
Islam thread

44 posts in this topic

Hello everyone,

I would love to hear all your thoughts of Islam. I would want to know what are all your guys thoughts on Islam? What do you think is it function? Why did it originate? Why does it exist?

Why do people become fanatical and terrorist due to it.? This thread will reflect and contemplate on such kind of questions regarding Islam. I would love to hear all your thoughts and opinions on Islam.

Thank you for your time

Edited by Yahya
Clarity and grammar

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My thoughts are that is one of  worst religions in the world.


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It is another form the Infinite has taken. It therefore is infinite. 

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@Arcangelo You clearly are just ignorant and have done no independent research into the history of Islam. Please fuck off and go educate yourself.

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@SS10 This thread is not created for name calling. I just want to honestly hear people opinion in regard to this religion.


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Well, it all depends on your interpretation doesn’t it

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First of all Leo made a video on Islam.

Secondly, as for my opinion, I will start with my direct experience with Islam.  I went to Washington D.C. and met a Muslim family.  I feel sorry for Muslim women because it was a very hot summer day.  Her big black dress was making her sweaty, and she could not tolerate walking around like that.  Eventually she ran out of the elevator frustrated and her husband, who was dressed much more lightly, chased after her.  I then continued my vacation.  One thing I don't like about Islam is the fact that women are not allowed to wear lighter clothing when it is 100 degrees outside.  They could be hurt by heat strokes walking around like that.

My next experience loosely related to Islam was my conversation with a Mormon.  I used what I learned in AP art history when I studied different religions and their art work.  We both made comparisons to other religions to see the similarities.  I discovered that modern religion is aware of the deep similarities it has with other religions.  We discussed paradise, nirvana, and heaven.  Further comparisons were prayer and mediation, and Yahweh, Allah, teotle, and others, and the true self, no self, and Self.  Mormons acknowledge some validity in Islam which is helpful for spiral dynamics stage blue by resolving xenophobia and violence caused by religious bigotry.

Speaking of violence caused by religious bigotry, according to my art history class, there are Muslim terrorists destroying the art work of other cultures.  Their idea is that if they destroy a cultures history, they have no power and no force to unify their people.  It is pretty dark.  They don't speak English in the video.

Just remember that terrorists are not representative of all of Islam.  The vast majority of them are peaceful and in some Muslim cultures they are very welcoming of visitors.  Most victims of Muslim terrorism are themselves Muslims, but with a different interpretation.  In less developed parts of the world, I hope that there is some way to resolve these disputes without needing one faction of Islam to win out over the others in order to create a unified people.  The violence that is motivated by Islam is a dispute over who the descendants of Muhammad were.  I am agnostic on this issue, but extremists seem to know how to tell who the descendants were.

Edited by trenton
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2 hours ago, Arcangelo said:

My thoughts are that is one of  worst religions in the world.


I see how it is *brandishes katana*

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I have no issues with Islam specifically. I have an issue with people having dogmatic beliefs that are considered sacred and go unquestioned. It’s really just people being people, and there’s not much that can be done about it.

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3 hours ago, Yahya said:

I would want to know what are all your guys thoughts on Islam? What do you think is it function? Why did it originate? Why does it exist?

You missed the most important question: what is Islam? There never has been a coherent Islamic answer to this question, because on the one hand people who do not even follow the Quran get to be Muslims while others who do are condemned as heretics. Everything follows from that issue, including sectarian terrorism (as opposed to patriotic terrorism for instance, which racist commentators often conflate with the former).

As an anti-essentialist, I on the other hand figure fiqh is fitna and therefore that there is only one Islam.

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@commie I meant such type of questions. I did not miss it. I said any questions like what do you think is it function? Why did it originate? Why does it exist? is the topic of this thread.

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29 minutes ago, Yahya said:

@commie I meant such type of questions. I did not miss it. I said any questions like what do you think is it function? Why did it originate? Why does it exist? is the topic of this thread.

What is the function of a birdsong?

Sure, one function is survival. But does that answer the question? Likewise, the most obvious function of Islam is of course survival. You could spend a lifetime learning about the details of its survival function or indeed about its history. But I guess that's not what you're asking about.

My best guess is that you're not asking for details the least technical of which are all over the web but simply wondering what monotheism is for. And I don't think that's a question that can be answered for you. Just listen!

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All religions are the teachings of enlightened people from centuries ago. It's really that simple.

5 hours ago, Yahya said:

Why do people become fanatical and terrorist due to it.?

Teachings of truth are not exempt from devilry. Of course it will get misinterpreted and used for personal gain. This is not exclusive to Islam, happens in every religion. 

Describe a thought.

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Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Dogmatic like any other ideology, and I don't exclude spirituality.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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