Paul Boldyrev

How to strengthen meditation skills?

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I have been meditating since May 2021. Especially in the first year, I got less distracted during my meditation sessions.


However, nowadays it just works for a couple of minutes or seconds, and the rest of the session is extremely distracted. What can I do?


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The mind illuminated book is a very nuanced map of the meditation stages with techniques to tackle each one and advance forward. 

I believe in the religion of Love
Whatever direction its caravans may take,
For love is my religion and my faith.

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5 minutes ago, Ayham said:

The mind illuminated book is a very nuanced map of the meditation stages with techniques to tackle each one and advance forward. 

@Ayham I would agree, if action doesn't work try theory and vice versa. Knowing what to look for can still be a challenge with so many options.

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Do you have a meditation schedule or do you just meditate when you feel like it?

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As soon as You notice a thought pattern emerging,

Speak Aloud: "I Am That."

Brains Do Not Exist 

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I Am That.

I Am Beyond  That.

I Am.

Brains Do Not Exist 

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On 09/03/2023 at 1:51 PM, Paul Boldyrev said:

However, nowadays it just works for a couple of minutes or seconds, and the rest of the session is extremely distracted. What can I do?

You can do some concentration practices before the session.

Alternatively, you can inquire into the distraction and see if it's a useful distraction or just noise. If it's useful, break the session, do what you gotta do, and then come back. If it's noise, then accept it like a cloud passing in the sky.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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Have you ever experimented with Wim Hof Method? You may be interested in trying that as well. 

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@Gesundheit2 I never thought of it that way. I always thought it gotta be like this:


I set the timer and I shouldn't move until it rings. Of course, I couldn't follow through with it, but apparently, you don't even NEED to follow through with it haha

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@Yimpa Oh yeah. I actually tried to flirt with a girl once by ranting about the Wim Hof method hahahah

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1 hour ago, Paul Boldyrev said:

@Yimpa Oh yeah. I actually tried to flirt with a girl once by ranting about the Wim Hof method hahahah

Oh? What are you criticisms about the WHM?

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The Guided Meditations of Adyashanti really helped me, especially calming the mind, getting into equanimity. Listen to a few of his guided meditations and you will understand how to calm your mind and get into those states. Then you can do it in your solo meditations more easily too.


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@Paul Boldyrev

Let the mind play out it will pass. Maybe incorperate some energic praticses like kriya yoga exercises other than that keep it simple with just observing in meditation. If you wanna 100x fold your skills include observing outside of your meditation practise. Like while walking, cooking, listening to music etc. Everytime you don't need to use your focus like when socialising or reading you can use that time to observe. Don't chase specific states or cling to any. Be fluid. 

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10 hours ago, Paul Boldyrev said:

@Gesundheit2 I never thought of it that way. I always thought it gotta be like this:


I set the timer and I shouldn't move until it rings. Of course, I couldn't follow through with it, but apparently, you don't even NEED to follow through with it haha

Yeah, man. Definitely avoid turning it into a mechanical habit that you should just do out of obligation like a chore. That's the opposite of meditation.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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@Paul Boldyrev I'd include a concentration practice.

Leo has a video titled concentration vs meditation.


There is no failure, only feedback

Do what works

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