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Loving Radiance

How Trump can win this election

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Here is an insightful systemic opinion that makes policy changes and daily political content connect in a big picture perspective.


Why Trump will win either way?

The Trump administration is planning for both victory and loss. His current “law and order” narrative and involving national troops as he does is a clever strategic move.

Trump’s campaign is trying to rally voters with the idea that American cities run by Democrats are seething with violence.

And to create that violence, the administration is sending in law enforcement officers that belong to departments within the executive branch of the government.

And to increase his chances of winning the 2020 elections the Trump administration is continuing to make voting more difficult for particular groups that are considered a threat for an election victory.

And the hamoc Covid-19 is causing in the US creates chaos; the perfect conditions for Trumps current policy. The responce by the Trump administration might be deliberate to create a territory Trump masters quite well.

Donald Trump is not alone. One of the largest threats I see is to underestimate the strategic capacities of the Trump administration, his campaign team and those in power backing it.

The Trump administration has mastered profiling and nudging for political purposes. They know who they need to win, and they know them well using profiling techniques similar to those of Google, Facebook and Amazon. This also goes for people and areas that are more unlikely to result in a majority win by election. They know how to push which buttons with whom in order to serve their purpose.

The voters Trump needs for re-election are in detail profiled and the campaign team knows very well how to reach them through (social) media. The Trump administration and campaign team make excellent TV for the people they need to vote for Trump to have him re-elected. And, you can say of Trump whatever you want, one thing he knows well is how to play and please his audience in (social) media.

Trump is campaigning. Practically every thing he, his staff and trustees are doing in policy and media is focussed on 1 thing only: keeping (the) Trump (administration) in power.

Though the group of violent proterstors is very small, with camera and proper editing one can make a huge story of it. A story Trump voters like. Sending in the national police stirrs up the fire and makes excellent headlines.

Another aspect is that the cities where the national police is sent to by the Trump administration have a democrat mayor and democrat majority in elections.

Trump is showing GOP that he can break the democrats. GOP might not like Trump so much anymore. Everything is better than a democrat majority. Everything is authorised to remain in power. In general that is the mentality in the republican party these days, both on national and local levels.

The Nixon, Reagan and Bush sr. Administration started introducing policies to make sure the republican party would remain in power endlessly. The Trump administration only has geared up.

The Trump administration knows this and knows very well how to play ‘power games’ (Red).

And it makes good press with republican voters who might not like Trump but do like the republican party.

The narrative that democrat mayors make their cities unsafe due to their weak response to blm and antifa violence is honey around their mouth.

The attention for, and rejection of, the Trump administration sending in national police by democrats and the so called “fake news” is very helpful here too. The people Trump needs to vote for him love seeing the democrats being upset and overrulled. The people with power backing him love it, also because it keeps them in the shade.

To destabilize areas where a majority of voters is democrat, or potentially will be during next elections, is smart if you play to win. To win is the only thing that matters and you have to be ruthless in achieving your goal. (Unhealthy Red expression, using Blue for a healthy Red/Orange value)

Afro american and Latino voters are a potential threat for Trump’s re-election. A high turnout at the elections, in general, is a threat for a Trump majority during next elections. The lower the turnout, the larger the chance is for Trump to win.

Trump has a large group of very loyal people who will vote for him no matter what. They wíll vote; will not be witheld by covid-19 measurements, are inspired by current actions of the Trump administration, and are well facilitated to bring out their vote in November.

Questioning absentee ballot voting fits in a pattern of making it harder for specific people and groups to bring out their votes. Since the Bush sr elections the republican party has taken a large variety of measurements to prevent a democrat majority. The Afro american communities have been made most difficult to bring out their vote. Not only for racist reasons, but predominantly because this group is profiled to vote for democrat candidates.

To reduce the number of (Afro american) people that will bring out their vote is a significant factor in the Trump administration covid-19 policy. “There is a policy and it is going well.” Trump might not be lying, saying this.

Covid-19 hurts the economy, yes, but it also destabilizes the country. Again predominantly in Afro american and democrat voting communities. The ‘casualties’ among Trump voters, broadly shared in anti-Trump circles, are neglectable compared to these and those needed to win the elections.

A high number of covid-19 positives in an area that is a ‘sure win’ for Trump is not a threat for winning the 2020 elections. And - who knows - will there be a vaccine and/or another, larger, threat in November.

Disputing the liability of any form of absentee voting creates conditions for the Trump administration to question the election outcomes when they will not result in an elected majority for Trump.

What if Trump loses the 2020 elections?
Will he accept the outcome?

This is something Trump also is very honest about:
he might or he might not.

We probably only know for sure after the elections. This is not reality nów and the Trump administration is currently doing everything to prevent Trump from losing the 2020 elections.

In a destabilized area, by covid-19 lockdown, blm - or any other protest - with national police there it is possible for the Trump administration to call out a state of emergency that enables the Trump administration to send national police troops at their will. During the Trump administration several laws have been signed to prepare for this option.

These forces and measurements such as a local covid-19 lockdown can be used to reduce the number of people bringing out their vote in November. With the data the Trump adminstration has they can effectively decide how and where to install such measurements.

For the national police forces sent by the Trump administration Barr is deploying federal agents from the FBI, U.S. Marshal Service, Custom and Border Protection agency, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF). His assignment is to “surge resources”.

The troops selected might be chosen for their sympathy for the Trump administration. Heavily armed troops are sent in with a mandate from their president and protected by anonimity.

It is not surprising this raises questions.

Though it might be true, it doesn’t help to call Trump sending the national police forces as dictatorship or legilazation of the KKK. The NRA, GOP, right wing extremist groups, and other Trump voters will praise him for it and the gap between people who think otherwise is increased by the ‘naming and shaming’ from both sides.

In a pitchdark scenario this might be a preparation for Trump’s personal army that can be activated at will if Trump loses the 2020 elections.

To hear the president tell it, the country is at war against a leftist enemy that is destroying us from within, makes this scenario plausible.

Orange/Red/Blue is quite capable of preparing and enrolling the scenarios described here. Lack of Green is an advantage to execute them serving only 1 purpose: winning at all costs, no matter how.

Winning at all cost, at ALL cost!
This is what Trump wants, what his staff wants, what the republican party wants and what his supporters want.

When Trump wins the 2020 elections all is being set in place to continue the policy in a higher gear while controlling the voices against it effectively in a, for the US, unprecedented way.

Those things happen in China, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Turkey, ..., but not in the US!

Or ...?

When Trump loses the 2020 elections he leaves a country behind that is torn apart by anger, fear and distrust.

Either way he will have won - he has ‘drained the swamp’ and conflicted severe injury, turning the US into a ‘fragile state’.

What he will do after the election outcomes if he loses the elections? Knowbody knows.

We don’t know because Trump makes and changes decisions at a daily frequence. Trúmp doesn’t know; he simply hasn’t decided yet because the situation isn’t there yet.

Ofcourse, this is just a personal view from me, a European Global Citizen. I might miss out on some things. You can add or correct me there.

But sometimes it takes a view from outside to understand what is going on inside. The whole world is affected by what is going on in the US. That alone entitles people from outside the US to have a view or informed opinion about it.

I am very disturbed by what is happening in the US and the rest of the word.

I am very curious to learn from the conversation this post might bring.

I am very eager for us to find ways and effective approaches for a Delta surge to turn the tide. Not only in the US, but the country is so dominant at global scale.

I pray we can act now for our grand children to look back at this period as a break-through instead of a break-down.

I expect it will take decades to create a break through in this global mess.

I fear we do not have that time with Covid-19 and Global Warming as context for this powergame.

A powergame at global scale with the US as ‘leader of the free world’ playing a crucial role.


Edited by Loving Radiance
systematic to systemic

Presence. Goodness. Feeling.

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Trump most likely to lose. But he will guaranteed to drag the entire country into chaos with him. He will never go quietly or admit defeat.

You are God. You are Love. You are Infinity. You are Leo.

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@Leo Gura Of course. If he behaved in any other way I would think that he was replaced by a robot.

Edit: Despite, it is good to see the strategy used to rig the already rigged election system.

Edited by Loving Radiance

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Trump most likely to lose. But he will guaranteed to drag the entire country into chaos with him. He will never go quietly or admit defeat.

He also has millions of die-hard supporters that are very emotionally attached to him. 

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2 hours ago, Bodigger said:

I'm not a big Facebook fan for trustworthy sources.  I prefer interviews with people in politics.  For instance, Bobby Rush, who is the only person to ever win an election over Barack Obama.

Dude, don't post conservative garbage news sources here.

Wikipedia, Washington Times:


The Washington Times was founded on May 17, 1982, by Unification movement leader Sun Myung Moon and owned until 2010 by News World Communications, an international media conglomerate founded by Moon. It is currently owned by Operations Holdings, which is owned by the Unification movement.

Washington Times is shit funded by one the world's biggest cult leaders, Sun Myung Moon. It's right-wing propaganda.

You are God. You are Love. You are Infinity. You are Leo.

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@Leo Gura  If I remember correctly he took the political test from one of Husseinindoingfine's threads and it came out more on the right than the majority of the forum members, I think it was conservative.

Presence. Goodness. Feeling.

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5 minutes ago, Loving Radiance said:

@Leo Gura  If I remember correctly he took the political test from one of Husseinindoingfine's threads and it came out more on the right than the majority of the forum members, I think it was conservative.

I know he leans conservative, and that's okay. I have nothing against conservative leaning people per se. But don't share junk sources here which are trying to create a race war.

That article is so manipulative. It's deliberately trying to paint Trump's critics as idiots.

You are God. You are Love. You are Infinity. You are Leo.

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Let's be honest though, Donald Trump winning would really and truly fit the shitty apocalyptic year 2020 has become.

Perhaps right after the election is over it would only be fitting if a 50km wide meteor slammed into the Earth, to top things off.

Edited by Roy

"I don't care what the people know! The world's going to end in a month or so..."

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@Roy The night grows darkest before the dawn.

You are God. You are Love. You are Infinity. You are Leo.

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   The only way Trump wins is when the opposition blunders. That simple.

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It's interesting to see Democrats fully believe that Trump has been an utter disaster, that he will lose by a landslide cuz we all know how bad his presidency has been. Of course Trump, being the idiot/buffoon that he is, doesn't disappoint.

It's also interesting to see Republicans be confident af that Trump will win, that Democrats have nothing against him, that Trump is all that and more. They think Joe Biden isn't fit to run for Presidency, or be President. I've heard some conservatives say 'Do I like Trump? No. But given the direction the Left is going, I would never want to vote for them. I'm kinda okay with Trump's presidency.'

Republicans who hold this view ignore all of his stupidity. They say 'I don't want Biden. If something happens to Biden before the election and if someone like Hillary Clinton replaces him, I definitely don't want her. I'd prefer Trump to them.'

Here's how a right-winger sees the Left in 2020:

  • BLM was an epic disaster. Trump was right to not support the protesters. In fact, Trump should have deployed armed forces quicker than he did.
  • Cancel culture is a problem created by the Left
  • CHAZ was laughable
  • Libertarians who don't fully believe in COVID like that he doesn't wear a mask. They also like that he cut WHO funding.
  • They feel threatened on the issue of gun rights. Especially in the face of BLM riots.

There's dynamics going on beneath the surface that are important to look at. Have the progressives been good enough at solving these problems? It's always a tug of war where progressives want to create some change, and conservatives ask them the tough questions on the practical aspects and implementability of those changes.

"Do not pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." - Bruce Lee

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Trump thinks memorizing 5 words is an amazing feat.

Bonus Points if it's IN ORDER ! ! ! woah.

Edited by Extreme Z7

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I'm just waiting for the election. I'm not going to predict who will win. I will pray to god that Trump does not will.

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@Lyubov Good for you! Nevertheless, it brings clarity to see how much we all as devils are capable of manipulation and are manipulable just to hold on to our identity.

3 hours ago, Keyhole said:

I feel bad for all the people that think that Trump will make their lives better not knowing that they are sealing their own fate.

Sometimes reality needs to slap you in the face to wake up... sometimes you need to fall off a cliff.

3 hours ago, Keyhole said:

You know I was just thinking that instead of praying that Trump isn't elected, what we should all do is pray that Trump is able to heal.

That would be the most powerful. However the conditioned mind needs a radical shift in perspective, especially if the conditioning was going on for decades.

Presence. Goodness. Feeling.

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