Michael Paul

A warning to those pursuing Kundalini

99 posts in this topic

2 hours ago, Dumuzzi said:

I may not be the right person to ask, as I didn't do enough preparation and got into a whole lot of trouble as a result. Sure, I did a spot of Hatha Yoga, tai chi and kung fu, plus read a lot on the subject,  but I had no Guru to guide me and I did not join any group that could help me either. I had to figure it out all on my own.

In eastern traditions, you're supposed to devote years of your life preparing to raise your kundalini, doing various yogic and tantric exercises, to strengthen your energetic and nervous system. Kundalini is like being hit by a bolt of lightning, repeatedly, over and over again. It can certainly fry your nervous system and cause serious neurological issues. The thing is, it happens to an increasing number of people spontaneously, without any preparation, or as a result of using psychedelics. 

If you feel heat in your spine, that is the beginning of a Kundalini activation, it is certainly stirring from its slumber, so you'd better prepare yourself. This forum has actually some excellent advice on meditation, Kriya Yoga and whatnot, so if you commit yourself, you should be fine.

There is a lot of information on this forum, but chaotic, not systematic. If there were one or two techniques needed to do to prepare for kundalini awakening, I would learn and do it, but if it is too complicated I am not sure if I can do it without a teacher.

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@Buba It's hard. I have not found any genuine enlightened masters in my lifetime, not even one. I've had teachers who taught me about yoga and martial arts, but only in their specific discipline. None of them were enlightened. I seriously doubt there are many of them even in India. So, if you choose a specific discipline, such as Kriya Yoga or Kundalini Yoga, it might help you prepare, but it will never give you the full package.

That is why I personally follow Tantra, or the inner, esoteric path, guided by the Goddess. I was initiated directly by her, so I'm in no need of a Guru. 

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2 hours ago, Dumuzzi said:

@Buba It's hard. I have not found any genuine enlightened masters in my lifetime, not even one. I've had teachers who taught me about yoga and martial arts, but only in their specific discipline. None of them were enlightened. I seriously doubt there are many of them even in India. So, if you choose a specific discipline, such as Kriya Yoga or Kundalini Yoga, it might help you prepare, but it will never give you the full package.

That is why I personally follow Tantra, or the inner, esoteric path, guided by the Goddess. I was initiated directly by her, so I'm in no need of a Guru. 

Sometimes I feel spasm on my spine. I move involuntarily. I dont do yoga. Only meditation.

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24 minutes ago, Buba said:

Sometimes I feel spasm on my spine. I move involuntarily. I dont do yoga. Only meditation.

That certainly sounds like a Kundalini that is in the initial stages of awakening.

Meditation in itself is enough to awaken her. She has a mind of her own in any case and will awaken as she sees fit. It may become a major inconvenience for your life, with some major changes that you might have to make, so be prepared for that.

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16 hours ago, Dumuzzi said:

That certainly sounds like a Kundalini that is in the initial stages of awakening.

Meditation in itself is enough to awaken her. She has a mind of her own in any case and will awaken as she sees fit. It may become a major inconvenience for your life, with some major changes that you might have to make, so be prepared for that.

Only after awakening I will know if I am ready or not. :D

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3 hours ago, Buba said:

Only after awakening I will know if I am ready or not. :D

Kundalini is intelligent, cosmic energy, at least on one level. She will know when is the right time and what the correct circumstances are for her to awaken. On the other hand, don't underestimate the sacrifices that will have to be made. 

Just to give you my own example, I had to quit my job in the City of London, move countries and start all over again. I was unable to properly work for years and had to live off my savings. I had serious neurological and psychological issues. I am fine now, and very happy, but I literally had to give up everything in exchange for awakening. That is the sort of commitment that is required, which @Leo Gura keep emphasising and he's too right.

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37 minutes ago, Dumuzzi said:

Just to give you my own example, I had to quit my job in the City of London, move countries and start all over again. I was unable to properly work for years and had to live off my savings. I had serious neurological and psychological issues. I am fine now, and very happy, but I literally had to give up everything in exchange for awakening. That is the sort of commitment that is required, which @Leo Gura keep emphasising and he's too right.

What was an obstacle for a proper work? Last year I could not go to work for 5 days, as I had intense anxiety, depression and restlessness. I could not even sit for several seconds. I could not eat. What prevented you from working at that time?

What made you move countries? Feeling?

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@Buba  I had panic attacks and agoraphobia. I lived and worked in London at the time and could not bear the crowds, I had to spend as much time in nature as possible. I was also unable to concentrate properly, my movement slowed down and I had foggy thinking. This lasted for several years. I had to move back to my home country, to a small town, to calm my nerves and stay away from crowds.

All this was caused by Kundalini activation, for which I wasn't properly prepared. I had a vague idea, that I was going through an awakening, Gopi Krishna's books helped immensely in that regard. Even before the serpent rose all the way to the top, it was stuck at my heart chakra, which gave me chest pains and various neurological symptoms. At that point, I was saved by the Goddess, she gave me shaktipat and removed the energetic block in person. It then rose all the way to the top, pierced the crown chakra and I had an enlightenment / samadhi experience. 

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I have a question about kundalini..

what Kundalini awakening do to your body, mind and perception ? And what is the significance thing about kundalini to other practices like kriya?

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39 minutes ago, John Iverson said:

I have a question about kundalini..

what Kundalini awakening do to your body, mind and perception ?

And what is the significance thing about kundalini to other practices like kriya?

Kundalini Awakening upgrades the body-mind and perception.

All Yoga is based on working with Kundalini, at different levels.

The aim is always the same, Union with God.

In more complicated terms, Kundalini is Shakti, the divine feminine.

She rises to the top along the spine in a fiery spiralling dance.

When She breaks through to the crown, the Sahasrara, Shakti and Shiva unite.

It is the destruction of duality and the resumption of Oneness.

Separation ceases to be and unity is regained.

In Unity consciousness, there is just the One.

The light and love in this state is almost too much to bear.

There is bliss and joy in infinity, unceasing.

We are Heaven and there is nothing beyond us.

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2 hours ago, Dumuzzi said:

Kundalini Awakening upgrades the body-mind and perception.

All Yoga is based on working with Kundalini, at different levels.

The aim is always the same, Union with God.

In more complicated terms, Kundalini is Shakti, the divine feminine.

She rises to the top along the spine in a fiery spiralling dance.

When She breaks through to the crown, the Sahasrara, Shakti and Shiva unite.

It is the destruction of duality and the resumption of Oneness.

Separation ceases to be and unity is regained.

In Unity consciousness, there is just the One.

The light and love in this state is almost too much to bear.

There is bliss and joy in infinity, unceasing.

We are Heaven and there is nothing beyond us.

But what is the difference of Kundalini among different yogas out there? The "SIGNIFICANCE"... i mean 

for example kundalini will this and this and this... unlike this, this.. will thiss will this.. 

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@John Iverson you know what you should try? Mantak Chia. There is so much crazy stuff there it will keep you busy for a lifetime. And it is within your reach. There're proper teachers all over the world to teach you and initiate you. It is well explained. Step by step process to become immortal tao enlightened master.

It is crazy and accessiable also. Kundalini you need to find a master and work for minimum 12years in a specific atmoshphere, with specific food, with specific guidence and everything.

Better go for Taoism. You will learn how to make kamehame. open your 8 inner gates, create energy vortexes, and other naruto stuff like that. Not a joke, it's true. From where do you think they came up with all those things?

And you can become a trained instructor for these practices and overhelm people all you want.

Give it a try :)

Good luck :)

Edited by Salvijus

You cannot love what you need. 

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2 hours ago, Salvijus said:

@John Iverson you know what you should try? Mantak Chia. There is so much crazy stuff there it will keep you busy for a lifetime. And it is within your reach. There're proper teachers all over the world to teach you and initiate you. It is well explained. Step by step process to become immortal tao enlightened master.

It is crazy and accessiable also. Kundalini you need to find a master and work for minimum 12years in a specific atmoshphere, with specific food, with specific guidence and everything.

Better go for Taoism. You will learn how to make kamehame. open your 8 inner gates, create energy vortexes, and other naruto stuff like that. Not a joke, it's true. From where do you think they came up with all those things?

And you can become a trained instructor for these practices and overhelm people all you want.

Give it a try :)

Good luck :)

You know what i really want ❤️ I am going to search about that righ the fuckin now!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Wait, do you have existing resource about it? Specially books i could read?.. and people who is real deal.. i want to be direct to a really legit 

Edited by John Iverson

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@Dumuzzi Very interesting. How exactly did you activate your kundalini? What do you think was the main reason?

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@OBEler It was a combination of factors. The event itself was planned well before I was born and not just for me. It happened in December 2012, when I was 33 years old and a lot of people had similar experiences right around that time. My father was actually born on 12 December and My sister on 11 November. Those numerological synchronicities keep coming up in my life and they're never coincidental, in fact they're highly significant.

I'm certain my Kundalini would have risen on its own, even if I didn't do anything, but I was also driven to explore it, do meditation, study scripture and live the right lifestyle through an inner conviction. So, it was always meant to happen, but simultaneously I also had to make it happen, as part of my destiny. I hope that makes sense. 

Because this was pre-ordained, and I was already prepared for it from work I did in previous lives, I had to do relatively little, it was more a question of allowing it to unfold and giving myself over to Divine Grace.

That doesn't mean it was easy, I had to go through serious challenges and issues that at times seemed life-threatening, though in hindsight, they were an inevitable part of the growing process. 

Kundalini is the evolutionary mechanism and it is about taking humanity to the next level, creating a new type of awakened human that is in touch with the spiritual world and basically lives in heaven whilst still on earth. Gopi Krishna, who is my main source and inspiration, wrote about this extensively.

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@Dumuzzi So during a normal day in dexember 2012 you just had this powerful energy rising up the spine and from then on it never stopped?

You just did some meditation to make this happen? lucky one.. (ok i dont know what you did in your previous life times)

Edited by OBEler

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10 minutes ago, OBEler said:

@Dumuzzi So during a normal day in dexember 2012 you just had this powerful energy rising up the spine and from then on it never stopped?

You just did some meditation to make this happen? lucky one.. (ok i dont know what you did in your previous life times)

No, not at all.

It's best to read this introduction for the whole story:



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