
Awakening with psychedelics Vs Sober awakening

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Is there any difference between the two? Or it just don't matter at all

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There are many different kinds of awakenings even if you're doing it purely sober.

If you include psychedelics, you will get hundreds of different kinds.

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@Leo Gura

No I meant does it make any difference whether you awaken on psychedelics or sober, since psychedelic experience is ultimately temporary. With sober awakening you could back to it at your will ( I'm assuming).

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You better have some sober awakenings and see your true self first, it's very liberating really, no psychedelics will results in this, psychedelics may have so many benefits but be careful thinking it'll bring any kinda of libration for you, it won't. Never. 

I recommend practicing Self-enquiry, do nothing meditation, being aware of awareness.

You need to realize you yourself are meditation in nature.

Edited by m0hsen

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3 minutes ago, m0hsen said:

You better have some sober awakenings and see your true self first, it's very liberating really, no psychedelics will results in this, psychedelics may have so many benefits but be careful thinking it'll bring any kinda of libration for you, it won't. Never. 

I recommend practicing Self-enquiry, do nothing meditation, being aware of awareness.

You need to realize you yourself are meditation in nature.

Psychedelics is liberating to the fact that you wake up to ur immortal nature as pure awareness. 

Psychedelics has done more for me with awakening then meditation has, meditation is equally as good but slower 

Psychedelics shows u ur true nature in minutes, I would go so far to say that Psychedelics can show you what u are and afterwards use meditation to make it stick,  Psychedelics is YOU.

So Psychedelics + meditation is the way to go ime 

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- Pseudo-dionysius 

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32 minutes ago, Adamq8 said:

Psychedelics is liberating to the fact that you wake up to ur immortal nature as pure awareness. 

Psychedelics has done more for me with awakening then meditation has, meditation is equally as good but slower 

Psychedelics shows u ur true nature in minutes, I would go so far to say that Psychedelics can show you what u are and afterwards use meditation to make it stick,  Psychedelics is YOU.

So Psychedelics + meditation is the way to go ime 

But how much does it affects your baseline consciousness? In terms of gaining any level of controling over mind?

Doing Self-enquiry and meditation and Kriya Yoga stopped my sufferings and thought process for me, literally saved my ass from years of suffering, sadness depression.

Seeing your true nature when you are not high will have life changing results that will stick to you! :)

But again no doubts psychedelics will have so many benefits for you. My experience with mushrooms was really positive and the love I've felt was beyond anything i could imagine, but psychedelics is really different than pure sober awakening really.

Edited by m0hsen

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No, doesn't matter.

But if you reach a profound awakening via sober methods, it will definitely be more permanent afterwards. Because to get there sober would have meant that you have switched your life into a powerful constant meditation ,surrender, ...etc.

What's best is to use a mixture of the two.


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Psychedelics somehow show you your true potential. It is like in your daily life you create your theories, and then the psychedelics are like seeing those theories in practice. Like an affirmation. You understand your potential but you still have doubts and insecurities and so on. Psychedelics stop them and take you to oneness, to experiencing who you really are. They are amazing things. 

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1 hour ago, ZubPrem said:

With sober awakening you could back to it at your will ( I'm assuming).

Most sober awakenings are short, too.

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@m0hsen Does Kriya yoga cause a more energetic awakening or how does it help?

"Your the left eye and i am the right would it not be madness to fight, WE COME ONE." - Faithless

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Imagine you have a dream, every tool in the dream relatively speaking may or may not be useful for realizing that this is a dream.
Meditation practice, psychedelics are the tools in the dream. Imagine the character in the dream thinks that he has own agenda regarding this dream (a.k.a belief in separation). Meditation practice slowly dissolves this agenda. But if the character strongly holds to the beliefs that the character is in control, meditation alone is going to be very little of usefulness. Psychedelics is like a "flash" in the dream, imagine the appearance of the dream disappears for a moment, so true nature is seen clearly, but then the character may dismiss this realization. Or psychedelics may be like somebody dropped the character into a very different dream for a short period of time. It may help to realize that the hold beliefs is not true, on another hand it may force clinging to that very different dream state as the ultimate reality. Recommendation here is to use every tool that resonates with you. Psychedelics is amazing tool. Meditation practice is life-transforming tool. Use as many tools as possible until you feel the truth:  there is no character, just dreaming.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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15 minutes ago, Joker_Theory said:

@m0hsen Does Kriya yoga cause a more energetic awakening or how does it help?

Basically with energy work practices you learn to control your prana energy, you can silence your mind and heal your chakras, remove blockages, so it can flow easily in your body.

You can also gain some healing abilities.

You may not feel anything at first practicing working with your energy, some people don't feel anything for a good year, you shouldn't be disappointed if you didn't feel anything at first, i could feel after 3 days of pranayama practice. After some time, it was all automatic, i stopped practicing it since the energy started flowing everywhere in the body automatically specialy in the spine without me doing anything.

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9 minutes ago, m0hsen said:

Basically with energy work practices you learn to control your prana energy, you can silence your mind and heal your chakras, remove blockages, so it can flow easily in your body.

You can also gain some healing abilities.

You may not feel anything at first practicing working with your energy, some people don't feel anything for a good year, you shouldn't be disappointed if you didn't feel anything at first, i could feel after 3 days of pranayama practice. After some time, it was all automatic, i stopped practicing it since the energy started flowing everywhere in the body automatically specialy in the spine without me doing anything.

Sweet. I cant feel energy and i sometimes overcook my energy system and get this pressure in my head from meditating to much which put's me off doing energy work. I feel sometimes you need a teacher that knows what he is doing to not only give you advice but to help hold space so the energy flows more smoothly or one will have problems but that could just be me. Maybe i don't know how to control the energy is my problem.

Edited by Joker_Theory

"Your the left eye and i am the right would it not be madness to fight, WE COME ONE." - Faithless

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32 minutes ago, Joker_Theory said:

Sweet. I cant feel energy and i sometimes overcook my energy system and get this pressure in my head from meditating to much which put's me off doing energy work. I feel sometimes you need a teacher that knows what he is doing to not only give you advice but to help hold space so the energy flows more smoothly or one will have problems but that could just be me. Maybe i don't know how to control the energy is my problem.

Ohh man, I've been through a lot of headaches at first months also too much pressure on center of forhead, but eventually you'll get stronger and stronger,  headaches won't last more than one day usually, these days the amount of energy and vibrations i can feel is really much stronger than like a year ago which i started, but the body is also gets stronger so no longer headaches or intolerable pressures at all, 

These days i still do energy work also, but if i do 'Do nothing' meditation the energy automatically flows to my head. The energy is intelligent AF, so i do nothing and let it do all the necessary works :)

Practicing all these energy work is good but my main accomplishment in terms of awakening to my true self and seeing who am I really done by self-enquiry and not Kriya yoga. I can feel that the strong flow of these energies eventually will lead to some extraordinary mystical states which would be nice to experience :)

About having a guru, not all of them are considered good guru's you really need to do research a lot to put your trust on somebody. I like to go on my own way and use my intuition.

Edited by m0hsen

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31 minutes ago, m0hsen said:

Ohh man, I've been through a lot of headaches at first months also too much pressure on center of forhead, but eventually you'll get stronger and stronger,  headaches won't last more than one day usually, these days the amount of energy and vibrations i can feel is really much stronger than like a year ago which i started, but the body is also gets stronger so no longer headaches or intolerable pressures at all, 

These days i still do energy work also, but if i do 'Do nothing' meditation the energy automatically flows to my head. The energy is intelligent AF, so i do nothing and let it do all the necessary works :)

Practicing all these energy work is good but my main accomplishment in terms of awakening to my true self and seeing who am I really done by self-enquiry and not Kriya yoga. I can feel that the strong flow of these energies eventually will lead to some extraordinary mystical states which would be nice to experience :)

About having a guru, not all of them are considered good guru's you really need to do research a lot to put your trust on somebody. I like to go on my own way and use my intuition.

Yeah true on finding who you are and your true nature is very important and i have been doing that the last year more than energy practices but i do meditation everyday but my meditations have not been so deep cause i have not had a good last year in daily life and got depressed. I feel that the depression cause me not to go deep as i usually do and now that depression is lifting i m going deep again and starting to focus on awakening which is causing this pressure in my head and like you rightfully say mind and body not use to this kind of strong energy but it will get better.

Thanks :)

"Your the left eye and i am the right would it not be madness to fight, WE COME ONE." - Faithless

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10 minutes ago, Joker_Theory said:

Yeah true on finding who you are and your true nature is very important and i have been doing that the last year more than energy practices but i do meditation everyday but my meditations have not been so deep cause i have not had a good last year in daily life and got depressed. I feel that the depression cause me not to go deep as i usually do and now that depression is lifting i m going deep again and starting to focus on awakening which is causing this pressure in my head and like you rightfully say mind and body not use to this kind of strong energy but it will get better.

Thanks :)

You'll definitely get better trust me, but if you feel at some point in your practices that you need to stop it and pressures become intolerable for you, immediately stop all practises and let the system have some rest and recover and then later continue when you feel ready and fine.

About depression: something needs to break in you in order to end it, you really need to realize it in your direct experience that that shit which thinks and suffers is not you, having realized this will end the sufferings.

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@Girzo Even if they're short at first, I think you may always be able to go back to the awakened state or stay in it as long you wish right? With psychedelics when you trip you can't function normally and in any case have to keep dosing to stay at that awakened state of consciousness.. doesn't seem sustainable... 

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57 minutes ago, ZubPrem said:

Even if they're short at first, I think you may always be able to go back to the awakened state or stay in it as long you wish right?

What you describe is rare. Results of your average meditator are not like that.

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