
My 2nd LSD Trip Made My Life 15/10 - Heaven on Earth

30 posts in this topic

This is a continuation of the first post that I made 1 month ago.

If you are interested in reading it first, you can find it here:

I did my 2nd LSD trip on Sep 14th, the dose was 50ug. Although it might seem small, the effects and changes were super high. In my first post, Leo and other members have told me that I'm more sensitive to psychedelics than other people, so a 50ug dose for me is probably 150-200ug dose for someone who is not as sensitive to psychedelics as me.

I will mainly talk about the life changes that proceeded after the 2nd trip. I will use the spiral dynamics model to rank the changes.

It took me around 10-15 hours to plan out and write this out, so it should be an interesting story.

We will start from Stage Orange changes and go all the way to Stage Turquoise changes, so the more you read, the more interesting it will get.

And I know that some changes might fit in other stages or are not a perfect fit. I just wanted to make the post like this, so it is more fun to read.

For clarification again, I'm 21 years old.



Stage Orange Changes


1. Processing speed got improved (watching and reading much faster)

  • It seems like my CPU got a slight upgrade and I can process information much faster
  • For example, I can watch videos at 3.5-4x speed and comprehend everything with no problem (at 4x+ comprehension starts to drop, so I usually watch videos at 3-3.5x to always have 100% comprehension)
  • If someone is interested in this, you can install google chrome extension, so you are not limited to the usual max 2x speed (
  • Also, I can read much much faster, rn I can get through 2 books per week in 45-60mins of reading per day
  • This helps me a ton since I want to research and learn about so many things from many different fields, so this saves me a ton of time


2. Distractions have become totally powerless

  • One of the last distractions that I hadn’t removed before the trip was reddit/yt scrolling and mindless internet time wasting
  • Now the negative side effects of doing any distraction activities are so clear that its literally harder to do it than to ignore it (it got reversed)
  • Before my brain was like, "lets get this dopamine", now as soon as I try to do the activity I instantly see it as a time/life wasting mosquito that literally has no other purpose than to give me instant gratifications for XX minutes and therefore I no longer do any of these activities


3. Pushing through limits is super easy

  • The most straightforward way I found this out is when I realized how easy it is to push through the limits in the gym and outdo myself from one week ago
  • Another example is the meditation one that I will mention later


4. Hyper level of focus

  • For example, I can literally sit and focus on a single task for 4 hours without needing a break without any problems, and I can do this consistently every single day
  • For example, In the mornings, I usually work from 8-12:30, and in this 4.5h I can get as much work done as I did in probably 5 days 2 months ago
  • Also, I watched Leo's interview with Curt (2nd one) in one sitting without any problems (I had it at 3x speed though)
  • So this allows me to take action on all the ideas I get and move at a much faster pace than I used to, I can probably get results 5-10x faster compared before (this is a guess)
  • If productivity could be placed on this spiral, this would be stage turqoise level of focus/productivity, haha


5.  In the last month, I probably got 100-200 smaller ideas

  • So every day, I'm literally getting bombarded with so many ideas that I almost cant keep up, 
  • However good thing is that not only my idea/creativity got leveled up, but also the work/discipline/focus so I can implement almost at the same rate as Im getting the ideas (although I always have more ideas than time to implement them, but Im not falling behind a lot)


6. Skill learning speed got increased

  • For example, I wanted to learn how to type faster, and I realized that I had completely bad habits for typing
  • Because of this I almost had to start from 0 since the typing habits were very different from my previous one (other fingers striking different keys on the keyboard)
  • And I managed to go from like 15WPM to 80-90WPM in like 2-3 weeks with few minutes of practice per day


7. Becoming the person I imagined to be

  • I always had an image of how I wanted to be in 2025, how I wanted to walk, talk and think
  • And after 2 trips, it seems like I attracted and became this person and gone even beyond it, which is insane
  • Also, this gave me a realization that I need to set up my "future me" once again, I really wonder how far you can go with all this.. 


8. Spiritual practicality

  • It's hilarious, because before, I always thought that all this spiritual "voo voo" stuff is just mental masturbation and philosophy that is useless in the real world since it is not practical
  • But oh my god, I couldn’t have been more wrong, this is literally the most practical stuff that exists, to the point where I haven’t encountered anything that is close even a tiny bit to this. 
  • If I had to place spiritual growth on a scale compare to regular self help, it would be like comparing Empire State Building to a little house, or stage turquoise to stage red, its not even close
  • And since business and entrepreneurship are my deepest passions, my inner stage orange realized that this is the easiest way to grow a business


9. Growth to me is what Truth is to Leo

  • Maybe thats the reason why I receive this amount of growth from not so high doses and trips
  • Leo's seeking for Truth is similar to my passion for Growth
  • I've realized that growth is a super big part of me, in a way that I want to grow to my fullest potential in every single area of my life
  • - In business, relationships, fitness, health, spirituality and all different subfields that pick my interest and the most important one, I don't want to change myself I want to grow and evolve the whole WORLD



Stage Green Changes

Now lets move a bit to the right brain stuff


10. Reading people's faces/inner states

  • I can instantly know how other people feel and what they think to a certain degree by just looking at their faces and body language


11. Super introvert and super extrovert flexibility

  • It feels like if I need to be super introverted and just work/read/learn, I can do it super well and I get really annoyed if someone interrupts me while Im working in this introverted mode
  •  But on the other hand, I can also be super extroverted. I feel like I can talk to other people for hours and hours without needing a break, and its super fun and not as exhausting as it used to be
  • I also feel like I could public speak in front of 1000 people without a problem, while before it was probably one of my biggest fears, lol


12. Can’t wait for the next day

  • When I go to sleep each night, I literally cannot wait for the next day to come. Sometimes I'm so excited I literally have trouble with falling asleep 
  • Usually, before this was happening whenever there was a "big day" tomorrow where something that excites me so much is going to happen
  • However, now, I have this feeling every day, super crazy


13. No boredom

  • Ever since the first trip, I have felt 0 boredom, as every moment that I'm living is super super fun 
  • And anything that I'm doing, whether its working, learning, socializing, going to the gym, researching, thinking, journaling literally anything, it's super fun and exciting all the time


14. Switch the care from making the most money to creating the best product

  • Before, I was kinda obsessed with making the most profit within my business
  • However, now I just want to create the best possible product with my team
  • And I realized that counter intuitively in the long run this will end up making me way more money than the previous model 


15. Caring much more about what goes into my body

  • Before, I would have these binge eating episodes where I would eat "shit food", not so much on a regular basis since I cleared most of this stuff out but rather here and there (like once or twice a week)
  • But now I have 0 cravings for such food. Maybe if I go out with friends, but that’s the highest limit, I will most likely cut this out as well in the future as my consciousness rises even more


16. I've become much more selfless

  • I no longer care about satisfying my own needs as much as I care about changing the whole world for the better
  • Although I still do have egoic cravings, its not anywhere near where it was before


Stage Yellow Changes

Now, lets switch back to the left brain at the a more advanced level


17. Learning

  • Learning has become much much more enjoyable, and its literally on the level of playing a video game
  • So this, combined with the upgraded learning speed, means I will be able to learn at an exponential rate compared to before, which is super cool


18. Problem solving level upped

  • Since all my knowledge became much more interconnected with each other, it seems as the problem solving skills have been upgraded to a whole new level, and solving each problem became much easier


19. New stage of life

  • Ever since the first trip, it looks like the new chapter of my life has been started
  • Before, I was hitting limits of stage orange self development and now it seems as I've shifted into this higher level of self-development where the highest potential seems like its bigger than anything I have ever imagined


20. Can't repeat the same mistake twice

  • Before, some lessons had to be really drilled in before I learned it (=making the same mistake more than once)
  • However now, it seems as I can integrate the lesson almost immediately and never repeat the same mistake again, which helps me grow at a much faster pace
  • Its not a super strict rule, like I need to make only one mistake in everything to get a lesson, but its much much less than before


21. Spiral dynamics boost

  • Psychedelics are probably the most amazing tool for spiral dynamics stage development 
  • -It not only moved me up the spiral but also helped me integrate all the good aspects of lower stages


22. Taking the maximum out of every situation

  • This one will make more sense when I start to explain stage turquoise changes, but basically, I feel as I can take out as much as I could out of every situation in a way that it couldn't have been more perfect
  • The realization where I got this is when I played a FPS teamplay video game (Valorant) and it seemed like every single round I did and achieved the best possible outcome I could have achieved (as I've said, this will make more sense once we get into the turquoise changes)


23. Changing the world

  • This one is yellow/turquoise since it seems like my intuition is telling me that I'm going to change the world in some BIG BIG way
  • I still don't know what this is going to look like, but let the future unfold itself



Stage Turquoise Changes

Now we are getting to the best part of the post (Stage Turquoise Tier 1)


24. Authentic self

  • After the trip ended, literally the first video on my Leo-To Watch playlist was "Understanding The Authentic Self", Synchronicity khm
  • And literally, all of the left over qualities of authentic self that I haven’t achieved before the trip finally got "unlocked", so now I’m fully embodying every quality that he has mentioned in that video


25. Fully fearless

  • I no longer fear anything, the biggest thing that I feared before the trip was death, but now even this one is gone
  • So this makes me feel really unstoppable, since stepping out of any comfort zone seems like a childs play now


26. Aligned with my principles and beliefs all the time, living in full integrity

  • Before I had all these ideas of how I should be, how others should be, and I even preached to other people you should do this and this, however I was not even aware that sometimes I wasn’t really embodying these principles myself
  • Same as the stage blue people want to be seen in a good light and they talk how the world should be, how other people should be, how nice and sweet they are, but behind closed doors most of their actions don't reflect those beliefs
  • However now, I live fully in integrity with my values all the time, so I started to fully walk my talk while before I didn't


27. Vivid memories

  • This is a cool one. When I remember a specific memory and focus really deeply on that memory it is as if I'm literally transported to that place again and I can feel all the feelings, touch, smells, sounds, similarly how you feel when lucid dreaming, but it's done in a waking state instead
  • It feels like I can transfer my consciousness back in time to that certain moment


28. Full emotional control

  • It seems as if I can fully control my emotions 
  • And not only that, but an understanding of all my emotions became much more clear


29. Deceiving of ego is becoming much more clear

  • All the little lies and deceiving mechanisms of ego start to become more visible
  • So this automatically gives ego less power over me
  • And this made me realize that the more you serve the ego, the shittier life you will have (not 100% the case, but most of the time)


30. Left and Right brain working together in harmony

  • It seems as I can get the best from both worlds
  • Before, I was heavy left brained, but now my right brain got boosted so high, which unlocked so much of my potential
  • And boosted left brain will help me integrate this potential at a much faster pace than before


Now we are getting to the supernatural territory :) (Stage Turquoise Tier 2)


31.  Channeling ideas from infinite creativity/intelligence 24/7

  • For example, I wanted to do a simple task on organizing my summaries for books, but then I got 5 more ideas on how I can improve my reading to the next level
  • It gave me an idea on how to summarize the books in order to help me with  extracting more golden nuggets when I look on this summary sometimes in the future
  • Then I got an idea of how I can underline, highlight and mark important parts and ideas of the books that I can also look at sometimes in the future 
  • Then I got an idea on how I can improve my retention while reading
  • Then, I got an idea that I can use audio+phyisical book combo for faster reading and retaining more
  • So this is just a simple example, but the stuff like is starting to happen in almost everything I do. I get an idea and then it gets fractally bigger and better 
  • But the main key is that these techniques are 100% designed for me, you probably know when you try different techniques from different teachers and how sometimes they dont work for you, but all these ideas that I get seem as they are 100% desinged for me/my brain type/personality type or however you want to categorize yourself


32. Synchronicity

  • This is a big one
  • Every day I get around 10-15 of these syncronistic events and it came to the point where they no longer even surprise me since it happened so many times already, but its still funny to see other people's reactions that are with me when it happens 
  • Here are some of the examples of these
  • 1. This happened between the first and 2nd trip and it no longer happens idk why, but here it is. Basically, whenever I drove by the soccer/football stadium in my town I had my playlist playing and every time I drove past it, the song "Waka Waka" would play, which basically a soccer/football world cup 2010 song
  • Here it is ->
  • This was the first one that I noticed because it happened literally 10 times in a row and every time, I was like no way (playlist was always on shuffle/random and there were around 30 songs in the playlist so try to calculate the possibility(near impossible))
  • This made me realize that something bigger was going on and after this one I started to see more and more of these events
  • 2. Working out / beat drop timing
  • When I'm working out and I have my playlist on (it is a hardsyle one haha), on 90% of sets the beat drops literally on the second I start to do the set, which of course gives me the boost with my gym gains since the music pumps me up and I can automatically go harder beyond the limit
  • This is a really cool one, since I can see faster gym progress than before, so this is how stage turquoise lifting looks like, haha
  • 3. Perfect timing all the time
  • So I usually have a routine that I follow and I want to finish things at XX time
  • Although again this doesnt happen every single time, it happens like 80% of the time
  • So for example I want to finish my morning work phase at 12:30, and guess what happens the second I finish my last task bam its 12:30
  • Okay another example (this one happens 95% of the time), I want to finish my workout at 17:00, I finish my last set, put the weight down, look at the clock guess the time, its 17:00
  • Okay, now I want to get to sleep at 22:00, I finish my book reading session, I finish my night routine, I go to the bed, look at the clock, guess the time, yes its 22:00
  • And this happens all the time to the point where I no longer need to think if I'm going to be done on time, I just let my intuition guide me and it works perfectly every time
  • 4. Song playlist finishes as I eat my last bite
  • So I was eating a meal, I had my playlist turned on and just as the last song came to an end in that last second I eat my last bite of the meal
  • These are the coolest examples that happened, there are many many more , but there is much more interesting stuff than this that you will read later, so I dont want to get too stuck here


33. Hyper super human intuition

  • Not the coolest on the list, but this is by far my favorite one, which is the biggest factor that contributed to my new 15/10 life
  • I don't even know how to explain this one since its nothing like I've felt before, so let me try
  • Whatever I try to do seems as its a perfect action
  • Before I had this "macro intuition", for example it told me to drop out and start my own business, so I did and it was a good decision. It told me to start getting into fitness and self help, which I did and those were also great decsions
  • But this is different, this is like an "micro intuition", I know how to do every little thing, from how long I should stay in the shower, when I should start my work day, how should I structure it, what things I should do at the certain time
  • It basically feels like all my actions are completely perfect and every single day that I live is as perfect as it can get
  • Clear example of this is when I'm reading a book, I literally know the exact chapters I need to read that are going to give me info that I need, so I dont even have to go through whole book to extract the info that I need
  • It might be difficult to put this into words, but try to imagine some day of yours where everything went perfectly to the point where it couldn't have been a more perfect day. Now this is how I feel every single day.


I will try to explain these from few other different perspectives now.


34. All the things perfectly align 

  • So it just seem as I'm in a perfect place at the perfect time all the time
  • And the thing you call "luck", the one that people call "being at the right place at the right time" happens every day
  • For example, I meet the right people at the right time, I watch the right videos that give me the anwers to some of my questions at the right time, I get ideas that I can implement at the right time, I read the books that help me grow the most at the right time and the list goes on and on...
  • Here is a more clear example
  • First intution tells me "check your phone and go to yt", alright lets see what happens
  • I check my phone go on youtube, go on recommendations, scroll the right amount of time down, open the video and it was a Jordan Peterson's video on how to retain more from a book, which was something I was thinking about the day before. I instantly close the app and in like 2 mins I got the golden nugget that will increase my book reading retention to another level. (I mentioned this one earlier in the post)
  • Then another time, I go on youtube shorts scroll 2 times and the video is about how I should do a form for certain exercise that I had tomorrow in my gym routine and which I also questioned if I did the correct form for this exercise haha
  • Then at my business, I found the most perfect employee just at the right time when I needed him
  • And this list could go on and on as well
  • So to put it in short, it feels as I'm perfectly alligned with the universal flow and things just start to effortlessly fall on my lap


35. Everything is so effortless

  • When I started this journey, I used motivation to do stuff. However I realized that this is unsustainable, since sometimes you are motivated, sometimes you are not, so you cant consistently make progress with this mindset
  • Then I switched to using discipline to do stuff, but again it was like using brute force and yes it is much much better than relying on motivation to do your work, but again you usually crash after some time
  • But now I switched from discipline to flowing, which is a whole new level. Anything that I do is super effortless and easy, I don't need discipline or motivation to do it, I just do it. Whether its taking a cold shower, working on a project, going to the gym, reading a book, researching. Everything is as effortless as playing a video game, which not only makes the things easier to do, but it also makes them more fun.


36. Path of least resistance reverse

  • Before the path of least resistence was not doing the work and just wasting stuff on low life stuff, since to your brain more dopamine = do more of that
  • However, now it has switched and now the path of least resistance is doing the work and the lazy low life stuff is harder to do 
  • Since my intuition is so strong to the point where it literally screams at me if I do something that is "out of flow"
  •  literally tested this a few times and its really crazy, for example, one time micro intuition told me to close the yt after I watched 2min of a video that I needed to watch(jordan peterson/workout form examples) and then it told me to close yt and I resisted and kept scrolling, then it started "screaming" more and more to the point where I just needed to close it
  • Another example, I had my lunch ready and intuition told me to wash my hands and I said to myself lets test this out, I tried to eat my food without washing my hands and it was literally the hardest thing I tried to do, it came the point where it took me 4 minutes to take a bite and then I finally washed my hands. 
  • Imagine if you had a knife and you needed to cut your hand, you just cant. That's exactly how I felt in this example (not to this extreme, but close to this)


37. Universal flow

  • So all of this made me realize that letting yourself flow with the will of nature is the best way to live your life
  • I don't try to manipulate the reality anymore, I just go with the flow


38. No feeling of guilt

  • Before, I would feel guilty if  for example, I skipped a workout
  • However now, I don't feel any guilt or regret for any of my actions since I couldn't have done things more perfectly
  • Now, even if I skip a workout, it wasn't because of laziness (like it was before), now it is literally because there was something more important to do than the workout
  • So this really makes me feel more mentally free and happy


39. 1.5h determination sit

  • I wont get too much into details with this one like in my last post
  • Basically, I did a closed eye meditation in a determination sit where I didn't move for 1.5h
  • It felt like I entered the psychedelic state, but it was different from LSD for sure
  • At around 1h my legs started to really hurt(I've done this in the past and this was definitely different, it hurt way way more, most likely because of my sitting position), it literally felt like someone placed 30-40kg of weights on both of my legs
  • However, then I realized that somehow I managed to completely let go of the feeling of hurt if I focused on my breath strong enough to the point where I didnt feel it at all
  • Then after my concentration was broken (monkey mind jumped in), I felt it again 
  • And as the time went on "the weight" that was placed went up and up, at around 1:20h it was like 50kg of weights were on both of my legs
  • And at exactly 1:30 I couldnt have ignored it even with the concentration, because it was hurting really really bad and I stopped (for the following 1min  it felt like I broke my legs)


40. Taking 5MeO-DMT in my dream

  • (This happened between the 1st and 2nd trips, but I forgot to include it in the first post)
  • So this is a really strange one
  • I was listening to Joe Rogan talk about DMT (nn not 5meo) before I went to sleep
  • And then after I went to sleep in my dream I took 5meo
  • I cant really recall the experience now, but I could have in the first few minutes of waking up, so I instantly wrote down how it felt:
  • 1. Best life experience ever
  • 2. You are everything
  • 3. Whatever I wanted to know, I knew it instantly, the absolute truth was shown to me
  • 4. It lasted for eternity, but when it ended in the sleep, it felt like few minutes
  • Funny thing is that I never took 5meo in my life, so how could I know the experience of 5meo?
  • I've watched a few videos about 5meo, but I never took it. Are these even the sensations/experiences that you get on 5meo?
  • Maybe it was my interpretation of 5meo experience from the stuff I heard from other people


41. Visions of the future

  • This is a really cool one
  • So sometimes, when my music playlist is playing on shuffle, a song pops into my mind and guess what the next song is, it is that song that popped into my mind 20-60s before
  • Then, when a person is talking, sometimes I have a feel of what exact word they are going to say next, and they say exactly that
  • Then I had a vision of some personal events that are going to happen in the future (they havent happened yet, so this could be bs since I cannot confirm it yet)
  • However, this one I could confirm. I went on a gambling site and just watched a game similar to roulette (black or red color could show up), I wanted to test if I could guess what the next colors are going to be (I didnt play, I was just guessing). I managed to hit it right about 80% of the time, I had one streak of 10 hits in a row
  • - Basically, I go into the meditative state and listen to my intuition if its going to say black or red and I can hit it almost every time
  • - But, even if I do have this power I dont plan on using it for egoic selfish purposes, since it is not in integritiy with my beliefs and values
  • - So in a way it is a cool thing, but not really practical. If I had this when I was fully orange, those gambling sites would be in big trouble haha


42. And finally heaven on earth - 15/10 

  • If you've read the whole post, you can see how much my life has changed
  • All these changes literally created a heaven on earth for me, like every day I wonder how could this be real life, how can it be so nice and perfect
  • Why is it 15/10? Well before all this, I had some days that were literally 10/10 (usually when I would do almost everything perfectly, I did the work, I finished a workout session, I studied, havent fallen of any routine etc.), those were my 10/10 days. But if I had to compare every day of my life to that it is easily a 15/10 if not more
  • It feels like I'm at peace and the feeling of blissfulness is surging through my body 24/7 :)



This is the end of the post, it got quite long again, haha.


I hope you enjoyed it, but I do have some questions:

  1. Is it possible to take 5meo in my dream and experience 5meo psychedelic states if I never even took it in my life? Do the descriptions of my 5meo experience correspond with actual 5meo experiences?
  2. Is this what the religions call "Heaven/Nirvana/Paradise"?
  3. Anything that I might have missed or overlooked?


Edited by Motar
Formating changes

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Great post brother, and congrats for your positive changes. 

This is a very interesting story. It seems like 50ug LSD changed the neural connections in your brain permanently, you're propably genetically prone to that. 

Knowing that though, I'd be very careful with taking more psychedics. If 1 trip can permanently change your way of thinking and living for the better, you should expect change to be possible in both directions.

If I were you, I'd really be careful with frequent tripping and with increasing dosages. 

When introducing new psychedelics, I'd start with super small doses and build it up super slowly. 

Hope that heaven on earth continues for you man. You deserve it, as everybody does. Every happy person on this planet, makes this planet a better one. 

Interestingly, I also very recently had my 2nd Psychedelic trip ever, 150ug LSD. Utterly profound and transforming, if you're interested you can read my trip report here:

Cheers, peace out. 

Edited by Gregory1

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily

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Acid crazy man. Nowadays it takes me to infinity real quick. It's why I struggle to comprehend what the big fuss is about with DMT etc. I literally can become an infinite void of love and bliss off 100ug. At those high peaks of consciousness, I become the infinite singularity, so I really don't get what's "higher" than that. 

I don't read too much into spiral dynamics, to me it's a bit of a joke. I don't really need a model of ego development to tell me everything is imaginary. That's just me though, I'm sure it benefits some.


Edited by Godishere

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Awesome. Great synchronicity insights. Any chance you’re also experiencing all these roadside billboards for love? Kinda too much in an awesome way. 



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11 hours ago, Godishere said:

I don't read too much into spiral dynamics, to me it's a bit of a joke. I don't really need a model of ego development to tell me everything is imaginary. That's just me though, I'm sure it benefits some.



SD is a model to map out the psychological development of individuals and societies. 

Models are here for practical reasons. They help us to navigate our everyday life in an intelligent way. SD is a great, useful and very important model for that. 

Obviously though, no models could ever have anything to do with absolute truth / the highest possible insights. 

Edited by Gregory1

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily

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@Gregory1 yeah, but in terms of judging and comparing my own development, I personally don't feel the need to utilize a model for that. Once you realize God, everything is understood at the Absolute level. What more could you need. 

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19 minutes ago, Godishere said:

@Gregory1 yeah, but in terms of judging and comparing my own development, I personally don't feel the need to utilize a model for that. Once you realize God, everything is understood at the Absolute level. What more could you need. 

If you're just talking about spiritual development here, sure, models are propably not needed. 

But if you want to intelligently navigate relativity.. Which is our everyday human state of consciousness, you better have some models in your pocket

Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily

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On 10/11/2021 at 1:19 PM, Gregory1 said:

Great post brother, and congrats for your positive changes. 

This is a very interesting story. It seems like 50ug LSD changed the neural connections in your brain permanently, you're propably genetically prone to that. 

Knowing that though, I'd be very careful with taking more psychedics. If 1 trip can permanently change your way of thinking and living for the better, you should expect change to be possible in both directions.

If I were you, I'd really be careful with frequent tripping and with increasing dosages. 

When introducing new psychedelics, I'd start with super small doses and build it up super slowly. 

Hope that heaven on earth continues for you man. You deserve it, as everybody does. Every happy person on this planet, makes this planet a better one. 

Interestingly, I also very recently had my 2nd Psychedelic trip ever, 150ug LSD. Utterly profound and transforming, if you're interested you can read my trip report here:


Yeah, I'm starting to become aware of how powerful these things really are... When I'm holding a tab of LSD I literally feel like I'm holding some alien technology from the future, it's so mind blowing what this stuff can do. Because of this and because of my sensitivity I'm beyond cautious when it comes to using them, as you've said the trip can end up going both ways, so I only plan on using these powerful things in a most responsible way.

I've read your trip and it sounded amazing! I wish you all the luck and love for all you future trips :)



On 10/11/2021 at 1:31 PM, Godishere said:

Acid crazy man. Nowadays it takes me to infinity real quick. It's why I struggle to comprehend what the big fuss is about with DMT etc. I literally can become an infinite void of love and bliss off 100ug. At those high peaks of consciousness, I become the infinite singularity, so I really don't get what's "higher" than that. 

I don't read too much into spiral dynamics, to me it's a bit of a joke. I don't really need a model of ego development to tell me everything is imaginary. That's just me though, I'm sure it benefits some.


Amazing stuff! I hope that one day I can also experience this non-dual/god-realization stuff that you guys are talking about, really sounds like the peak of human experience.


On 10/11/2021 at 2:09 PM, Nahm said:

Awesome. Great synchronicity insights. Any chance you’re also experiencing all these roadside billboards for love? Kinda too much in an awesome way. 

Thanks! I actually forgot to write this one down, one of the first "syncronicical"(if thats even a word) things that I've noticed around 12h after the trip was this. I was laying in my bed and I just noticed how on the other side of the room this bag's sides were forming a heart which was really cool.



On 10/12/2021 at 1:01 AM, Gregory1 said:


SD is a model to map out the psychological development of individuals and societies. 

Models are here for practical reasons. They help us to navigate our everyday life in an intelligent way. SD is a great, useful and very important model for that. 

Obviously though, no models could ever have anything to do with absolute truth / the highest possible insights. 

I agree with @Gregory1. While I don't know how god realization feels like, I assume it transcends every model/theory/concept, but once you come down into your human form, you still need a way to navigate this reality, so in a way it can be very helpful.


It also helps me determine where I am and where I am going, so if you use it in this way it can surely help you in your every day life.


@Godishere If you decide to look into it, I would recommend you check out amazing series that @Leo Gura made, while as I've said it might be useless in your non-dual state, it can help you a lot in your every day life for sure.


Here is the series ->


Also here is the missing stage turquoise episode that got copyright striked ->


Hahahah now as I've pasted this, I noticed that my profile picture is similar to this thumbnail (I literally randomly picked this image when I created the account, I think I googled "infinity spiral" or smth like that).

Universe has a really awesome way of speaking to you.



Edited by Motar

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I liked the spiral break down. I can relate to a lot of the insights. Though, for me they don't tend to stick simply from a trip and require lots of manual work.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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On 10/11/2021 at 2:43 AM, Motar said:

I hope you enjoyed it, but I do have some questions:

  1. Is it possible to take 5meo in my dream and experience 5meo psychedelic states if I never even took it in my life? Do the descriptions of my 5meo experience correspond with actual 5meo experiences?
  2. Is this what the religions call "Heaven/Nirvana/Paradise"?

Firstly, good work on your thoroughness. That's some serious effort.

Sorry, so long, couldn't read it all.

However, to answer:

1) Yes it is possible to take psychedelics in your dreams and have even deeper trips than taking them in "real life". I have done that. But I did have lots of prior psychedelic experience. However, it's not like the insights in the dream trip are exact same as the insights in the normal trip. They can be significantly different. It's hard to say if they correspond because 5-MeO is experienced quite differently by different people. But generally what you're describing in within the ballpark. I have had some mystical realizations within my dreams which just don't correspond to any kind of psychedelic, but they are still legit realizations and some are very powerful and exotic.

Of course you should expect such a thing to be possible when everything is a dream. Physical DMT is dream stuff.

2) No, I would reserve Heaven/Nivrana/Paradise for even higher states. Imagine drowning in Infinite Love so deep it has no form and it never ends. That might be a better description of Heaven/Nirvana/Paradise. Or imagine just raw infinite pleasure forever. That might be closer to Heaven.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Firstly, good work on your thoroughness. That's some serious effort.

Sorry, so long, couldn't read it all.

However, to answer:

1) Yes it is possible to take psychedelics in your dreams and have even deeper trips than taking them in "real life". I have done that. But I did have lots of prior psychedelic experience. However, it's not like the insights in the dream trip are exact same as the insights in the normal trip. They can be significantly different. It's hard to say if they correspond because 5-MeO is experienced quite differently by different people. But generally what you're describing in within the ballpark. I have had some mystical realizations within my dreams which just don't correspond to any kind of psychedelic, but they are still legit realizations and some are very powerful and exotic.

Of course you should expect such a thing to be possible when everything is a dream. Physical DMT is dream stuff.

2) No, I would reserve Heaven/Nivrana/Paradise for even higher states. Imagine drowning in Infinite Love so deep it has no form and it never ends. That might be a better description of Heaven/Nirvana/Paradise. Or imagine just raw infinite pleasure forever. That might be closer to Heaven.

 i dont see how you can dream of taking 5meo without knowing exactly what it feels like.. since its very diff than lsd 

for example in my sniffing coke days i knew exactly what to expect so after some time when I stopped .. id have dreams of me doing coke and id experience the feeling of it then wake up and not have to crave it anymore because i already had it in my dream

but that wouldnt be posssible if i didntt know ''the feeling of it before hand''

so not having the feeling of 5meo then dreaming about it... i just dont see it possible

if anything he dreamed of doing it but felt more lsdish type since thats all he can compare and imagine it to be


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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Firstly, good work on your thoroughness. That's some serious effort.

Sorry, so long, couldn't read it all.

However, to answer:

1) Yes it is possible to take psychedelics in your dreams and have even deeper trips than taking them in "real life". I have done that. But I did have lots of prior psychedelic experience. However, it's not like the insights in the dream trip are exact same as the insights in the normal trip. They can be significantly different. It's hard to say if they correspond because 5-MeO is experienced quite differently by different people. But generally what you're describing in within the ballpark. I have had some mystical realizations within my dreams which just don't correspond to any kind of psychedelic, but they are still legit realizations and some are very powerful and exotic.

Of course you should expect such a thing to be possible when everything is a dream. Physical DMT is dream stuff.

2) No, I would reserve Heaven/Nivrana/Paradise for even higher states. Imagine drowning in Infinite Love so deep it has no form and it never ends. That might be a better description of Heaven/Nirvana/Paradise. Or imagine just raw infinite pleasure forever. That might be closer to Heaven.

Thanks for your thoughts, even better then. There is a long road ahead and Im really excited for it.


2 hours ago, Captain_Diabetes said:

 i dont see how you can dream of taking 5meo without knowing exactly what it feels like.. since its very diff than lsd 

for example in my sniffing coke days i knew exactly what to expect so after some time when I stopped .. id have dreams of me doing coke and id experience the feeling of it then wake up and not have to crave it anymore because i already had it in my dream

but that wouldnt be posssible if i didntt know ''the feeling of it before hand''

so not having the feeling of 5meo then dreaming about it... i just dont see it possible

if anything he dreamed of doing it but felt more lsdish type since thats all he can compare and imagine it to be


I also dont know how would this be possible, but again we still dont know a lot of things about this reality, so literally anything is possible,

I know for sure that it didnt feel anything like lsd, like not even close, this was infinitely times more bigger/stronger. As I've said, I cant recall the experience now, I could only recall it for like 5ish minutes after waking up, now I can remember me remembering the experience not the actual experience, which is kinda sad in a way since I wanted to compare it to actual 5meo experience once I do it.

But all of those things that I've listed, I truly felt them and it wasnt similar to anything I have previously experienced.

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It's possible the same way anything is possible: you dream it up.

Of course there is no gaurantee your dreams will correspond with your other dreams. But also they might. Dreams are strange things.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Motar Wow, congrats. The amount of details you put into it are amazing. Please keep posting regularly.

Just for info I'm not taking psychedelics because of weed induced DP/DR, so I haven't really been in your position.

A few things:

1. I call that perfection of existence "heaven", for the lack of a better description of the phenomenon. However "nirvana" is something different.

2. Why did you take that second dose? Did the first lose effect, were you curious? Did you feel different?

3. Are you aware of what can (and most often does) happen after (if) the positive effects of awakening fade away? Especially if you have emotional baggage for example.

And have you had Awakenings prior to psychedelics?


I'm interested in your long term effects. I'm wondering if you're gonna stay in that effortless state. Most time I've spent in it was 24-72hours. That it's been one month for you is already incredible.

So please continue keeping us updated.

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's possible the same way anything is possible: you dream it up.

Of course there is no gaurantee your dreams will correspond with your other dreams. But also they might. Dreams are strange things.

Exactly, from stage orange materialistic/scientific perspective, it doesn't make much sense, but since the current science understand probably 1-2% of reality, it isn't very smart to rely on it for the stuff like this.


It could have literally been anything, maybe it was a vision of my future that I've experienced in my dream, maybe I was inhabiting another person's body, maybe it was me in a parallel universe, there are endless possibilities, all that I know is that it felt more real than anything before.


9 hours ago, Endangered-EGO said:

@Motar Wow, congrats. The amount of details you put into it are amazing. Please keep posting regularly.

Just for info I'm not taking psychedelics because of weed induced DP/DR, so I haven't really been in your position.

A few things:

1. I call that perfection of existence "heaven", for the lack of a better description of the phenomenon. However "nirvana" is something different.

2. Why did you take that second dose? Did the first lose effect, were you curious? Did you feel different?

3. Are you aware of what can (and most often does) happen after (if) the positive effects of awakening fade away? Especially if you have emotional baggage for example.

And have you had Awakenings prior to psychedelics?


I'm interested in your long term effects. I'm wondering if you're gonna stay in that effortless state. Most time I've spent in it was 24-72hours. That it's been one month for you is already incredible.

So please continue keeping us updated.

Thanks, I will for sure.


I took the 2nd dose, because I have implemanted and integrated everything from the first trip, so I was ready to do it again. 

This + my intuition telling me to go in for the 2nd time.


I'm actually going in for the 3rd time today, so see ya again in a month with another huge post hahahahah.

(Same reasons as why I took the 2nd one)


3. I'm perfectly fine with that, whatever reality chooses to do I have no problems with it, even if all my growth was taken from me tomorrow, I'm okay with that.

I don't have any emotional baggage and 0 negative thoughts for almost a year and I'm very emotionally stable. I made sure to clear all this stuff up before I went in for the first time.

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3rd trip update:

Oh my god,

2 months wont be enough to get through all this.

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On 10/15/2021 at 4:08 PM, Endangered-EGO said:

@Motar Tell us about your insights into no-self, consciousness, mind and suffering!


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@Motar I also contemplate to try LSD, but probably not everybody changes after trips for better. How are you now?

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I wonder what other factors contributed to so many insights and changes from taking LSD? 

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