Rujan Mehar Bajracha

Am I too young for enlightenment.

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I am 14 years old. I got some glimpse of what the true self is like but at the end of the day it all vanishes, is it normal? 

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I think the younger, the better.

But you gotta make sure your shit is handled before.

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Just now, Rujan Mehar Bajracha said:

@Truth Addict What type of shit to be handled?

Your personal life, health, friends and family, education and work, etc...

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@Rujan Mehar Bajracha I’ve had this since I was a baby. No such thing as too young unless you deem it so

Like Truth Addict says though, it’s better if you’ve got everything handled. However, that’s true at any age


Edited by Synchronicity

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12 minutes ago, Rujan Mehar Bajracha said:

@Truth Addict  Then How can I dis-attach from my personal life.

It's an integral process, you need both construction and deconstruction at the same time. It’s more about conscious balance than complete detachment. It's a process of adding the most value to your life by removing the lesser values that society gives by default.

You might want to start with this:

Also, take a look at this ?

And most importantly, be careful not to depend on a single source for information. Always try to keep variety.

Edited by Truth Addict

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Not a problem!


It is good that you're seeing it before.


But I agree with other comments. Spiritual development is better when you have yours basics taken care of. The lower levels in the Maslows pyramid. You can start your spiritual development earlier, but you should work on your personal development earlier as well: health, exercise, diet, friends, family, relationships, courage, drive, engagement, discipline, meditation, habits, knowledge about money & business; compassion, empathy, community; systems thinking, reading, etc..... 


In my opinion, it's never good to go all-in in spirituality without grounding your life in the material, day-to-day world. Believing you are a spiritual master by rejecting the day-to-day life around you can be really, really dangerous. If you're truly spiritual, you will also be a master on day-to-day life, you will integrate it. That would be my only warning

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@fewrocker But somewhere in my heart, something is saying to go all in. What can I do with that? I think it's my problem,isn't it?


Edited by Rujan Mehar Bajracha

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@Rujan Mehar Bajracha I'd urge caution for one reason: assuming you live in a similar society to mine, you are as yet unable to earn your own keep, support yourself.  You are still under the expectations of parents, teachers, etc.

By all means explore this, but be careful about what "going all in" means at a point in life where you are societally vulnerable.  Being able to support yourself and survive is a key, otherwise how can you do the work?

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@Telepresent Yes, you are right I live in a similar society like your's and i hadn't thought about going all in.

Edited by Rujan Mehar Bajracha

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@Rujan Mehar Bajracha I was 16 when I was introduced to by the meditation guide video. It's been 1.5 years. No problem to be young.

Don't make huge decisions and choices based on nonduality yet. We tend to get immature when we see truths in young age. Remember you can work on this for dacades starting from now. Don't rush it. :)

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8 hours ago, Rujan Mehar Bajracha said:

@fewrocker But somewhere in my heart, something is saying to go all in. What can I do with that? I think it's my problem,isn't it?


@Rujan Mehar BajrachaBajracha

It's the same as me. That'd god telling you to do it, you wouldn't even be on this website if god wasn't already leading you. Just keep listening to that voice. I will say one thing, everything you think will help you...wont. you'll try to develop impressive psychological ideas and maps to match up with what leo says, these will all just get in the way. 


"There is no teaching, no teacher and no pupil. 

Only find yourself." 


Do the kryia yoga, do the self enquiry, let your heart become involved and question everything. That little voice that got you here can be refined and developed like a muscle....eventually you'll get to the stage where you can hear it all the time, like me. Voice tells the future and stuff sometimes. It told me my name would be "Reuben" from now on, which means "I have a son". It even told me 2 months in advance that I was going to find something incredible, something ground breaking. Incredible detail.


Just imagine that God is trying to leave you little hints and stuff. 

Nothing is worth more than what lies beyond the devotion to finding the self. It fulfils like no other experience or sensation. Don't give up on your ego life either tho, get a good education, a good job etc. That little voice is very very handy. It told me to listen to leo

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@Rujan Mehar Bajracha

>>>Am I too young for enlightenment<<

I think it depends on the "apparent" person. Ramana Maharshi was just 16 or 17.

Some say though that the ego must be fully developed, before you can transcend it. 

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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Who are we to tell you whether you are ready or not? Age is not a tool to decipher a persons development. I know lots of old people who are nowhere near ready. Your confusion only exists in the one place that prevents enlightenment, which is kind of funny when you think about it. 

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BTW Ego is still there after enlightenment. You can and should still develop it after enlightenment. It's just you won't be possessed by it, so you'll actually be able to develop it better.

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Fuck what everyone says, obey God and the voice inside. If your being led on this path, then focus solely on God's voice and what *he's* telling you to do

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