
prolonged water fast + lsd [question]

21 posts in this topic

I'm doing 21-day water+electrolytes fast solely for the benefits of the psychospiritual integration. 

Water fast alone does exceptional things with the body and mind. I'm 5 days in and have deep emotions arising. I'm ready for diving deep and thinking to do LSD (400-500ug) on the last day of the fast. I'm seeking advice about whether it's a good idea. 

My main concerns would be my body's reaction. I read that for some people it's extremely uncomfortable to do LSD while hungry. Though fasting doesn't make me hungry, quite the contrary, I have no hunger whatsoever.

Another thing is that tripping is quite hard on the body already and after 21 days my body may be tired and LSD would exhaust me too much so that it would become my main concern during the trip which is a distraction. 

Anyone has advice, please? 


Edited by Intraplanetary

softly into the Abyss...

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Lower your dose. That's way too high.

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@Intraplanetary What is your experience with LSD and fasts? Do you have a lot of experience with a range of doses and in a range of settings?
To me, you propose a highly advanced dose and setting. 

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36 minutes ago, Intraplanetary said:

21-day water+electrolytes fast

How does it works? Never heard about that fasting technique...


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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21 days that's some advanced stuff

1 minute ago, abrakamowse said:

How does it works? Never heard about that fasting technique...


probably just a water fast with some salt, magnesium, potassium etc. here and there in the water

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13 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

21 days that's some advanced stuff

probably just a water fast with some salt, magnesium, potassium etc. here and there in the water

Ok... thanks!


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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1 hour ago, Forestluv said:

@Intraplanetary What is your experience with LSD and fasts? Do you have a lot of experience with a range of doses and in a range of settings?
To me, you propose a highly advanced dose and setting. 

@Forestluv I've been experimenting with fasting for the last 2 years. My longest fast was only 4 days though.

However, I just feel it in my bones that I'm ready for this. There is no doubt I'm completing it. I'm in the mindest for surrendering my body and material for the higher purpose. I have no responsibilities at the moment and I have all day free. I lie in bed, do arts and listen to music. That's all.

As far as LSD goes, I've done 4 trips this year. First one on 250ug while my last was on 375ug and I didn't feel it was very strong, I'm quite comfy with LSD trips already, therefore I'm adding dosages slowly. I also trip alone as my preference. My trips usually are deep and extremely heart-opening, hence I prefer solitude.

What LSD dosage would you suggest?

Edited by Intraplanetary

softly into the Abyss...

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1 hour ago, abrakamowse said:

How does it works? Never heard about that fasting technique...


It's water mixed with salt, potassium, baking soda, magnesium. Basically, electrolytes keep your body perfectly functioning and prevents extreme fatigue. Baking soda is for kidney cleansing.


softly into the Abyss...

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2 minutes ago, Intraplanetary said:

First one on 250ug while my last was on 375ug and I didn't feel it was very strong, I'm quite comfy with LSD trips already, therefore I'm adding dosages slowly. I also trip alone as my preference. My trips usually are deep and extremely heart-opening, hence I prefer solitude.



2 hours ago, Intraplanetary said:

  I'm ready for diving deep and thinking to do LSD (400-500ug) on the last day of the fast. I'm seeking advice about whether it's a good idea. 


How can you be certain that the trip which was not very strong was 375mcg? Have you firmly established this to be the case?

Personally, having experienced verified doses of LSD, I would abhor the idea of consuming 400+mcg of LSD alone, even if fully fed!

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10 minutes ago, Intraplanetary said:

It's water mixed with salt, potassium, baking soda, magnesium. Basically, electrolytes keep your body perfectly functioning and prevents extreme fatigue. Baking soda is for kidney cleansing.


Thanks @Intraplanetary I never tried fasting only with water and electrolytes only... I will give it a try... I need fasting.

I did once long time ago but it was with vegetables, etc (it was the Daniel's fast with legumes, etc) ... not just water. Seems powerful.


Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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2 minutes ago, Corpus said:


 Have you firmly established this to be the case?


This is based on the information I have - 1 tab 125ug. That's all.


5 minutes ago, Corpus said:

I would abhor the idea of consuming 400+mcg of LSD alone, even if fully fed!

I prefer tripping alone and see myself as doing this with my future trips.

It always takes a little bit of courage and that's okay. 

softly into the Abyss...

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20 minutes ago, Intraplanetary said:

was on 375ug and I didn't feel it was very strong,

Get another source of LSD.

With half of that dose I'll be tripping my balls off.

7 minutes ago, Intraplanetary said:

I prefer tripping alone

It's the only way.

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16 minutes ago, Intraplanetary said:


This is based on the information I have - 1 tab 125ug. That's all.


I prefer tripping alone and see myself as doing this with my future trips.

It always takes a little bit of courage and that's okay. 

So you plan to take 3-4 tabs? You can vaguely gauge the strength of the anticipated trip if you know what one delivers but to conclude, beyond a sales-pitch, that this is actually in the range of 400-500mcg is probably inaccurate. An average tab dose is closer to 60-70mcg generally speaking when formally analysed. Even so, 4 of these average tabs would still be heavy.

Tripping alone I agree is best but one should always attend to the mind-set and setting, just to be as safe as possible.

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26 minutes ago, Corpus said:

So you plan to take 3-4 tabs? You can vaguely gauge the strength of the anticipated trip if you know what one delivers but to conclude, beyond a sales-pitch, that this is actually in the range of 400-500mcg is probably inaccurate. An average tab dose is closer to 60-70mcg generally speaking when formally analysed. Even so, 4 of these average tabs would still be heavy.

@Corpus I hear you. I can't be sure about the exact mcg per tab. And I don't see the correlation between dosages and the trip effects I had. A trip on 2 tabs was super intense full of insights, then the following on 3 tabs was one of the weakest trips I've had. And all these tabs were from the same batch. 
Maybe I just can handle more with every trip?

I agree that 400-500 is perhaps too much, especially I'm getting a new batch of tabs and I should start slowly by testing their strength. 

The downside with LSD though is that the trip and coming down is soooooo long. I'm planning to level up and move to dmt for new experiences and convenience as the trips are waaaaaay more shorter if smoked.

Edited by Intraplanetary

softly into the Abyss...

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9 minutes ago, Intraplanetary said:

I hear you. I can't be sure about the exact mcg per tab. And I don't see the correlation between dosages and the trip effects I had. A trip on 2 tabs was super intense full of insights, then the following on 3 tabs was one of the weakest trips I've had. And all these tabs were from the same batch. 
Maybe I just can handle more with every trip?

I agree that 400-500 is perhaps too much, especially I'm getting a new batch of tabs and I should start slowly by testing their strength. 

If taking multiple tabs, always take one to gauge the strength, and ignore any marketing. Also if the same brand is purchased at different times never assume they will be the same- this oversight has caught out people before. Same print does not necessarily mean the amount on them is the same.

400-500mcg LSD is a serious dose if truly 400-500mcg is ingested.

Most people can't imagine with accuracy how much they can actually handle until they find themselves in the throes of a trip they cannot manage. Spare yourself the trauma.

Edited by Corpus

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@Corpus thanks for all good info and advice. very helpful. 

7 minutes ago, Corpus said:

Most people can't imagine with accuracy how much they can actually handle until they find themselves in the throes of a trip they cannot manage. Spare yourself the trauma.

Yeah.. tell me about.. 5 years ago accidentally overdoes 2cb. I Didn't even know what I was about to snort and asked for the big fat line o.O

Experienced the scariest and traumatic experience followed by ego death and merging into the black void. The total piece, nothingness.  Completely transformed my life. Not sure if this life-time will be enough to actualise! 

However, I'm very careful about my trips now. I do them thoughtfully and loveingly.


softly into the Abyss...

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1 hour ago, Intraplanetary said:

A trip on 2 tabs was super intense full of insights, then the following on 3 tabs was one of the weakest trips I've had

Are you aware that LSD has about 2 weeks of tolerance period during which the next trips are weaker?

It's basics, but sometimes people on this forum don't know the basics.

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3 hours ago, Michal__ said:

Every substance is multiple times stronger while fasting. 

I have read indeed that it was much stronger while fasting. Having done long water fast I can understand why ! 

Are you saying that from experience ? How many times stronger do you think it is ?

@Intraplanetary Yeah 400-500ug seems way too much while fasting.

You need to have tabs that you are sure of the strength (same batch), then take half the dosage of a strong trip when not fasting.

In case you have a bad trip you can check this thread I made on the topic, could be helpful :

Let us know how it goes ! I am very curious about the combo fasting + psychedelics.

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So yesterday, I took 2 tabs while 5 days into the water fast.

I was open to feeling it all. All my emotions. No discrimination to what's good or bad. Fasting made me so vulnerable to everything that was happening I only had to let go. And I was ready. Wow. I didn't expect this to be a musical trip and having experienced myself as the Musical sounds.

I was there naked in my room making love to myself while giving birth to myself at the same time. I saw blood on my arms and legs just to realise that I was imaging that blood to appear on my body. I could not fucking believe this. I jumped and turned the music off and instantly I WAS EVERY FUCKING WHERE. I saw my body but I was all the sounds and silence at the same time. Wow. I cried and I could not bear the joy and beauty I knew I could never share to anyone else but myself. The non-duality of sound and silence struck me to my whole being. I experienced a nondual state...

This is my first official Awakening. Wow. I'm Music and I'm God. Words are so shallow to describe the profundity of what I've just experienced. 

This says it better... 



Edited by Intraplanetary

softly into the Abyss...

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