
Are men capable of actually loving a woman?

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On 8/7/2023 at 2:45 PM, NoSelfSelf said:

Man can love a woman but never more than himself.

But you will fall in love with a man and he will make you feel amazing ,but chance for you to find a man in todays age is like searching for a bigfoot.

What the hell you are talking about? I would say its other way around..

So you are saying me that women cannot find a man? The problem with women is that they are just too delousional about their dating options due to social media.

Edited by evgn

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10 minutes ago, evgn said:

The problem with women is that they are just too delousional about their dating options due to social media.

Redpill over generalization, everyone is really immature, I see it everywhere, most of my friends when they get gf, the gf is at the same level of development as them and that's the only way it can be. Women that fit some red pill stereotype date men who are equally as immature as her. 

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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If anything a male loves a female for what she is while females need more from a man like what the man’s status is and how much money he makes and what her friends think about the guy. 

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15 hours ago, Jayson G said:

Is when guys think about it sort of logically

Honestly i think this is the main thing about preferences in general. Even when if a girl prefers 6ft etc. When you hit a girl in the emotions, those logical checklists fly out the window 

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1 hour ago, StarStruck said:

If anything a male loves a female for what she is while females need more from a man like what the man’s status is and how much money he makes and what her friends think about the guy. 

From your statement, you should love her even for the reasons you stated that women are looking for because that's who she is. Nobody loves you for what you are, we only love people because of the way they make us feel. If she had no teeth, no tits or ass or was just simply relatively unattractive in every sense of the word, you wouldn't even give her the time of day, and the only reason why you wouldn't is because of how that made you feel. Your statement is one of the most biased statements I've ever seen.

One Love....

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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

From your statement, you should love her even for the reasons you stated that women are looking for because that's who she is. Nobody loves you for what you are, we only love people because of the way they make us feel. If she had no teeth, no tits or ass or was just simply relatively unattractive in every sense of the word, you wouldn't even give her the time of day, and the only reason why you wouldn't is because of how that made you feel. Your statement is one of the most biased statements I've ever seen.

Neither men or women can give unconditional love, but women even less because she cares about what her friends think about the guy and so on. I'm not saying men are all saints. I love a good set of boobs because I'm a red blooded man and I'm guilty as charged but I would be ok to downgrade if she has a good personality.

Edited by StarStruck

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53 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

Neither men or women can give unconditional love, but women even less because she cares about what her friends think about the guy and so on. I'm not saying men are all saints. I love a good set of boobs because I'm a red blooded man and I'm guilty as charged but I would be ok to downgrade if she has a good personality.

That's your experience. My friends, which are few and beyond, couldn't care less who I date because I don't base my dating on their opinions, only mine. It's not about who is a Saint or not but how we are wired and our experiences. It's funny how you say "downgrade if she has a good personality" yet you say males are more adept to accepting women how they are. Men are more visual and women more emotional, but both still boils down to how it makes you feel, even the visual. 

We don't love ourselves unconditionally, that's one reason we're incapable of giving love unconditionally, amongst other reasons, but that's ok because we are already unconditionally loved.

One Love....

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7 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

From your statement, you should love her even for the reasons you stated that women are looking for because that's who she is. Nobody loves you for what you are, we only love people because of the way they make us feel. If she had no teeth, no tits or ass or was just simply relatively unattractive in every sense of the word, you wouldn't even give her the time of day, and the only reason why you wouldn't is because of how that made you feel. Your statement is one of the most biased statements I've ever seen.

What is your definition of love in regard to relationships?

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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16 minutes ago, Ajax said:

What is your definition of love in regard to relationships?

I really don't have one. The only thing I can say is, if I'm loving someone based on my feelings and not how they wish or love to be loved, then that's selfish love, regardless of how it makes me feel. I really don't see love in relationships as a one size fits all because we're all different and for me it's usually getting to know the person and what they like and to try to accommodate that without losing or sacrificing my own desires in the process. 

It's a bit deeper than that, but for the sake of brevity, I'll leave it there, unless you expand. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

One Love....

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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

I really don't have one. The only thing I can say is, if I'm loving someone based on my feelings and not how they wish or love to be loved, then that's selfish love, regardless of how it makes me feel. I really don't see love in relationships as a one size fits all because we're all different and for me it's usually getting to know the person and what they like and to try to accommodate that without losing or sacrificing my own desires in the process. 

It's a bit deeper than that, but for the sake of brevity, I'll leave it there, unless you expand. 

Indeed it is deeper. I imagine this is something most guys don't understand. Feelings change constantly does that mean love changes? Love is not consistent because it is related to feelings? How would a man know if it will change if it doesn't seem reliable? What if the feelings are stronger for someone else? What if he is really having some "bad" luck and her feelings change?

No right or wrong answer, just contemplative questions.

Actually I see it all differently, but I know that goes through men's minds and it builds a wall of ice around their heart... making it hard for men to love.

Edited by Ajax

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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11 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

That's your experience. My friends, which are few and beyond, couldn't care less who I date because I don't base my dating on their opinions, only mine. It's not about who is a Saint or not but how we are wired and our experiences. It's funny how you say "downgrade if she has a good personality" yet you say males are more adept to accepting women how they are. Men are more visual and women more emotional, but both still boils down to how it makes you feel, even the visual. 

We don't love ourselves unconditionally, that's one reason we're incapable of giving love unconditionally, amongst other reasons, but that's ok because we are already unconditionally loved.

Perhaps you are an exception to the rule. Most women care what their girlfriends and family thinks about the guy.

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1 hour ago, StarStruck said:

Perhaps you are an exception to the rule. Most women care what their girlfriends and family thinks about the guy.

From my observations women are those who tend to date men that they are in love with despite what their surroundings say.

Men tend to be more conformist in that regard, even if they fall in love with a girl, if their fellows, mommy or daddy don't like her, they are less likely to date her.

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@evgn Exactly proving my point the way you talk that's not how a man talks ,men are non existent the options women have is catastrophy..

You getting born with a male genital doesnt make you a man...

Edited by NoSelfSelf

Who teaches us whats real and how to laugh at lies? Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend?Who chain us? And who holds the Key that can set us free? 

It's you.

You have all the weapons you need 

Now fight.

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6 hours ago, Ajax said:

Indeed it is deeper. I imagine this is something most guys don't understand. Feelings change constantly does that mean love changes? Love is not consistent because it is related to feelings? How would a man know if it will change if it doesn't seem reliable? What if the feelings are stronger for someone else? What if he is really having some "bad" luck and her feelings change?

No right or wrong answer, just contemplative questions.

Actually I see it all differently, but I know that goes through men's minds and it builds a wall of ice around their heart... making it hard for men to love.

6 hours ago, Ajax said:

Indeed it is deeper. I imagine this is something most guys don't understand. Feelings change constantly does that mean love changes? Love is not consistent because it is related to feelings? How would a man know if it will change if it doesn't seem reliable? What if the feelings are stronger for someone else? What if he is really having some "bad" luck and her feelings change?

No right or wrong answer, just contemplative questions.

Actually I see it all differently, but I know that goes through men's minds and it builds a wall of ice around their heart... making it hard for men to love.

Those questions seem so logical. I understand tho, because most men are logical thinkers. Falling in love isn't logical. Time stops and you feel like one with whomever you're in love with. It feels like the "present moment" we speak about in Spirituality and the oneness that everything is. That's really what it feels like. The Universe is illogical by it's nature, so really, in answer to the OP's question, it is very unlikely but possible for a few. This is why most lesbians (the true ones, not the one's who are only in it because they've been hurt by men) often have long-lasting intense relationships. I know because my sister is a lesbian, my one-time best friend is a lesbian and i have been around a lot of them. The gay men are very promiscuous and their relationships fluctuate frequently. Generalizing, of course there are exceptions. I've also been there, and it feels different from a man. I felt I was being loved for who I am with a woman VS with men I feel lusted after even though a few have genuinely made me feel loved. 

I have been courted many times, but been in very few relationships, partly because of what I do, and partly from being emotionally unavailable. I've seen too many times how men can be, so I tend to not open up fully to them, not for fear of being hurt or abandoned but very few are deserving of my love because I can love so deeply, and I am very loyal in that respect. When I say deserving, I don't mean it like I'm the shit or i'm all that, but more so because I know my worth and it will take a man deserving of that to open up fully to him. It's not forced, and I don't intentionally hold back, it's just energetic and automatically happens that way, at least that's how I feel about it, but who knows because when you're inside the trap it's hard to see yourself from the outside looking in.

I don't like the term "falling in love" anyway because that just implies you have to get back up. I look at things differently now, and I don't go for that "umph" feeling anymore like I used to because that just gets you in trouble emotionally, so I now have switched the tables and am now more logical in my approach, more so than men because I'm analyzing every bit of you to the point where love isn't even a factor. That will come later after the fact and after you've earned it. 

I've been very closed about my sexuality and dating on here in the past because it's mostly males here and I'm so often misunderstood, and I've been asked in the past and evaded the questions, but now I don't mind opening up a bit more since it really doesn't matter either way. I'm very open anyway, with other things and I'm not afraid of being judged or criticized as that's the main reason why people don't share too many personal things with others. It's not because it's ethical that they don't, it's subconsciously because of not wanting to be openly judged. I've passed that stage and couldn't care less what other's think of me, only what I think of me since I'm the one that has to live with myself.



One Love....

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49 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

From my observations women are those who tend to date men that they are in love with despite what their surroundings say.

Men tend to be more conformist in that regard, even if they fall in love with a girl, if their fellows, mommy or daddy don't like her, they are less likely to date her.

I think men are the ones that care what their friends and people in general think more than women. That's why most go for looks because of how it makes them look to others. Beautiful women are like "arm candies" and makes them look like "the man". That's OK, nothing wrong with that, but just don't say women are superficial because I've found more men to be superficial because they're always looking at what you're wearing, the size of your boobs and rear end, what your nails look like, your teeth, your hair, everything but your personality in the beginning then when she turns out to be a bitch and self-centered, they complain. 

One Love....

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2 hours ago, StarStruck said:

Perhaps you are an exception to the rule. Most women care what their girlfriends and family thinks about the guy.

Not only is that not particularly true, but even if it was it's just normal for a woman not to let her friend go out with a freak.

You try to recreate a traumatic scene and enjoy the possibility of venting your aggression and reacting as you would have liked to act if you had the possibility in the context.


Edited by Schizophonia

The devil is in the details.

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The truth is very rational and "stiff", this kind of topic is a good way to detect who is neurotic.
The only problem is inferring the traumatic scene, even trying to be honest with myself.

The devil is in the details.

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1 hour ago, Lila9 said:

From my observations women are those who tend to date men that they are in love with despite what their surroundings say.

Men tend to be more conformist in that regard, even if they fall in love with a girl, if their fellows, mommy or daddy don't like her, they are less likely to date her.

No guy is going to say to his friend: "don't take that girl because I don't like her" while you hear girls tell this to their girlfriends all the time "I don't like that guy".. and why don't they like that guy? Just because of her feelings lol ?

6 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

Not only is that not particularly true, but even if it was it's just normal for a woman not to let her girlfriend go out with a freak.

You try to recreate a traumatic scene and enjoy the possibility of venting your aggression and reacting as you would have liked to act if you had the possibility in the context.


Good point.

8 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I think men are the ones that care what their friends and people in general think more than women. That's why most go for looks because of how it makes them look to others. Beautiful women are like "arm candies" and makes them look like "the man". That's OK, nothing wrong with that, but just don't say women are superficial because I've found more men to be superficial because they're always looking at what you're wearing, the size of your boobs and rear end, what your nails look like, your teeth, your hair, everything but your personality in the beginning then when she turns out to be a bitch and self-centered, they complain. 

It is not the size of her assets but how she carries herself, and not because what his friends think about her. For the guy the most important thing is what he thinks about her. Not what her friends say. Social aspect is huge thing for most women. Perhaps you two are exceptions and that is totally fine.

Edited by StarStruck

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6 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

No guy is going to say to his friend: "don't take that girl because I don't like her" while you hear girls tell this to their girlfriends all the time "I don't like that guy".. and why don't they like that guy? Just because of her feelings lol ?

Good point.

It is not the size of her assets but how she carries herself, and not because what his friends think about her. For the guy the most important thing is what he thinks about her. Not what her friends say. Social aspect is huge thing for most women. Perhaps you two are exceptions and that is totally fine.

Yes, because we're more conscious and aware. After all, look where we're at. On a Spiritual forum instead of watching "The View " or Jerry Springer or on Tik Tok or better yet, listening to Andrew Tate. Just breaking your balls there, don't go off now. 

One Love....

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