The Insane Power Of Status

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This is a real-life story i've heard yesterday. This story was shared by the woman involved in this story.

There was a group of women who visited a place called 'bouzoukia' in Greece. Its a place with singers, entertainment, alcohol etc.

In this group of women, there was a 40year old beautiful woman. Also in the same place, there were a group of older men. Particularly there was a 55-57 year old male who got a lot of attention from the singer and also from other people. They all seemed to know this guy . (Cue for Status #1)

After a while this 55 year old guy approaches the 40 year old woman and hits on her. The woman did not find the man attractive at all and rejected him. He found him too old, very short and ugly . (Keep this in mind). Meanwhile the othe women in the group found him quite attractive.

After some time, the old man stalked the 40 year old woman. He followed her for a little while and gave her a business card. 

The business card basically was a signal that this guy was a mutli-millionaire with a 5 star restaurant near the area  (Cue for Status #2).

After a while the woman called him. She claimed she just did it for fun because her friends pushed her and had no intentions to do anything sexual with him (lol ^_^). 

To make a long story short, the old wealthy man finally 'conquered her' (super briefly) and had sex with her like a madman for 2 months. Then he created some bs excuse that he couldn't no longer be with her because of his wife. (These high status guys replace women frequently because of the desire for sexual variety that all men inherently have).

This story is insane and just demonstrates that even if you are very ugly physically to a woman it does not matter if you have insanely high status . This is a crazy hack and a hard truth to shallow for many people.

This is not an attack on women. We can't deny what is, even if we find it ridiculous and repugnant. Both sexes have evolved sex differences that are somewhat abhorrent and disturbing :$



Edited by SQAAD

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23 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

This is not an attack on women. We can't deny what is, even if we find it ridiculous and repugnant. Both sexes have evolved sex differences that are somewhat abhorrent and disturbing

What is so ridiculous/repugnant/abhorrent/disturbing about women being attracted to status?

24 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

After a while this 55 year old guy approaches the 40 year old woman and hits on her. The woman did not find the man attractive at all and rejected him. He found him too old, very short and ugly . (Keep this in mind)


The business card basically was a signal that this guy was a mutli-millionaire with a 5 star restaurant near the area  (Cue for Status #2).

After a while the woman called him. She claimed she just did it for fun because her friends pushed her and had no intentions to do anything sexual with him (lol ). 

Why is it worse to be attracted to someone's status than their looks? If anything, being attracted to status is less abhorrent and repugnant than being attracted to someone purely based on how they look.

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@hoodrow trillson

30 minutes ago, hoodrow trillson said:

This smells like some incel, redpill, poopoopill 

This smells like some evolutionary psychology. Read David Buss.

I criticized men too.

Men like young fertile women even if themselves are very old, and they want to have sex with multiple women. This is disturbing too. The desire for sexual variety is a big source of conflict.

And women like status and resources or properties that lead to resources. There are many other variables in the equation too. Not just that. But this is a big one for sure. And i know from experience too.

Why do you think men chase power??Because thats what women want. 

Why do women care about beauty? Because thats what men want.

Edited by SQAAD

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34 minutes ago, something_else said:

What is so ridiculous/repugnant/abhorrent/disturbing about women being attracted to status?

Why is it worse to be attracted to someone's status than their looks? If anything, being attracted to status is less abhorrent and repugnant than being attracted to someone purely based on how they look.

Yeah sure, such arguement could be made.. Its very relative what is repugnant or not. For most men it is repugnant if a woman cares too much about status. They find it superficial. But same could be told about physical appearance too..

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Status is the ultimate game. Which is why celebrities get laid so easily.

But think of it this way, status is a really quick sign of a high value person. Celebrities are usually massive sources of value. And value is what everyone is attracted to.

Why sleep with a nobody when you can sleep with a somebody??

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@SQAAD Status is the end game for everything not just game and dating and this is why everybody seeks it like thirsty dogs. 

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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Social power, to clarify. This is social survival.

I remember a story about the animal with the most extravagant, colorful looks wins the game. This involves not only looks but notably other factors like fame and wealth.

It's a social show you put on in order to manipulate others (to make them see yourself attractive and interesting). 

Sure. An "ugly" and famous soccer player can be more successful in this regard than even attractive nobodies. Women look primarily for social status. That already predetermines their perception of a potential mate.

Wealthy, famous and funny= ideal recipe.

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I couldn't stand to date a celebrity usually quite stuck up and naracisstic, fame can ruin a persons integrity and authenticity when they're bombarded with desperate attention 24/7

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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5 hours ago, SQAAD said:

For most men it is repugnant if a woman cares too much about status

Yea because it makes them insecure as fuck because they don’t have any status to speak of

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7 hours ago, something_else said:

If anything, being attracted to status is less abhorrent and repugnant than being attracted to someone purely based on how they look.

I kinda agree with that. Looks is something you are born with, you didn’t do any work for it. What is truly attractive is people who do great things in their life, achieve success, change the world, etc. Of course if the guy is a multi millionaire, but he just inherited money from mommy and daddy, or did one good investment that would be a complete turn off. I think what needs to be highlighted here is where the status comes from. I mean even most men would want to befriend a guy that is building such an amazing life for himself.

Edited by no_name

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Status is beautiful. What some men fail to get is that beautiful women do need high status and a level of sucess to show up in the game as beautiful women. They take beauty for granted. It takes time and money to take care of yourself properly and keeping up with all physical and emotional changes that happen. Yes, we are able to totally reinvent ourselves and be beautiful. So, beauty and status are interlinked. A high status man would know how to appreciate that, even if it's just for a brief moment. It's just my perspective.

Edited by Fernanda

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3 minutes ago, Fernanda said:

A high status man would know how to appreciate that, even if it's just for a brief moment. It's just my perspective.

Yeah he will appreciate it well before cheating on you next week. Most of those high status individuals cannot keep their dicks in their pants.


"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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10 minutes ago, LSD-Rumi said:

Yeah he will appreciate it well before cheating on you next week. Most of those high status individuals cannot keep their dicks in their pants.

I am talking about appreciation not dicks!

But I get your perspective. 

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@Leo Gura

16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Status is the ultimate game. Which is why celebrities get laid so easily.

But think of it this way, status is a really quick sign of a high value person. Celebrities are usually massive sources of value. And value is what everyone is attracted to.

Why sleep with a nobody when you can sleep with a somebody??

Yes this can be a useful heuristic but at the same time it is highly 'unfair' for the 99% of people who are not a somebody and never will be.

Most high value people, had high value parents. Also most celebrities are incredible lucky. In most cases power has more to do with matter of circumstance rather any anything else.

There are people very wise and educated who are poor. And there are people with incredible status that are a bunch of dark triad narcissistic psychopaths or just born into the right circumstances.

I can become  a serial kiiller today. And then when i go to prison, i can have beautiful women sending me mails and wanting to marry me. This is just an insane hack .

Check Richard Ramirez, Ted Bundy. They all married in prison lol. These are some of the worst human beings on planet earth. 

The real fundamental reason why men pursue power and status its because thats what women want.

But this creates a problem for women too. Their high value partners rarely don't cheat or don't abuse them in some way or another.

My point is that if you want to survive as a woman you can sleep with someone like Genghis Khan and thats what you'll probably do. But maybe if you decided to sleep with someone like Jesus Christ, then the world would be a much better place. It would probably lower the massive inequality of resources too. 

Edited by SQAAD

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@SQAAD Don't take this the wrong way but I do get slightly bitter/incel vibes from you in the way you talk about dating.

Of course dating isn't fair. Nothing is fair. At least as a guy you can control your sexual value a lot more than a girl can

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9 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

Most high value people, had high value parents. 


And there are people who cannot even walk. Life is not fair, but that doesn't make it bad.  If you have something enjoy it, if you don't have something, then seek it and in all your conditions love life. it is hard to love life while it is unfair but this is the challenge.

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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Sex is about survival but also about self esteem. She thought "can I fuck this rich guy? If I can that would mean I'm still sexworthy and not an old tard". Women get especially insecure when they hit their 30'ies. They know the ship is sinking and they are constantly checking their sexual worth. If you understand the situation and you have your shit together you can pillage around.

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6 minutes ago, something_else said:

@SQAAD Don't take this the wrong way but I do get slightly bitter/incel vibes from you in the way you talk about dating.

Of course dating isn't fair. Nothing is fair. At least as a guy you can control your sexual value a lot more than a girl can

No i don't subscribe to these ideologies.

Men are not better either. They perpetuate the worst kind of sexual violence and almost have a monopoly on rape, sexual coercion and etc.

Am i bitter? Yes but in general. I find that we are all a bunch of stupid egotistical narcissistic apes who can't control ourselves very much and maybe the world would be better without us. I wouldn't mind if all humanity was erased tomorrow from this planet. Wouldn't bother me one bit. 



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2 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

Am i bitter? Yes but in general. I find that we are all a bunch of stupid egotistical narcissistic apes who can't control ourselves very much and maybe the world would be better without us. I wouldn't mind if all humanity was erased tomorrow from this planet. Wouldn't bother me one bit. 

Perhaps letting this belief go is a key to unlocking you a greater life, abundance and prosperity overall.


Whatever we believe is what we're trying to see the proof of in real life. And you can see proof for anything you imagine. Just check out flat earthers ?

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