Spiral Wizard

is it actually possible to LOVE this?!

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Do not watch this if you are underage or if you cannot handle brutality!

The most "relevant" scene starts at 38:00 and ends at about 52:00. Skip through it as fast as you want, just try to get the gist.


This is not an ironic question. Is it actually (not theoretically in some armchair-philosophy-wonderland) possible to embody such a high level of consciousness to genuinely love this?!

On a conceptual level, I understand that good and evil are relative. It is a stretch but with a bit of imagination, I could believe (I know that it is not about believing) that it is possible to actually LOVE EVERYTHING. (ex.: I am not so happy about the revenge at the end as most people in the comments)

Leo mentioned rape several times in different videos to underline that even the things most people view as inherently evil are actually not evil at all.

Nonetheless, as long as we are in this human form/incarnation/etc. certain limits are part of this illusion and the actual horror of Infinity is incomprehensibly INFINITE. 


Even though enlightened saints may have high moral development (+ opinions, preferences, etc.) and therefore would not support this, can they (or anyone else) love something like this or something infinitely "worse" as much as anything else (ex.: as much as all the "good" stuff)? 

"The journey never ends, the point of arrival is always now." 

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We can perceive the absolute (the self) everywhere and we can feel joy about the existence of the absolute. But we will not love things like that. We could say "nothing ever happens", this unconditional love is not directed to what is happening.

Edited by Seraphim

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I wouldn't expect to reconcile it with the personal perspective. Things such as depicted in that scene will always be distasteful to a healthy individual. It's just, at the very least, that your perspective can get much larger than that, without excluding anything.

This isn't even enlightenment stuff yet. You are already larger than any particular perspective, you can hold any number of them including mutually exclusive ones, as long as you don't believe any of them to be ultimately true. So the need to try and reconcile them simply doesn't come up. Absolute truth relativizes everything and denies nothing.

You can't do this if you insist on adhering to any particular view. That's where the real work is done. The point is not to try and like distasteful things, nor to suggest that any particular view is wrong. The point is to gain a higher level view that encompasses them all. In one sense, none of them are true, and yet in another sense they all have a place and a right to exist.

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If form is fear, then isn't everything created technically evil? If you want the honest opinion of a foolish degenerate like me, then yes, I wouldn't mind if Love used me in such an abusive way.

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2 minutes ago, gswva said:

If form is fear, then isn't everything created technically evil?

Technically form is not fear.

Fear, like evil, is only a mask, which you yourself are projecting out.

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From a developed perspective, it is evil.

From an undeveloped perspective, it's a practical way of getting physical love and love from your group.

You may not be able to love it, but God can. 

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Ive seen worse things

The moment you identified yourself with the body you Constructed the whole 'illusion'. If you realize everything that you know is accumulated identity, even the Creation or so called 'Dream' is also another identification. You are not in any place at all, you are beyond any identity.. 

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3 hours ago, Spiral Wizard said:

On a conceptual level, I understand that good and evil are relative. It is a stretch but with a bit of imagination, I could believe (I know that it is not about believing) that it is possible to actually LOVE EVERYTHING.


Everything is art to God. Did you not love the acting? I thought they did rather well. :x

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I've seen this movie before, but I didn't remember much about it. I do remember thinking problems don't go away with more acts of violence. 

I imagine if having an eternal perspective one could see the intricate details of how and why a person acts the ways they do. And with that kind of understanding they would know exactly how to solve the problems in the right way.  

If someone is so deeply neglected and abused from the beginning of their own awareness of self they recoil into a safe place within them and begin to develop strategies to protect themselves. This can manifest in a myriad of ways. A person violently over powering someone else may be their way of feeling safe. Love understands this and knows the way out.

I think what there is to love about this is that the Eternal perspective knows how you personally want to manifest your path to enlightenment and when the story is over You get to  look back and see the beauty of its complexity.



Edited by Pugfishpanda

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Love and evil are judgements. No one is asking you to change your judgement from bad to good about certain things. They are asking you to question judgement itself fundamentally, and the you who judges and knows what things are.


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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On 8/16/2020 at 6:07 PM, Spiral Wizard said:

as long as we are in this human form/incarnation/etc.

Are we? 

There may be a body and surroundings, but you are Love.

When you see through all illusions, and are Love, you can love anything.

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Love is so brutal i beleive I will just die from it. Who can bare this thing. Ecstasy nobody knows. This stuff is real deal. 

Ok teach. How? 

It’s better to let go of judging this stuff and let go. Your Love is already these thing you are "trying to Love". Remove middle man. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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