Leo Gura

New War In Israel / Gaza

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This is who Israeli has to "negotiate peace" with:


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1 hour ago, Scholar said:

This is who Israeli has to "negotiate peace" with:


That guy's BSing, but try negotiating peace with the far-right Zionists in the Knesset like Ben-Gvir. The guy personally lives in an illegal settlement and had a portrait of a Zionist terrorist hanging in his house.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Israel warns: If Hezbollah joins the war alongside Hamas, Hassan Nasrallah will be forced to face the full force of the IDF, with the assistance of the American naval force that is making its way to the eastern Mediterranean.


In messages delivered to Nasrallah from the Israeli side through senior officials in the French government, he was warned that his joining the campaign would result in Israel even considering, in the style of "the landlord has gone mad", to attack his important ally - Syrian President Bashar Assad, and Damascus would also be destroyed like Da'ahiah. In other words, in an attempt to deter Nasrallah, Israel is using American power and the threat to the Syrian regime, including Assad's personal security, to the point of eliminating him.


We could yet see US involvement and an escalation into actual war.

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5 minutes ago, Raze said:


Well, they screwed up their chance when they celebrated naked dead female civilians, executed entire families and proudly raped their hostages. This is not going to garner sympathy for the palestinians, especially when they participate in these actions.


HAMAS goal by the way is not to garner sympathy from the West, but simply to mobilize their islamic allies to join their fight, who will actually celebrate the death of those civilians as a victory.

Edited by Scholar

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2 minutes ago, Scholar said:

Well, they screwed up their chance when they celebrated naked dead female civilians, executed entire families and proudly raped their hostages. This is not going to garner sympathy for the palestinians, especially when they participate in these actions.


HAMAS goal by the way is not to garner sympathy from the West, but simply to mobilize their islamic allies to join their fight.

Correct, in 2018 Palestinians did hold a overwhelmingly peaceful border protest, but the IDF opened fire killing over 200. Of 498 killings and injuries analyzed by an independent source, only 2 were reasonably self defense. There was virtually no outcry from the west and Israel congratulated the soldiers who killed civilians. Given that at this point Israel has Gaza residents on a starvation diet and consuming poison water, the result is millions slowly dying with severe psychological trauma from constant bombing who see no peaceful means of freedom and are lashing out desperately. 

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Such a good thread for newbies like me who dont understand much about politics/wars. Thank you!

Just saw this

"In response to a severe attack by Hamas on Israel, the US has directed the largest warship in the world towards the Eastern Mediterranean to bolster Israel’s defense capabilities.

This move shows a robust US stance to deter regional conflict escalation, coupled with additional military aid to Israel, demonstrating massive support between US and Israeli officials amid broader diplomatic engagements aimed at halting Hamas’ aggression."





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1 minute ago, Raze said:

Correct, in 2018 Palestinians did hold a overwhelmingly peaceful border protest, but the IDF opened fire killing over 200. Of 498 killings and injuries analyzed by an independent source, only 2 were reasonably self defense. There was virtually no outcry from the west and Israel congratulated the soldiers who killed civilians. Given that at this point Israel has Gaza residents on a starvation diet and consuming poison water, the result is millions slowly dying with severe psychological trauma from constant bombing who see no peaceful means of freedom and are lashing out desperately. 

They didn't kill over 200 palestinians within one incident. Of course that is tragic and a moral crime, but I am not sure if what happened you can describe as "overwhelmingly peaceful". 90 out of 254 did partake in hostilities, and the deaths in general were due to a lax open fire policy. While this is a moral atrocity, again, this does not even remotely justify HAMAS actions. While Israel was not being responsible whatsoever, they did not actively seek to kill as many palestinians as possible, which is what HAMAS did. And I do remember there was coverage on this in the west, there were whole controversies around this involving a t-shirt with a pregnant woman on it and so forth.

Either way, if Israel attempted to do the same thing HAMAS did, which was to cause maximal casualties in the civilian population, the palestinian people would no longer exist.


In the end, none of this will even matter, because the reality is HAMAS has just worsened things for everyone. This was not merely "lashing out", this was an ideologically driven terrorist attack that revelled in it's own violence towards the innocent. Israel will response in full force and the sympathy for palestinians will have been set back significantly.


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52 minutes ago, Nabd said:

Sure there are many instances of smart collective ego actions, but this is not one of them.

You can't be mad that the other side is killing civilians while you support a side that also kills civilians, at least the IDF issue warnings before an airstrike.

Survival? This attack will cost Palestinians their rights as a state in the future.

If Palestinians should understand something, its that 1. They will never win a a military conflict and 2nd is after each war they lose more land.

Yes people support them now but let's see how their support won't bring them water or food or a passport after a month or two.

   I'm just commenting on your post that claims their collective egos are blind. I'm elaborating on your claim in that reply. I'm just specifically disagreeing that the news footages you've posited, they are mostly peaceful protests in the USA and UK, yet to devolve into rioting and looting. Do you understand my point?

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6 minutes ago, Nabd said:

Hamas scored an unbelievable goal, but they lost the match.

All the talk now is about how Hamas as a small militia with less than 10k soldiers humiliated the IDF, but when the IDF deals with outer Gaza area and start an invasion into Gaza then all we will see is calls to stop the war.

   I'm interested how this event would effect Joe Biden's votes for the next presidency, I can see a fuck up being just enough that it may effect his re-election into the white house.

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2 minutes ago, Nabd said:

They are peacefully protesting and celebrating killings of civilians and humiliating the jews. Thats the mentality of these collective egos.

They are blind because they can't fathom a simple thing: you can't have your cake and eat it, you can't celebrate killings of civilians and condemn killings of civilians, that's their blindness.

they are blind because they are in victim mentality

and thus every strike on israelis is fair for them

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1 minute ago, Nabd said:

They are peacefully protesting and celebrating killings of civilians and humiliating the jews. Thats the mentality of these collective egos.

They are blind because they can't fathom a simple thing: you can't have your cake and eat it, you can't celebrate killings of civilians and condemn killings of civilians, that's their blindness.

   Okay sure, now I know what you mean. Although this isn't an argument for taking away their right to protest though right? If you ar arguing for them not to protest peacefully, don't you see how that's now an autocracy you are arguing for? Even the moral and ethics of that are questionable, but legally speaking it's important for them to protest peacefully, or form worker unions or stuff like them. Do you understand now?

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1 minute ago, Nabd said:

They are peacefully protesting and celebrating killings of civilians and humiliating the jews. Thats the mentality of these collective egos.

They are blind because they can't fathom a simple thing: you can't have your cake and eat it, you can't celebrate killings of civilians and condemn killings of civilians, that's their blindness.

It's surprising to me that so many people seem to be unaware that a lot of muslims hate jewish people. They are so much worse than russians in that regard.

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6 hours ago, Nabd said:

Doesn't matter though, because once Gaza is under siege no Muslim will bring them a single piece of bread and all this social media hysteria is just nothing, its pure zombie mode.

This isn't true. You need to calm down with your self-righteous rhetoric. We get it, you're above everyone.

Now to address this, Muslims aren't different than any other group of people. Those who will have the means and also get over the questioning of whether this charity will actually use my money, just like any other group of people, will donate.

Edited by gambler

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I myself have donated to the Yemeni people during the war after being bombarded with ads by Muslim-run charities all on YouTube. The idea that Muslims don't care about you, only white man does, is a perniciously racist notion.

Edited by gambler

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40 minutes ago, Nabd said:

I would like to live in a world where no one is allowed to organize a protest supporting killings of civilians. Union organizing is not even close to this.

Because when someone watches a video of civilians being killed and females being paraded naked and the very next thing they think is "fuck yea Ill celebrate this in the streets!", Yea fuck that.

Many people underestimate anti jew mentality in Islamc populations, even many leftist parties are anti jews like Ba'ath or other pan arabist.

There is a saying attributed to Mohammad I think which goes like "jews will hide behind trees and rocks and the tree or rock will shout to a muslim: come! Behind me is a jew come and kill!".

   But protesting is a good thing no? If you lived in a world where protesting peacefully is illegal, rioting and looting is illegal, and worker unions is illegal, then there'd be no more weekend offs, or holidays, or paid leave, or weeks of vacation. Do you see the consequences of your wish and how predatory capitalism companies and big tech or big pharma could make you work 9-5 with over work, or the 9-9-6 worker lifestyle in Asian countries for everyone? Even if it maybe immoral to protest peacefully the support of killing civilians, that's a small price for democracy yes?

Edited by Danioover9000

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Just now, Nabd said:

I didnt mean that Muslims don't do charity, of course they do. My family are muslims and I live in a muslim community.

What I meant is that after this initial dopamine or hysteria ends with Israel murdering civilians left and right brutally and sieging Gaza, no Muslim will be able to help them, their own countries won't do shit. Egyptians and Moroccans who are currently putting fire over this and hyping Palestinians are not doing any good.

We've seen this happen countless of times in Palestine, in Syria more than 1 million Muslim died in 12 years and you don't see Muslims giving a shit but when someone burns the Quran they go apeshit, this is hypocrisy at its finest.

Muslims care about the identity of the perpetrator, not the victim.

Not true again. Your takes are way too simplistic. Muslims DO give a shit about what happened in Syria. After a while, it runs its course. There's no more emotions or actions that you can take. What are you going to do when Assad gains control, protest to whom? To the States or the West who no longer can do anything? Protest to Assad who doesn't give a shit about what you think? There's no more international entity to go to to enforce anything anymore. It's over and now you need closure and to move on, but doesn't mean you don't harbor feelings and emotions and have completely moved on from it either. Meanwhile the burning of the Qu'ran, you HAVE a group to go to. You are seemingly not allowed in Canada (i think its a hate crime, I'm not sure, someone can fact check this) to burn the LGBT flag. So if you have an opportunity to get the ear of some entity to either a) cultural move the people towards an understanding that this is a hate crime and at best inappropriate in terms of critiquing religion or b) have them legally see this as a hate crime, you HAVE something you can DO about it. And in the west, these two options are ALWAYS on the table.

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