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Bentinho Massaro

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Doesn't resonate with me, but if it does for someone else that's great

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@Waken Yeah I can understand that. Definitely was a nice change of pace and energy for me though.

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@Raptorsin7 Well, I have a quite strong preference for feeling peaceful and am fairly cautious and avoidant for people who I feel can have some sort of unstable anger leashes or something manipulative. Bentinho makes me feel a bit cautious that way. Same as with teal swan, but Bentinho gives me more of a vibe which I relate to a sense of dominance and like a sort of wanting to maintain power or so. Not saying he's bad news though, perhaps it's all not that bad, but it doesn't feel for me

Edited by Waken

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@Waken Yeah, I sense a bit something going on. People seem to enjoy his retreats. They seem okay. I can't tell yet if he is very conscious. He is definitely not completely a Zen devil but I am not sure. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I don't really resonate with his teachings (which says more about me than it does about him, I'm sure), but I like him anyway, he's a very charismatic, attractive guy.

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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He is highly intelligent, but something about his energies doesn't feel right. It does feel like an ego thing, that he is holding a lot of hurt, abger, fear, jealousy and other negative emotions, that fuel his desire to be someone and exhibit dominance over others. And all this cigar and fancy stuff is corny and low IMO. I suspect that those who resonate with him has some appeal for this luxury life style while being spiritual gimmick. Like an Osho thing - "I enjoy both spiritual and material aspects of life" - as if there is any difference. The difference might be that Osho used this gimmick to merge east and west and to socially experiment on creating different society (which proved a total failure because he didn't know how to handle the administration).

With facilitators like Spira, Adya, Ralston, and maybe more, Benitho is unnecessary. 

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So is Bentinho a guy who understands nonduality intellectually, but the understanding hasn't reached his emotions yet?

How does he transition into an authentic teacher?

@Batman @Waken


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These conversations about how conscious someone is that you haven't even met, feel like a talking into the wind.

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@Raptorsin7   Trying to figure out how conscious  spiritual teachers are based purely on their teachings is still guess work. You just don't know what's going on in their inner world. Just because one person's teachings might seem quite simple, and another's more vast, does not automatically mean the latter is more conscious. 

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5 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

So is Bentinho a guy who understands nonduality intellectually, but the understanding hasn't reached his emotions yet?

How does he transition into an authentic teacher?

@Batman @Waken


I think it’s a matter of these people just not being very familiar with him. Bentinho is highly awakened and authentic it seems. Very high level techniques. Like a young Rupert Spira that actually lets his personality show and is concerned less with nonduality and more with manifesting your true nature through intuition and emotional guidance.

Rather reminds me of Nahm / Phil / Actuality of Being

Apparently Bentinho was instrumental in Frank Yang’s path.

Edited by The0Self

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26 minutes ago, The0Self said:

I think it’s a matter of these people just not being very familiar with him. Bentinho is highly awakened and authentic it seems. Very high level techniques. Like a young Rupert Spira that actually lets his personality show and is concerned less with nonduality and more with manifesting your true nature through intuition and emotional guidance.

Rather reminds me of Nahm / Phil / Actuality of Being

Apparently Bentinho was instrumental in Frank Yang’s path.

Yeah he's a special talent, been teaching since he was like 19.

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15 minutes ago, Wilhelm44 said:

Yeah he's a special talent, been teaching since he was like 19.

Yeah. Seems to be in the same category as Adyashanti but he focuses on different things and goes about it in a different way.

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6 hours ago, Windappreciator said:

I dunno, seems too stylize oriented, too dresscode like.

It’s just his mirroring style, if anything. He wears totally random stuff that completely doesn’t even seem that way though...Watch more and you’d probably catch on.

On 8/6/2021 at 4:33 PM, Space said:

Relative to most people, yes. Relative to other teachers and highly conscious people, questionable.

If there are even any highly conscious beings on earth at all (questionable, relatively, considering the infinite nature of consciousness), then he is among the top. My strong intuition is that if you can’t recognize that, then you’re getting caught up in your expectations of how a “guru” should act. For instance, most can intuitively recognize Rupert Spira to be highly conscious, but less can recognize Leo as such, even though Leo has probably actually explored and developed further than Rupert Spira, even despite his younger age.

Essentially, Leo is too highly conscious to be recognized as such by many normies and relatively spiritually developed people alike. Bentinho is the same way, but perhaps even more so, at least partially because he has built his baseline almost entirely without psychedelics. Bentinho Massaro feels to be on the same relative vibrational level as Adyashanti, Nahm, and Frank Yang, for reference.

This is simply an interpretation, of course.

Edited by The0Self

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20 minutes ago, The0Self said:

Bentinho Massaro feels to be on the same relative vibrational level as Adyashanti, Nahm, and Frank Yang, for reference.

I know it’s probably a bad idea to start the whole spiritual dick measuring contest, but very curious - where would you place someone like Peter Ralston compared to these guys or Leo?

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59 minutes ago, Consilience said:

I know it’s probably a bad idea to start the whole spiritual dick measuring contest, but very curious - where would you place someone like Peter Ralston compared to these guys or Leo?

? Yeah I know...

But probably about the same... However, I’m not as highly familiar with his teachings as I am the other 4, so I can’t really say how I feel on the matter — it just wouldn’t be an apt comparison, if one could even be made at all. I’ve seen enough of him (Ralston) to know he’s very highly conscious, that’s for sure.

Edited by The0Self

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