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About FredFred

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  • Birthday 07/04/1996

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  1. I realize my posts in this thread could've alarmed some of you. I'm sorry if that affected you negatively. While I was alarmed by what I realized, psychedelic insights tend to fade away in memory quite quickly. This one is no exception. Reminiscing this insight does bring anxiety, but overall I'm doing Okay. Take care,
  2. @UnbornTao My whole life is built around others. Realizing all of it as a smoke show is quite the shock. I still have no idea what this means going forward. Truth will fuck you up.
  3. I'm imagining waking up in the morning, I'm imagining going to work in my imaginary car, I'm imagining all my coworkers, I'm imagining heating my imaginary lunch in the imaginary microwave, I'm imagining giving this imaginary vending machine this imaginary money for an imaginary chocolate bar. I'm imagining my friends and family are conscious. Are they? I don't know, I have absolutely zero evidence they are. There is no point in me writing on this forum, I'll be imagining all the replies. What a mindfuck
  4. This consciousness is all there is, I’m imagining everything else. This insight was supposed to feel good? What the hell am I to do with this?
  5. This might just be the dumbest shit I've read all week
  6. Rule #3 of this subforum : Do not start a thread in this sub-forum unless you have some external resource to link. @cetus Hello
  7. @Daffcio Does your finances allow you to go live on your own? Says the weaboo
  8. Might be relevant :
  9. @r0ckyreed I can assure you with one hundred percent certainty that this question should be asked to your GP. There's literally dozens of risk factors that increase the chance of having blood clots. New agey armchair wizards on this forum don't know your medical history... Please ask your GP...
  10. Incoming thread lock
  11. @Danioover9000 Summer break for Australian students go from mid December to January. You're taking a break with 3.65 million people in Australia alone. There's no synchronicity here, just coincidences. What makes you believe in such things?
  12. @Danioover9000 What synchronicities are you talking about