information ecology we consume from big tech companies and other companies via manufactured consent, which influences our biases and preferences and thinking towards worlds and other people. 

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3 minutes ago, Rafael Thundercat said:

What do you guys think about this line of thinking?



Typical, don't confront the bully, because if we do he gets angry. We are going to keep him happy, so he doesn't hit us.

And so we are a caricature of what it means to be human.

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9 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

the mind avoids the thing that makes it uncomfortable

Yeah that what I had in the back of my head, thanks for putting it into words. 

But I thought the UK was one of the more green countries, and SD stage green is very inclusive. Perhaps it’s only at stage Yellow that one accepts even the extreme stuff and suspend complete judgement. Additionally, it could be that fear cause a regression in development. 

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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   Another horrendous take from Destiny. This is why I claim that there are perverse incentives in the internet/online spaces which leads to many mental health issues, and polarization of all sides involved in a conflict:

   Obviously there are differences between the Ukraine/Russia conflict versus the Israel/Palestine conflict, but there's also that deep hypocrisy from pro Ukraine supporting Ukraine becoming NATO, but condemn HAMAs and Palestinians partly supporting them, I mean they're freedom fighters from Palestine's point of view even if they're a shady group, but then don't be a hypocrite and be pro Ukraine.

   Also you owe John Mearsheimer a apology for character assassinating him in your streams, and go argue his arguments instead of saying he's a Neo Nazi supporter. Cringe.

Edited by Danioover9000

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Also on this topic of Hamas as a corpo-ration or a complex body or form. Truth is, every complex body struggles to maintain its form against dismanteling. Hamas is in survival strategy as any big corporation.

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Hardliner rightwinger zionists need islamic extremism and hamas needs hardliner zionists

they actually love each other

also there’s a thin line between anti israeli/anti zionist/anti semitic or anti jew

and both islamists, bigots and zionists use this thin line to their advantage 

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Muslim council being more rational and reasonable than half the people in here, look at that.




Should tell you a alot about how much you guys lack in development. :P

Glory to Israel

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1 minute ago, Scholar said:

Muslim council being more rational and reasonable than half the people in here, look at that.




Should tell you a alot about how much you guys lack in development. :P

Looks nice but seems like empty talk

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Hamas should release all abducted civilians, women, children, and men.  For a start, Israelis then could back down for a moment, and maybe this could be a good start.  Hamas did the unspeakable, regardless of history, how is this justified?  I have no respect for them at this time.

Edited by Sir Oberon

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This eye for an eye thing has got to stop... however, what do you do when you are being abused?  Goes out to all fronts, countries, and so on.

And ya, ya, ya, it's complicated.

Edited by Sir Oberon

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19 minutes ago, Scholar said:

Muslim council being more rational and reasonable than half the people in here, look at that.




Should tell you a alot about how much you guys lack in development. :P

Truly, it is positive to read that coming from an Islamic authority. Perhaps the level of horror of this case will make Muslims realize that they have to make profound changes in their ideology if they want to stop being an obstacle to themselves and their society. 

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