
Enlightenment experience on 2nd Marijuana Trip

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The last couple days, I've been having a craving to go back to Infinity, to go back after being exposed to it once already. My whole intention with this second trip was to do it "right" this time. To be in control of what I wanted to see. I got everything I asked for and more during this trip.

In the end, I had to ultimately choose to either stay and go deeper and deeper in to trip or I choose to be okay with the progress I've made from the trip. Which ever decision I chose is right.

Everything I was trying to figure out ultimately used itself as an excuse for itself to be. It was all a beautiful infinite, infinite loop.

I was able to understand how literally everything is all because of Love. Existing is Love. Love for myself and love for everything else which is also me.

The deeper and deeper I went, the more impossible it seemed like I'd ever come back from it. I saw how everything I'm doing during the trip was affecting everything that has, is, and will happen in my life. At the same time, everything I do in the "real world" affected what I experience in the trip. They both affected each other, infinitly. It felt like I had full control of my human experience but at the same time, it felt like I also had no control at all.

There were words that seemed more right than others. These words I believe now were what Leo meant by Absolute. The word Love is absolute, it's fundamental for everything. The word Good and Exist were absolute. Non-existence only ever exists as a concept.

The ego. The ego, became a friend. The ego has always been a part of me. I've always had this ego and I've always had to have had this ego to want myself to exist eternally. The ego is the Love for myself.

The phrases "Be optimistic" and "Always look on the bright side" had a huge role during this trip. I had to have faith in myself, in my all my Goodness that everything is gonna be alright. Trust in a happy ending. Everything is a happy ending.

Death is an illusion. I could not imagine what Death was because it didn't exist. What happens before and after your life has always been this. This has always been what's happening. In the end, this has always been the end goal but it has also always been the starting line.

I understand now how Enlightenment or Waking up is inevitable. The duty to help everyone else Wake Up now has a bigger importance to it.

There's way more things to be said but I think that's as far as I'll go. Thanks for reading......

I got nothing.

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@Swagala Great work! Remember to properly integrate these experiences :) 

@molosku Don't underestimate weed. I had mystical experiences with weed that were on a similar level as LSD trips. In some aspects they were even deeper. It's just that not so many people used weed for spiritual awakenings that much so its hugely underestimated :D 

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I read your first marijuana trip thread. How did you approach the trip? Set and setting? preparation? dose and method of consumption? Im extremely curious because right now I can't get high quality psychedelics so weed is my only option. I've had many great insights on weed but never a "mystical" or enlightenment experience 

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The first time I smoked and it hit me I was alone and it was the most profound experience of my life I would say, in that it opened up my consciousness so much to other possibilities of existence. I was very closed minded at the time and have done psychedelics since that were also very profound. But I would have never embarked on my journey of curiosity and discovery about the universe, or have been interested to do psychedelics had I not had the experience I had with cannabis. Sometimes I think that first time I shocked myself into releasing endogenous DMT or some other compound in my brain or something, idk if thats what happened or if that is even possible, but thats what it felt like if I were to describe it. 

It was the first thing that slapped me in the face and made me realize "theres more to existence than I thought there was" because my mind never fathomed that consciousness could be altered in that way.  

I think a lot of people just dismiss cannabis that it can do no good compared to psychedelics but In my experience that is false. It won't do it for everybody but it did it for me. 

I do believe however it will not take you as far, just in the right scenario it can alter a persons consciousness profoundly. IME there is a ceiling you hit with cannabis in a sense, that you are still able to derive spiritual benefit from it, but not to the same extent that psychedelics do. And it will loose its spiritual benefit if you do it too often. 

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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@Lateralus I only smoked the marijuana and used a DIY gravity bong. I was at first, helped by messaging an online friend of mine who had previous experiences with psychedelics. But this time, I was alone.

I've been on my spiritual journey for maybe 3 years now and have never taken any psychedelics, I've always wanted to be Enlightened via "natural ways" like meditating and what not.

I sort of "prayed" to whatever is out there and hoped this would give me answers, truth. And then I affirmed my hopes by telling myself "this is gonna work". Like I said in this post, being really hopeful and "Looking on the bright side" really helped me find more and more insights. Having trust in your self, the universe and just everything, really.

I also took a few Puffs and when I felt like it was starting to set in, I took one more and then one more. While I'm tripping I decide whether or not I want to go deeper. You always have a choice to keep going. Just trust in yourself to make the right decisions.

"Ask and you shall receive"

Edited by Swagala

I got nothing.

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@Swagala Very nice! Some deep insights there.

Amazing that you're able to get that from weed. Whatever you're smoking, keep smoking it :P

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Swagala @Swagala wanna switch characters?? how in the world do people go so deep on weed. I am jealous! ?

Very happy for you my friend. ❤️

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@Swagala thanks  :) definitely going to approach my marijuana trips differently now. 

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On 8/22/2019 at 9:14 AM, Swagala said:

I was able to understand how literally everything is all because of Love. Existing is Love. Love for myself and love for everything else which is also me.




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