
final goal ?

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i was watching frank yang like i do and he said this:

"my final goal was not to just eradicate all suffering, but to have the universe fuck me whilst fucking it at the same time"

what does this mean?

how does one even eradicate all suffering?

fucked by the universe = kundalini ?

fucking the universe = ?

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12 minutes ago, levani said:

i was watching frank yang like i do and he said this:

"my final goal was not to just eradicate all suffering, but to have the universe fuck me whilst fucking it at the same time"

what does this mean?

how does one even eradicate all suffering?

fucked by the universe = kundalini ?

fucking the universe = ?

Suffering is when you are in ignorant! When you learn you can only "be" no matter what, all sufferings will end!

Yes it seems like you are the one who gets fucked, but you are God, so God is fucking and gets fucked at the same time! 

Edited by m0hsen

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@m0hsen is that what Leo called the colonoscopy, where you are god looking through it's own asshole, or the snake biting it's own tail type of thing ?

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12 minutes ago, levani said:

@m0hsen is that what Leo called the colonoscopy, where you are god looking through it's own asshole, or the snake biting it's own tail type of thing ?

I don't know about the relation between this phenomena and colonoscopy but IMO the reason it happens from the base of the spine to the top of the head is that, it's going to connect your lower self to the higher self (Muladhara chakra to Sahasrara chakra), so all dualities will collapse.

Edited by m0hsen

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From watching Frank’s content for years, I’m pretty sure he’s talking about something far beyond a kundalini awakening. I’ve had quite a few kundalini awakenings, but I’m nowhere near understanding the shit Frank talks about from an experiential perspective. 

Suffering stops when your state of consciousness rises to the point where you no longer identify whatsoever with your human character. In this state, there’s not much of a difference between watching a squirrel climb a tree and seeing your arm get sawed off. 

As far as the “fucking the universe” thing goes, I’d say this saying is just coming from Frank’s personality. The guy has been making online jokes about BBCs for at least 10 years. I would honestly view it as a hollow statement as it likely has no real meaning behind it just being another manifestation of Frank’s odd personality. 

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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7 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

Suffering stops when your state of consciousness rises to the point where you no longer identify whatsoever with your human character

is this accurate ?

7 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

In this state, there’s not much of a difference between watching a squirrel climb a tree and seeing your arm get sawed off. 

so it's a "state" of "consciousness" ? you can get there by meditating ? and you won't feel your hand being sewed off ? wtf ?


7 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

I would honestly view it as a hollow statement as it likely has no real meaning behind it just being another manifestation of Frank’s odd personality

yeah but he always paints a real picture, like.. all the colours mean something, i understand that he uses his analogies with reason and not meaninglessly but i could be wrong, obviously not the bbc's but the other shit, you can differentiate




also is there an example of the stages of consciousness? spiral dynamics is not it i think

Edited by levani

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Suffering stops when you die. Whichever thing dies stops suffering. Being alive is itself the cause of all suffering. This is because being alive is a constant battle against being not alive. I guess to fuck the universe you have to pull off the impossible and be alive and dead at the same time: that's enlightenment.

All stories and explanations are false.

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1 hour ago, levani said:

@LastThursday i wish it was easy to just push a button and be enlightened haha

It actually is that easy. Stop thinking for a moment and you are awake. 

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@levani I'm not enlightened, but my intuition tells me you don't become enlightened, you discover it or uncover it. So you have to lay the groundwork to increase your luck. That's what Leo's all about.

All stories and explanations are false.

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On 1/25/2021 at 5:58 PM, LastThursday said:

Suffering stops when you die.

You don't have to die to end your suffering, you just have to realize that you are more than your conditioned body and mind. You are a soul, on a journey, and your ultimate destination is reunion. Ultimately, there is only Consciousness. Relatively, there is you and me. Both are entangled in reality. The secret is to love the story, while remembering that it is only a story.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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sowing: I'm a seeker guise I've obtained enlightenment no more suffering!!! :)

reaping: still suffering after burning my hand on the stove guise wtf!!! :(

Edited by Lyubov

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27 minutes ago, LastThursday said:

@levani I'm not enlightened, but my intuition tells me you don't become enlightened, you discover it or uncover it. So you have to lay the groundwork to increase your luck. That's what Leo's all about.


The Art of Knowing is Knowing the accumulation of knowledge lies within time, the discovery of Wisdom is attained out of the Mind.

~ https://www.instagram.com/spiritualabsolute ~


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@Lyubov feasting: letting go of all guises and being 9_9

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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On 1/25/2021 at 4:28 PM, levani said:

is this accurate ?

A cautionary (maybe overly cautious) word in regard to the potential rollercoasters of nihilism, depersonalization or derealization etc....still believing there is a human character and dis-identifying with it is not the same as realizing you are nothing, or, formless infinity appearing as “human character”. 

3 hours ago, levani said:

how ?

Awareness of feeling & perception, by default, withdraws awareness from thoughts. 

What you are not focused upon, what you are not aware of, there is no need to stop. It’s not in your experience. Practicing, like meditative walking, single pointed concentration, and simply spending days (amidst your regular activities) consciously breathing from your stomach are very ‘effective’. 

Experience like this: Awareness..thoughts. 

Becomes like this: Awareness.....................................................................................thoughts. 

If becomes evident you are that ‘space’ in between the thoughts, and that there is no thinker of thoughts.

What a relief!



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14 minutes ago, Nahm said:

A cautionary (maybe overly cautious) word in regard to the potential rollercoasters of nihilism, depersonalization or derealization etc....still believing there is a human character and dis-identifying with it is not the same as realizing you are nothing, or, formless infinity appearing as “human character”. 

There for sure are many shades of no self , which is not no self in most cases, as it is just shift of awareness.

Today I had some interesting thought process which I did not finish as I was working and it is not easy for me to focus on complex matters and do work at the same time , anyhow I almost realized(kinda did) why it is not possible to control ego mind and which lead  me to conclusion that Buddha way is one of the best ways to deconstruct ego, as it focuses at main reasons why we suffer and do stupid stuff, it might not be enough for most as you probably have to realize that ego mind is not you, problem is that what might be right missing peace for one, might not be for other. 

Edited by PureRogueQ

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@levani Yes it’s correct. I’ve experienced it before to varying degrees. 

It’s what we might call a heightened state of consciousness. Basically you become radically more conscious than you’ve ever been before. You’ll instantly know when this has happened. There is no doubting it. You can get there through meditation or many of the other methods discussed here such as psychedelics. You will in most cases still feel the physical sensation of your arm being sawed off, but your judgment of this being a bad occurrence will be transcended at this level of consciousness. You can get a taste of this from reading or listening to Eckhart Tolle’s book The Power of Now. Suffering comes mostly from your judgment of a sensation rather than the sensation itself. These judgments are programmed into us genetically in many cases, so it takes a radical state of consciousness to fully transcend them. What I mean by these two things essentially being the same when enlightened is the difference you currently experience between seeing something happen “outside” of your human self is felt to be less important than what happens “inside” your human self, but when your consciousness reaches a certain level, you realize that you are essentially everything in your perception. In this realization, you stop identifying with your human character more than anything else you experience. In this way, the pain no longer affects you any more than seeing a bird land on a tree branch. In some cases, enlightenment might give you positive sensations more powerful than any physical pain you might experience as well. 

Here’s a writing about Swami Vivekananda that describes this state:

“Mosquitoes covered his body in such a large numbers that it seemed as if he were wearing a blanket. He looked like Lord Shiva when meditating. These are the signs of sattvic qualities –-­‐‑ full control over the senses and the mind and complete tranquility.”


Regardless if Frank has some deep meaning behind fucking the universe, it makes ultimately no difference on your spiritual journey. Even if you could conceptually understand what he’s talking about, the concept is not the experience or state of consciousness he’s having. Do consciousness work and have your own experiences. One day you might find out what he meant when he talked about fucking the universe, but it helps you in no way to try to make sense of it from a normal state of consciousness now. 

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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On 25/01/2021 at 11:58 PM, LastThursday said:

Being alive is itself the cause of all suffering. This is because being alive is a constant battle against being not alive

really juicy stuff here

33 minutes ago, Moksha said:

The secret is to love the story, while remembering that it is only a story

very true

20 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Experience like this: Awareness..thoughts. 

Becomes like this: Awareness.....................................................................................thoughts. 


gold. literally gold, i wish someone had the vision to explain it like that from the beginning haha

@Nahm so basically everything i do has to have as much awareness as possible ?

Edited by levani

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