
If I am God and you are God, then can we communicate through God?

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I am God, you are God. When you realise that you are God, you see the same God that I see when I realise that I am God. It's a shared reality. Is it possible to use the fact that we are both the same entity in order to communicate with each other instantly, even if we're miles away?

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You would just communicate with yourself.

When "we" are the same GOD there is no more me and you and it's only one thing which of course is YOU.

To realize GOD is to understand everything is you and it is completely same feeling when you are in lucid dream and realize that everyone here including your character is fake and only one who is real is the DREAMER which also is YOU.

Who told you that "others" are real?

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21 minutes ago, thenondualtankie said:

even if we're miles away?

Being miles away from “others” is something you are imagining.

For example, there is no me somewhere in physical time and space, I’m only where you imagine me to be.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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There is no "You" and "I". There is nothing to see. Those are just mental musings and gymnastics.

There is no one here to realize god. This is precisely the illusion.

Bodies happen. Communication between bodies happen. They happen to no one.

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@thenondualtankie If you realized you are God there would be no one left to communicate with but yourself.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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“I” would be willing to bet that “we” are communicating through “God” many miles apart from each other right now. 

Will trade insights and guidance from a decade of intense spiritual practice and study for insights into how to hang drywall efficiently. PM me. 

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6 hours ago, thenondualtankie said:

I am God, you are God. When you realise that you are God, you see the same God that I see when I realise that I am God. It's a shared reality. Is it possible to use the fact that we are both the same entity in order to communicate with each other instantly, even if we're miles away?

God does exactly that on this forum through different avatars who seem to be miles apart from each other but in reality only talking to itself here and now.

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On 23/01/2022 at 6:49 PM, thenondualtankie said:

I am God, you are God. When you realise that you are God, you see the same God that I see when I realise that I am God. It's a shared reality. Is it possible to use the fact that we are both the same entity in order to communicate with each other instantly, even if we're miles away?

No, telepathy etc discredits actual verifiable truth. I hate that BS.

As per first response, space is not real, nobody is miles away from you they're within you. If there's no such place as an out there then all things and people are really at the place called here. It's not only semantics that we both call the place we're at "here".

There aren't actually other people to communicate with. Because other people are you masquerading in another mask. Time is not real, space is not real.

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9 hours ago, RMQualtrough said:

No, telepathy etc discredits actual verifiable truth. I hate that BS.

Listen to feeling, not belief and discordant misinterpretation. People arriving at assumptions for not having directly experienced spread ignorant conjecture. Ya gotta not believe discord simply for how it feels. It’s all the same light wether the communication is through the internet, sound waves vocally, or telepathically, and that is really introductory. There is unthinkable mystical (normal) experience to be experienced. There is a sweet spot between ignorance and nondual snobbery. It’s bigger than a football field, yet is so commonly missed via thought attachment, arrogance, pride, vanity, and overall really, ignorance &  suppression. 



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Went for a walk and was drawn to a faded name on an old truck parked at the back of someone's yard. Didn't know why, didn't make any sense. Later that day got the message my neighbor with the same name passed away. 

Stuff like that is easily dismissed, just see what happens when you don't dismiss. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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3 hours ago, Nahm said:

Listen to feeling, not belief and discordant misinterpretation. People arriving at assumptions for not having directly experienced spread ignorant conjecture. Ya gotta not believe discord simply for how it feels. It’s all the same light wether the communication is through the internet, sound waves vocally, or telepathically, and that is really introductory. There is unthinkable mystical (normal) experience to be experienced. There is a sweet spot between ignorance and nondual snobbery. It’s bigger than a football field, yet is so commonly missed via thought attachment, arrogance, pride, vanity, and overall really, ignorance &  suppression. 

Don't believe it, I also can't hover or flap my arms and go flying around the sky. It obscures truth by association with New Age stuff, and also this is random people's objections as to why they refuse to believe obvious truth... New Age ideas are scaring people away from exploring demonstrable facts, I wish it would disappear.

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It’s a matter of direct experience. As an example, people having NDE’s. Telepathy is interpreted as new agey, only because you haven’t directly experienced it. Telepathy doesn’t really have anything to do with hovering, flapping your arms, or flying. Schrödinger’s cat & the double slit are ime really great for cracking that “facts” shell open. 



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On 23/01/2022 at 6:49 PM, thenondualtankie said:

I am God, you are God. When you realise that you are God, you see the same God that I see when I realise that I am God. It's a shared reality. Is it possible to use the fact that we are both the same entity in order to communicate with each other instantly, even if we're miles away?

It's possible. What you are describing is telepathy!

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2 hours ago, Nahm said:


It’s a matter of direct experience. As an example, people having NDE’s. Telepathy is interpreted as new agey, only because you haven’t directly experienced it. Telepathy doesn’t really have anything to do with hovering, flapping your arms, or flying. Schrödinger’s cat & the double slit are ime really great for cracking that “facts” shell open. 

I know about those things. Schrödinger is one of us, very into the Vedas. With the slit experiment, observer does not necessarily mean conscious observer as I recall.

I still do not believe telepathy is real, when somebody can just reel off details about the room I'm in, my interest will be piqued. I think moreso, two people verbally communicating is actual telepathy happening since everything is one mind-like setup. You are reading my mind but your mask is not.

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