
Forecast 2022 Teal Swan

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I don't know what to think about this. After watching this, feels like everything is hopeless I was very positive about creating my dream life, finding my soulmate, learning dutch to move in Netherlands. Now if what she say is true, we will have wars, economy crisis... I'm not rich enough to move into a peaceful country or to face an economic crisis. 

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Stop giving so much authority to other people. You are insulting your own existence.


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Teal Swan is full of it

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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Forecasting the future is a fool's game.

Stop caring what others are up to and do what you know you gotta do to build a great life. While others are whining and raving, you are patiently working on your LP and yourself.

I broke out of wage slavery in 2008-2009, in the middle of the worst economic crises of our lifetime. People were whining and raving, I was working hard and making a bunch of money.

There is enormous opportunity to be seized in any era or world situation.

You are not a statistic. Don't treat yourself as one.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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You can't predict the future. Nobody really can. And if things are negative overall, they can be positive for you. 

We our affected by our own actions most of the time and much less by the happenings of the world. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Gabith you are manipulating emotions and seeking for attention. First of for if teal swan says is it true?

even if the universe is going to end today with alarm set you got to do what you need to do and enjoy life. what you mention as problem is dust from infinite the problem what it is there. we live in a trust with God. 

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@Gabith The thing is, she speaks to the collective on the collective level.  I agree w/ what she says, but you as an individual can change your life.  You're not the collective, you are an individual.  But be okay with the changes on a collective level.  It's like weather forecasting, not exact, just enough, and with plenty of wiggle room.

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Thank you for your responses. I was feeling better. 

This night I had a dream where I was listening to a Porcupine Tree's album with my father (an album that I didn't knew, like a hidden album) 
I saw the list of the songs and I remembered clearly of the title "Jeopardy" I didn't know what this word mean and when I woke up I wanted to know. So I typed it on google and I saw that is means "risk of loss, peril or danger" 

It's quite rare when I remember details in my dreams and especially a word that I didn't know before... so I'm worried again 
I don't know if dreams can predict future or if it's just me who is making up things in my mind to worry more about future. 

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None of what she's saying requires dreams or some supernatural ability.

Tension has been building on many borders for 10 years, if anything she's 10 years late making the prediction. She's talking about the big countries but there are many small  ones experiencing the same thing. Just read this:

There is a movement for simplicity, I watched a recent documentary the other day about its success, but I don't know if it'll compete with people's love for material goods on a par. Money still rules much of life.

The fact we are still not on solar, wind, biofuels etc, well there has been a resource crisis coming for 50 if not 100 years. So *shrug*. Maybe they will relax the laws on things like Hemp Growth or make laws on designing green engines so they are not bought out before they reach market.

I do get the response to teal videos in general, she lectures to the collective on how to be. Switching from making videos helpful, or not, to the individual in 2013, which was in a completely different tone. I usually have the same response myself, but this was something I could get through without turning it off.

As far as dreams go they can give you a picture of the day ahead, from my understanding and experience via the subconscious, which stores vast amounts of information. The trouble with it is, its often a metaphor rather than a direct picture, and people fall into the trap of interpreting the subconscious, image for image or word for word. So it becomes difficult to get much from it.

Edited by BlueOak

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On 1/2/2022 at 9:22 AM, Loba said:

@Gabith The thing is, she speaks to the collective on the collective level.  I agree w/ what she says, but you as an individual can change your life.  You're not the collective, you are an individual.  But be okay with the changes on a collective level.  It's like weather forecasting, not exact, just enough, and with plenty of wiggle room.


my mini-blog! 

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