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What is the best way to improve Self-Esteem

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I struggle with some emotional problems like jealousy, performance anxiety, unworthiness. 

I try to see the mechanisms behind them, and replace them with rational ideas, which can help me to improve myself in a less neurotic way. But nevertheless, i feel same crippling feelings again and again. What can i do?

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For me bodybuilding. You become to percieve your social image as high value. But it is also dangerous: you could attach more to your ego, which is probably what majority of people that get a great pschyque does; more vanity.

Edited by RedLine

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For me, my awakening to love really did the trick. It showed me how real love looks like, put simply, complete infinite self-acceptance.

For boosting ordinary everyday self-esteem, i recommend checking out Teal Swan. It's likely that your present crippling thoughts came from your childhood/past experiences.

Repect the progress, no matter how little, cry, write down your negative thoughts so you can have a better look at it. Realize that you are suffering, have empathy for youself, fall in love with yourself. Treat yourself like how you would want to be treated. Hug other people (if possible). Go outside and breath in fresh air (assuming that you can go outside and the air is fresh). 

Good luck on the journey, you are not alone ^_^

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@hikmatshiraliyev for any kind of emotional problem, I usually practice unconditional self acceptance and no judgement.  I focus my awareness on what exactly I am saying to myself and the emotions which it is creating.  By practicing constant self observation I reach a situation in which I do not have to force myself to be different.  This is what allows change to be made.  If you compare yourself to others, notice how you are creating more problems.  Your act of judging yourself and others is what prevents you from actualization of the performance you want to create.  See how you are the source of this obstacle.  As you do this the obstacle begins to fade.  I do this self observation and self love constantly everyday.  Maybe it will help you.

As for changing your beliefs, I think self observation is better for learning how you work.  Very often beliefs are generalizations about yourself, but you are more complicated then the rational beliefs about you.  As you observe yourself, you get an intuitive sense of how to control your emotions.  For you it may be different from the sensations I feel in my body, but this may be more effective than just the beliefs.  If you do focus on beliefs just be careful of the limiting ones and the self judgement.  Self judgement especially is harmful.

In one final note remember that you are always worthy of being loved no matter who you are.  You have to imagine you are not and then withhold love from yourself and others, creating your own obstacles.  You can overcome these problems.

I hope this helps.

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Psychedelics. Simple.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

Psychedelics. Simple.

I've been doing research about Psychedelics in the last two years and I'm tempted to try them. I still have emotional issues that I need to solve and hopefully will get to the bottom of them by using Magic Mushrooms.

Me on the road less traveled.

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Every problem is a lack of Self Love. Somehow, somewhere in your psyche, you are disowning and hating a part of yourself. If you loved and included yourself fully. There couldn't be problems.

As Leo says, psychedlics are the fastest way to show exactly where and how you aren't loving yourself.

I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Psychedelics. Simple.

@Leo Gura Any psychedelics or stick with 5-MeO-DMT if possible? 

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@Leo Gura I have not any access to psychedelics yet. And probably i will not have in the next couple of years. Only In Netherlands i will try mushrooms, and i will be there just for 3 or 4 days. 

I am open to any other ideas. I just wanna know how to system of mind works, and how can i replace my negative feelings and thoughts with positive ones?

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9 hours ago, hikmatshiraliyev said:

I struggle with some emotional problems like jealousy, performance anxiety, unworthiness. 

I try to see the mechanisms behind them, and replace them with rational ideas, which can help me to improve myself in a less neurotic way. But nevertheless, i feel same crippling feelings again and again. What can i do?

You can not feel, feeling, anymore than you can think a thought. Feeling is feeling. Thought is thought. Feeling is never wrong. Listen to it, and let the thoughts go. 

The feelings are far from crippling. It’s labeling feeling, and believing the thought - which is false, and is the suffering. Jealousy is seeing someone else having, doing, or being something that you want. Instead of believing you can’t, take your attention off them - write what you want on your dreamboard and watch it come as you let resistant thoughts go. What you want, is what feels good - to you. Getting what you want out of your head and in front of you, on the dreamboard, feels good. It is naturally inspiring. It uproots beliefs about yourself which are not true, which feeling has been telling you every single time the thought arises. Performance anxiety is labeling and thus a way of ignoring, feeling. Again, feeling tells you the thoughts are not true. Unworthiness is the same. It is ignoring how terrible such a thought feels, and labeling yourself. 

Imagine if you stop labeling, write everything you actually want in this life on a dreamboard, and discovered feeling guides you, as reality becomes exactly what you wrote on your board. 

And do it. 



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1 hour ago, wordsforliving said:

@Leo Gura Any psychedelics or stick with 5-MeO-DMT if possible? 

Most will do the trick if that is your intention.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@hikmatshiraliyev Exercise is great, when you exercise your body can't go into depression because of feel-good chemicals that get released during muscle soreness and pain.

True self-love also works. Accept all of reality and see it as Love. Surrender to your feelings and forgive yourself for them. Leo has videos on this you can watch if you want.

Describe a thought.

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I think it’s just through experience and your perception of those experiences.

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