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About Pugfishpanda

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  1. I've seen this movie before, but I didn't remember much about it. I do remember thinking problems don't go away with more acts of violence. I imagine if having an eternal perspective one could see the intricate details of how and why a person acts the ways they do. And with that kind of understanding they would know exactly how to solve the problems in the right way. If someone is so deeply neglected and abused from the beginning of their own awareness of self they recoil into a safe place within them and begin to develop strategies to protect themselves. This can manifest in a myriad of ways. A person violently over powering someone else may be their way of feeling safe. Love understands this and knows the way out. I think what there is to love about this is that the Eternal perspective knows how you personally want to manifest your path to enlightenment and when the story is over You get to look back and see the beauty of its complexity.
  2. @Gesundheit Tim Freke is who I agree with
  3. This week I researched the topic and found this wonderul YouTube Vid that I feel is very informitive and answered my concerns. I enjoyed reading all of your opinions and questions. I have chosen not to introduce psychedelics into my life at this time, but will keep it on a back burner and wait until I have a couple more years of stabilty before I jump down that rabbit hole.
  4. Thank you everyone for your replies. When I have more time I will come back and respond to you individually. Normally I have a couple hours on friday nights. You all enjoy your week.
  5. What has helped me in being more consistent is first realizing that I am consistent...I am very consistent in being not consistent. lol. But I enjoy change and doing things in a more random way. I never brush my teeth the same time each day, but every day I brush my teeth. That is good enough for me. Too much routine is very BORING. With things that are not time sensitive, such as: appointments, job, and school, I just make a list of the things I want to accomplish in my day and I don’t worry about how or when I am going do them. I seem to randomly find a way to get what is most important done.
  6. This is my third week popping in and out of this forum and I notice a bit of talk about psychedelics around here. Lately I have been wondering if I should try mushrooms. My concern is that from 2009-2018 I struggled with a lot of paranoia and I don’t want to induce that state of mind unprepared. I was diagnosed bipolar, but most of my close friends feel I was misdiagnosed, and instead thought my issue has more to do schizophrenia. I don’t hear voices, I have not seen things that are not there, but when I get hyper manic I get delusional about my beliefs. Basically in a manic state I start to think I am not safe and I run and hide wherever my intuition takes me. I get grandiose thoughts and feel extremely connected to the Universe. My greatest fear is to be emotionally, and physically tortured by a group of unfeeling, unaware, individuals. From age 0-33 I had normal fears. I was naive, oblivious, and ignorantly tucked safely into my religous beliefs. I then started to interact with people online and that journey changed who I thought I was and what I thought I believe. I had a totaly mental breakdown in 2009. My personality changed from being a bubbly, happy, gabby, unware person (who thought she was ALWAYS safe ) to a very quiet aware person who’d become deeply depressed, afraid, lost, and sad about not feeling safe any longer. I read a lot of NDE’s to help me find hope again in something that may reflect unconditional Love. It gave me comfort for a couple years. I am now starting to learn about reincarnation and karma. I have read some books from Doloras Cannon, some of A Course In Miracles, and other books from new age authors. I have no idea what to belief. It’s all very overwhelming. I do know kindness is really important to me. For the last year, or so, I have been working on my health, having balance and avoiding my triggers. I’ve been medication-free (Abilify) for six months (yes, my doctor knows). I’ve only had a few minor manias after going through some really stressful circumstances. I mostly avoid drama whenever possible, and I understand how to set healthy boundaries. Anytime I start to feel obsessed over something that is my cue to put it down. So, for you more experienced psychedlic users out there, based off this short history would trying a psychedelic be a bad idea for me?? And because I accidently pasted this YouTube Vid here and have no idea how to delete it, I hope you enjoy its message if it happens to catch your interest.
  7. @Gesundheit Maybe you’d like this video???
  8. @allislove Sorry, I don’t understand. I hope to. I’ll keep an open mind. And yes, on rare occasions, pink elephants do exist.
  9. @Nak Khid I suppose looking at it logically, yes, because Everything is Everything including within it-Nothing. As far as it being mythological, I have no idea.
  10. After asking the question I went searching around the forum and found a question about shamanism and then someone led to me to this guy and I thought I would share what I found on his website.