Leo Nordin

Going homeless to become enlightened unitive

100 posts in this topic

11 minutes ago, Leo Nordin said:

@Nahm Nonono please don't do this, people might read these words and get the wrong idea. Other readers can easily misinterpret the meaning of these quotes. These quotes are very delusional even if not intended to be and some false depending on if it's intented to have a fixed perspective. Because they don't speak the truth and they make statements on how things work and what you have to do.


Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Whatever we post on here anyone can read. Those not too familiar with spirituality and similar could be brainwashed by "stupid" quotes. Or the things that we say on here. 

It's like would you really tell all those quotes Nahm quoted to a friend or large group who is unfamiliar with self development and especially spirituality. If I told my friend you have to break your heart until it opens up he could very easily get the wrong idea. Isn't it better to at least follow up the quote with the meaning or reason behind it. 

Who you are writing to on here may be many potential readers. With advice presented in a way that suits the most then people could learn a lot from our discussions etc. 

For exaple I construct my sentences to fit spiritual people as well but then could loose the common audience on the way. Normally it is good to explain things in a way that most would grasp. Then this is a problem the other way around too. Because many on here are overly analytical, the simpler/better I believe I make it the more critique I get and it has taken over this and 2 other of my threads. 

5 hours ago, Nahm said:


On 2020-11-02 at 10:16 PM, Nahm said:


On 2020-11-02 at 8:56 PM, acidgoofy said:



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Research vanlife. You can live a frugal life, it is easily possible. Dont need to sleep on streets and turn to freeganism. 

World's #1 Spiritual Twerking Coach 🍑


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2 hours ago, Leo Nordin said:


Whatever we post on here anyone can read. Those not too familiar with spirituality and similar could be brainwashed by "stupid" quotes. Or the things that we say on here. 

Every other forum member has spiritual quotes in their signature. I think you're obsessing over a trivial point.

The truth is that everybody who is not already awake misunderstands all of spirituality 99% of the time anyway. The method has always been to throw as much you can at the wall until it sticks. You see this with every guru or teacher. They have to keep trying and trying because the students never get it.

You're essentially saying it's possible to word yourself in such a way that everybody will understand. Well if that was the case, then everybody would've been enlightened by now.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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4 hours ago, Leo Nordin said:

@Nahm Nonono please don't do this, people might read these words and get the wrong idea.

What you worried these quotes are gonna kill ya? ;)



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On 10/4/2020 at 10:03 AM, Leo Nordin said:

I don't have any special problem with school. It just hinders me from being myself. It's quite sad that I consciously restrain myself from ecstasy all the time in school.

Ecstasy is for novices and newcomers. Having no need for ecstasy, on the other hand...

And btw, what exactly do you mean by enlightenment? What do you think it is? What do you think you're gonna get?

Edited by The0Self

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14 hours ago, The0Self said:

Ecstasy is for novices and newcomers. Having no need for ecstasy, on the other hand...

And btw, what exactly do you mean by enlightenment? What do you think it is? What do you think you're gonna get?

On 2020-11-04 at 10:29 PM, mmKay said:
On 2020-11-04 at 3:32 PM, Nahm said:


On 2020-11-02 at 10:16 PM, Nahm said:


On 2020-11-02 at 8:56 PM, acidgoofy said:


I don't need ecstasy nor enlightenment. Ecstasy will anyways come from time to time. It was not long ago I awakened so I've now realised some things since then. Though enlightenment will be my death when I choose it. My consciousness will choose what it chooses, I (the mind) am not to interfere if it's not necessary. Because of my early awakening experience I did not eat nor do anything, I just went deeper into life. I thought that was all my consciousness wanted to do and that all other activity was either for my survival or selflessness for the world. 

Now though, I believe I am experiencing the next phase. My whole being wants not to sit in ecstasy or go for enlightenment but do certain things which I (the mind and body) haven't subcome to so I don't now what it is. I am using my mind to control the highest self if you want to call it that. Before I let go I first need to use my mind independently at least this last time to ensure some kind lf comfort when I let go. By building a van, whether I will give up the van that I am to build I don't know. When the higher self chooses it will do what it wants to do at all times, but some mind is necessary, like clothing yourself or eating. 


I intended vanlife. Whether I will give up my van at one point I don't now. It might be a hazzle to take with me everywhere, I heard of someone sleeping on their motorcycle, that might do what do I know. 

Edited by Leo Nordin

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Got a thought floating around that you may like these sites that hook you up with farms where you can work for food and acomodation. Like Workaway or another one which I dont remember.

These oportunities are everywhere and you may live that kind of 'monk' lyfe that you intend with lots of time for spiritual work or w/e you want to do with your time. 

World's #1 Spiritual Twerking Coach 🍑


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On 2020-12-06 at 1:05 AM, Moksha said:
On 2020-11-04 at 10:29 PM, mmKay said:


On 2020-11-04 at 3:32 PM, Nahm said:


On 2020-11-02 at 10:16 PM, Nahm said:


On 2020-11-02 at 8:56 PM, acidgoofy said:


Sorry for my quotes from eirlier glitching. Moksha send another link that one just takes me to my mail. 

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@Leo Nordin You are just deluding yourself. Your posts are full of fear and what you're really interested in is holding on to pleasure and ecstacy and try to escape from pain and suffering instead of embracing and accepting those states as an expression of consciousness. Add to that a developing spiritual ego who feels special that it had an awakening and now wants to elevate itself and feel special.

Also going homeless in a privileged society and expecting it to come in and feed you and shelter when needed is called being a parasite. That attitude will backfire on you. Question what it is you want to escape from?

But hey, I was probably more naive and retarded than you when I was 17

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1 hour ago, Esoteric said:

@Leo Nordin You are just deluding yourself. Your posts are full of fear and what you're really interested in is holding on to pleasure and ecstacy and try to escape from pain and suffering instead of embracing and accepting those states as an expression of consciousness. Add to that a developing spiritual ego who feels special that it had an awakening and now wants to elevate itself and feel special.

Also going homeless in a privileged society and expecting it to come in and feed you and shelter when needed is called being a parasite. That attitude will backfire on you. Question what it is you want to escape from?

But hey, I was probably more naive and retarded than you when I was 17

I have moved past that point, I don't want to get enlightened yet. To have awakened to it is enough. So I am not holding on/being attached or overvalueing ecstasy/pleasure anymore. I don't remember feeling fear in my last posts, because I am just looking for solutions. What is fear? Certainly I am/have been holding myself back, is that the fear you are referring to? Limiting my possibility or my full potential or what you would like to call it. If I want to continue school I need to live with limited consciousness doing only what is appropriate/needed there. 

I was/am just looking for different ways to move forward. I will not be homeless but rather live in a van. I also won't get money from the social support. I am studying half my time at a school and there is a lot that I can do here for these people. Whatever I choose to do I need to stay in school atleeast for a couple of months/half a year longer so that I will be 18 and have a driving licence + my van built. Then I will take the summer to do what consciousness chooses, will I spend the summer blissful by myself or involving myself more in the world, we will see. 

If I'll quit school before summer or bear with 1,5 more year we'll see. I don't live too much in the past or future so this is the only time in weeks I've thought about all of this that I am writing right now. 

I want to escape from not doing what I truly want to do, What I truly want is a conducive atmosphere for the kind of lifestyle that works the best for me and the life around me. 

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@SirVladimir Don't expect too much, hahahaha. Art isn't my prime. And weight/price/scraps is what it's being built on. Also my hip is injured so I don't get much/or any time to work on it everyday. And 2 hours seems to pass in a minute, I am very focused and its unbelievable how incredibly fast time moves when I'm out there working. Doesn't matter which kind of task I do time has never moved this fast in my life for what my memory is telling me. It's quite interesting now when I think about it. 


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@Leo Nordin Alright, I just know that I always wanted to get away from every town, job or country I was in. It was a comforting thought to leave everything behind when in truth I wanted to leave my relentless mind. And some environments are indeed very toxic and you should definitely get away. But some harsh environments can be very useful to be in. You can learn to deal with people, projections, attacks etc. With the intention of growing and building a stronger energy body that can deal with most environments while being perfectly centered. I am glad I didn't abandon my life and fled because my progress wouldn't be NEARLY as beneficial as it is today. You can always do consciousness work. Everything can empower you. To want the perfect environment for your enlightenment to take place can be a trap.

Maybe that isn't the case for you, but be aware how cunning the ego can be and what it will convince you of to stay in command. In the end only you can know of course.

Good luck.

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