
Is there any point to taking up a combat sport?

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I know a few YouTubers who've done combat sports. But is there any point to it?

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Brazilian Jujitsu is a relatively low impact combat sport that is great exercise, teaches self defense, etc.

Its great for countless things and so are some other combat sports. But BJJ is low impact this low risk and open to many young and old, serious and beginner.

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First, I would draw a bit of a distinction between sport and art. Combat sports tend to focus more on competition than many martial arts do. I would say that many martial arts—especially traditional martial and military arts—have a much greater focus on both the “art” and on lethal techniques than sports have. Of course, there is a lot of crossover between the categories. Some martial arts lend themselves better to competition than others. For example, Some martial arts concentrate on weapons like knife fighting and chain whips—and how competitive can a person really get with chain whips or even rubber daggers?—and other arts focus on a high quality of life life into old age, to greatly enhance practices like seated meditation, for example.

With your question about combat sports, I pick up on the aspect of competition more than aspects like the ability to kill people, defend one’s self in a dangerous situation, or improve health and cognition (of course, combat sports can have those elements).

Competition can be quite satisfying and meaningful for many people. Many people find competition to be an interesting thing to spend their time and lives on. “Keep it real.” Competitive sports can be a path of mastery, and a context to form profound relationships with diverse people. 

Competition can also develop a person’s psychology, and contextualize their efforts or skill (or lack of efforts or skill) in other areas of life. For example—a job might feel hard, but a fight applies a level of intensity that can then transfer over to areas of life—like applying much more intense efforts and consistency in financial order or cleanliness.

Competition can also transfer over to other areas of life in dysfunctional ways. Competition can externally validate superiority—and this validation can positively boost a person’s positive self esteem or increase their cruelty toward others.


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If you care for being able to defend yourself and people you love or just be a punching bag ?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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It's an odd question. Why would you assume there ISN'T a point to it? Millions of people do combat sports and find it meaningful. People devote their entire lives to mastering it. People pay to watch it. Would millions of people do something that they find pointless?

How are you defining something "having a point"? If you mean if it will be meaningful or worthwhile to you, only you can decide that. Is there any point to painting, singing, learning to become a good cook, skiing, being a race car driver, or anything else?

Are there any embedded assumptions you're making, like eventually you'll become so woke that violence won't have a place in your life so there's no point in learning it now?

Edited by Yarco

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What is a point?

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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21 hours ago, Benton said:

Look at Bruce Lee.

Also you get to decide what the point of anything is.




   Nice quotes from Bruce Lee, who's one of many of my role models in my self actualisation journey.

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If you think there is, there is.

If you think you'll deal with low consciousness jerks who will try to fight you then it could be useful.

For me personally it's useless really. I can't deny it is cool to watch though. If someone wanted to kill me they could do it ? . Only a bullet would be needed

Edited by Espaim

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On 28.5.2022 at 6:39 AM, Magnanimous said:

I know a few YouTubers who've done combat sports. But is there any point to it?

Of course. If youre not yet doing any kind of deliberate movement practice like sports, dance, yoga etc. this will be such a huge boost to your quality of life. The body is meant to move. So much anxiety, insecurity and sickness in our world today just stems from, or is at least partially caused and made worse by us sitting in a chair all day, staring at computer screens or looking at our phones (basically our neocortex/rational-/egomind being disembodied and thus causing us to feel dissociated and not connected to life). Getting in touch with your physiology and instincts (brain stem) and with all the emotions and trauma (limbic system) in your body is extremely meaningful and beneficial and brings you toward greater wholeness. Combat sports is probably one of the best ways to do that, so I would highly encourage you give it a try!

“We are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.” - Heraclitus

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