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About Buba

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  1. I stopped eating sweet a year ago and my diet is somehow healthy. I lost 12 kg in last year.
  2. I am begging God to send cure for this disease, but scientists do not even know what causes it.
  3. Is my pain of fibromyalgia, which started because my stupidness, a coincidence or my destiny pre-determined?
  4. It is incurable. I have checked reddit. There is no single case cured.
  5. I am experiencing intense pain non-stop every second for more than one month. I got fibromyalgia. Nothing helps, no medicine stops the pain. Because the pain does not have underlying condition. My body is healthy, but pain signals come non-stop, as if I am getting stabbed, my bones are getting crushed. I am in agony. And I am asking the God, why? Why did you do this to me? I was going to psychoanalysis for almost 5 years to heal myself. Why did not you let me to go on with psychoanalysis and get my nerve system healed. If I got healed Then I would never get fibromyalgia.
  6. I know I sound stupid, but I am in a desperate situation. I have got fibromyalgia and it is a disease nobody knows why it happens. I feel excruciating nerve pain in many places on my body and there is no reason behind it. All tests show me very healthy and brain sends horrible pain signals. It has been more than 1 month I got this disease and I am contemplating suicide, but I do not have guts to do it. Do you know any real mystics/guru, not a scammer, who can stop my pain? Or is there a spirit, demi god to stop my pain?
  7. But my life does not look like a coincidence, especially the bad things that happened to me. As if some higher being plotted it.
  8. Does it mean that we humans are highest intellectual conscious beings and there is no super being god who has a performance?
  9. This is not a coincidence. God planned everything to make my life horrible. Why? What is the point? I could live a nice life and engage in spirituality. I had lived much pain anyway, that was enough. Pain should not exist. For example, dragon does not exist. So there are things that do not exist and pain could be one of them. If somebody commits suicide, where is unconditional love?