
Is Tate right about age 25+ women?

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To continue with gross generalizations; Traditional women in general are quiet and sweet compared to progressives who are just in general annoying to men, traditional women appreciate men, progressives tear down men. The only guy that would want to be with a progressive woman is like the op described, an emasculated one.

*Rednecks are not traditional, they're tribal. Catholics are traditional.

*The desire for a traditional woman over a progressive is from not thinking your value is based on your partner, all a spouse is for is a family, not your spiritual partner, there isn't such a thing.

Edited by Devin

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1 hour ago, PenguinPablo said:

On paper, a blue girl sounds nice.

I don't even see how that sounds nice on paper. It should be obvious that you will not get along with her and it will end in a bitter fight.

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22 minutes ago, Devin said:

progressives tear down men.

This is such nonsense.

I have dated very Green, progressive women and none of them tore men down. In fact, a true Green woman really appreciates the masculine energy a man offers. These girls I dated were very sweet. They love it when I'm masculine. They love when I make them feel feminine. The biggest problem is that they tend to be too airy-fairy and New Agey.

Most Green girls are not even political. They don't even follow the news. And they have no axe to grind against men as a whole. This is some Red Pill fantasy / projection. Stop theorizing and go talk to real women. Go to a yoga studio and talk to some Green girls. They will be very in touch with their femininity.

Edited by Leo Gura

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

This is such nonsense.

I have dated very Green, progressive women and none of them tore men down. In fact, a true Green woman really appreciates the masculine energy a man offers.

Where would you categorize the neo feminists?

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I dunno man.

The most attractive women to me is a girl who actually had maybe a rough start in life, and then transcends it through doing personal development on herself.

And that is often gonna be a women who is single at 25+ because as she changes she will probably change her relationships.

And, also I wouldn't listen to Tate in regards to relationships. I think he might be a good resource for some masculine stuff, i.e. getting casual relationships by raising your status, if that is really what you want. But its unreasonable to my mind to think he has ever had a non-toxic relationship in his life.


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Younger women are more attractive and often have less baggage, it's not that complicated. 

I am new to my game journey and I prefer women aged 18 - 24, especially 18 - 19 is the ideal age, and always will be for me, even when I am 50 year old.

But Im always open to dating older women (of any age) as long as they're hot and lively (young) in character.

I do also have a milf fetish, married lady fetish which is separate from my younger cute girl fetish.

I have no shame in either of these and as long as both are consenting legal adults & marriage is an illusion. 

I'm going to reap the rewards of master game once I get there, and I will have every possible piece of my pie, I will 100% "abuse my power" once I get it because I will have earnt it.

Edited by Optimized Life

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15 minutes ago, Devin said:

neo feminists?

I don't even know what that means.

You have to be careful with such gross stereotyping.

I've talked to thousands of girls and none of them have even talked to me about feminism. It just doesn't come up. No girl has ever said the word "feminism" to my face. Most girls are not political creatures at all. The stuff you see on YouTube is not representative of most girls.

Honestly, this is not even something you should be thinking about. Go talk to girls and have a good time with them. Feminism is simply irrelevant here. Girls will not let feminism get in the way of them dating, fucking, and having fun. When you make a girl feel like a girl, she will forget all about feminism. Don't talk about it, just do it. Make her feel good.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

I don't even know what that means.

You have to be careful with such gross stereotyping.

It means the double standard feminists like Rapinoe, the women that think they should get paid as much as men in sports, or being a secretary compared to a male brick layer.

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And, also regarding the points about stage green women.

Many progressives are awesome people to be around. You can actually let you be you, and just relax in their company, rather than having to put up an act.

Having a stage green gf is like the first stage of girl who can actually love you for you, and they care about people in general people being treated humanely. 


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4 minutes ago, Devin said:

It means the double standard feminists like Rapinoe, the women that think they should get paid as much as men in sports, or being a secretary compared to a male brick layer.

There is not a single girl who I've talked to where this issue even came up. This is pure online theoretical stuff.

No woman has EVER complained to me about her salary.

Edited by Leo Gura

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2 minutes ago, Devin said:

It means the double standard feminists like Rapinoe, the women that think they should get paid as much as men in sports, or being a secretary compared to a male brick layer.

@Devin I don't know if that is true, but even if it is that is just representative of one viewpoint of people in the feminist movement. There are various different sub-groups within the feminist movement, and disagree on a lot of things.


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1 minute ago, Ulax said:

@Devin I don't know if that is true, but even if it is that is just representative of one viewpoint of people in the feminist movement. There are various different sub-groups within the feminist movement, and disagree on a lot of things.

Yes, that's why I specified with neo-feminists.

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@Devin Neo-feminists just means feminists today to me. Is that how you intend to use the word neo?

I'm saying today that there are lots of different types of feminist sub-groups. I.e. sex-positive and sex-negative


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25 minutes ago, Devin said:

To continue with gross generalizations; Traditional women in general are quiet and sweet compared to progressives who are just in general annoying to men, traditional women appreciate men, progressives tear down men. The only guy that would want to be with a progressive woman is like the op described, an emasculated one.

*Rednecks are not traditional, they're tribal. Catholics are traditional.

*The desire for a traditional woman over a progressive is from not thinking your value is based on your partner, all a spouse is for is a family, not your spiritual partner, there isn't such a thing.

Half of my family are Georgia rednecks, and most of them are pretty solidly blue.

There are rednecks who are red. I know many of them too. My hometown is very much red, blue, orange.

But most rednecks that I know are blue.

My Grandma Wilkins was raised in the Georgia hills in the 1930s. Her father was a Baptist preacher and her mother a stay at home mom to 11 children.

My grandmother had to drop out of school at age 8 to take care of her brothers and sisters.

And she is one of my favorite people.

And she’s definitely a straight arrow. Church on Sundays. Never drank a drop of alcohol. Never smoked. Was only with one man her whole life.

And she and her church lady friends will let you know if you’re stepping out of line. She won’t beat around the bush either.

She’s also tough as nails. And she never was reserved. My grandfather was very quiet from what I understand. He died before I was born.

But everyone always joked that he was so quiet because my grandma never let him get a word in edgewise.

And these dynamics are not uncommon in a lot of the stage blue people that I’m related to and that I know personally.

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10 minutes ago, Emerald said:

Half of my family are Georgia rednecks, and most of them are pretty solidly blue.

There are rednecks who are red. I know many of them too. My hometown is very much red, blue, orange.

But most rednecks that I know are blue.

My Grandma Wilkins was raised in the Georgia hills in the 1930s. Her father was a Baptist preacher and her mother a stay at home mom to 11 children.

My grandmother had to drop out of school at age 8 to take care of her brothers and sisters.

And she is one of my favorite people.

And she’s definitely a straight arrow. Church on Sundays. Never drank a drop of alcohol. Never smoked. Was only with one man her whole life.

And she and her church lady friends will let you know if you’re stepping out of line. She won’t beat around the bush either.

She’s also tough as nails. And she never was reserved. My grandfather was very quiet from what I understand. He died before I was born.

But everyone always joked that he was so quiet because my grandma never let him get a word in edgewise.

And these dynamics are not uncommon in a lot of the stage blue people that I’m related to and that I know personally.

Okay, that's probably like Baptists, more tribal in my opinion, in more traditional sub-cultures like Catholicism the women are reserved in my experience.

Edited by Devin

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Just now, Devin said:

Okay, that's probably like Baptists, more tribal in my opinion, in older traditions like Catholicism, the women are reserved in my experience.

You don’t seem to really understand Stage Blue then.

Southern Baptists are not Stage Purple or Red. They’re pretty solid Blue.

And the other side of my family are New Jersey Catholics… they’re much more Orange than Blue.

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24 minutes ago, Ulax said:

@Devin Neo-feminists just means feminists today to me. Is that how you intend to use the word neo?

I'm saying today that there are lots of different types of feminist sub-groups. I.e. sex-positive and sex-negative

Neo meaning new, as in different than the original, feminists are about equality, neo-feminists are this.

NPR › 2022/05/18

The U.S. men's and women's soccer teams will be paid equally under a new deal

May 18, 2022 — The new collective bargaining agreements will run through 2028 and will also include the "equalization" of World Cup prize money



This sounds like equality on paper but it's far from it.

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8 minutes ago, Emerald said:

You don’t seem to really understand Stage Blue then.

Southern Baptists are not Stage Purple or Red. They’re pretty solid Blue.

And the other side of my family are New Jersey Catholics… they’re much more Orange than Blue.

I said traditional, not blue, I don't think spiral dynamics has any benefit in this type of discussion. And I don't know your family, I'm talking about generally traditional people, not 100 year traditional like Baptists, 2,000 year Traditional like Catholics, no that doesn't mean I'm talking about every catholic.

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Here's another example of neo-feminism.



Edited by Devin

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5 minutes ago, Devin said:

Neo meaning new, as in different than the original, feminists are about equality, neo-feminists are this.

NPR › 2022/05/18

The U.S. men's and women's soccer teams will be paid equally under a new deal

May 18, 2022 — The new collective bargaining agreements will run through 2028 and will also include the "equalization" of World Cup prize money



This sounds like equality on paper but it's far from it.

@Devin Well, I'd disagree that neo-feminists are that.

Also, that is just one example.

Also, I don't think its unreasonable for them to be paid equally under the deal. Not because I'm saying that the quality of female or male soccer is anywhere near the same but that quality of soccer shouldn't necessarily be the sole or a even metric that is taken into account when it comes to the government financing soccer teams. 

The salaries they get can also be seen as a sign of how much the government is seen to value the men and women's soccer teams. Thus, giving them different salaries can be seen to suggest that the government values women's soccer over men's soccer. And, so equal salaries takes step towards promoting the idea that women's soccer and men's soccer are of equal importance in society, which changes cultural discourse and expectations that typically dissuade young girls from partaking.


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