Leo Gura

The DPT Mega-Thread

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You assume something other than imagination is possible. Well, you're imagining that! Imagination has no opposite since any opposite would itself be imaginary.

You might as well have substituted the word "assume" for "imagine", for linguistic efficiency.

While on some level what Leo says is correct, it lacks a notion of utility in a restricted existence such as humans are compelled to live within.

I wonder if I could get Leo to consider a medical condition called Dejerine-Roussy syndrome, a condition which occurs on occasion after a stroke affecting the thalamus and results in unremitting pain which can be unresponsive to treatment and often results in the sufferer if capable committing suicide. Is their suffering real, egoic or based on an attachment to a pain-free existence?

I have used psychedelics for 30+ years and what I have learned is that these tools do not provide gnosis of an end-point, and whilst novel and revelatory, they are better regarded as akin to a chisel which allows you to "sculpt" your life as the intrinsic part of "the process" that it is.

I also wonder how Leo will regard much of what he now says in 5 years time. Humour me, because I do recognise that "time doesn't exist".  

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19 minutes ago, Corpus said:

Is their suffering real, egoic or based on an attachment to a pain-free existence?

The context of this conversation is not every day common life but the highest levels of consciousness and Absolute Truth. The ultimate truth is that suffering is a distinction created by the mind for survival purposes. But this will not help a person who is not highly conscious. It does no good telling a child who lost his mother than his mother was just something he imagined, even though that is 100% true!

Truth is a radical thing. You can imagine whatever horror stories you want but it does not change the Truth.

"Real" vs imaginary is a duality you are creating. It does no good to believe it, you must be actually conscious that this is so. If you are not conscious of it, it will not help you.

Just because something is extremely painful does not make it any less imaginary. Do not confuse pain as evidence of "reality."

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I couldn't find answers to this question, so I'm asking here:
The only form I could get the DPT in is fumarate. That's a salt right, so the ROA here would be plugging or insufflating?

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Did anyone try propranolol (or other beta-blockers) with 5-meo or DPT?  I couldn't find clear information about the safety of this combo.


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2 hours ago, peanutspathtotruth said:

I couldn't find answers to this question, so I'm asking here:
The only form I could get the DPT in is fumarate. That's a salt right, so the ROA here would be plugging or insufflating?


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How do I as "a human being" care about something that I know is purely imaginary? How do I not fall into the trap of just saying "its not real" every time something bad happens?

For example "My dog that I love more than I will ever allow myself to love another human being just died" -> Reaction: Ah he was just imaginary. The way I saw him was just an idealisation. An imagined perfect being. It was only able to survive because he as a dog was not able to disprove my image of him. Of course he was imperfect, just like we all are. Humans will eventually destroy an image you have created of them to which they cannot live up to, a dog cannot. Everything my dog does will be seen through my lense of "motherly caring love".

With this approach I will essentially dismantle everything. Am I supposed to take everything apart? What is going to be left? 

How do I decide from which point of view to live? On the one hand everything is imaginary and perfect, because it is my creation. On the other hand I can fill this body and live as if everything is real. How do I stay in the body when my pain pushes me out? How do I continue to feel when all I feel is the pain of myself and everyone around me? How do I get rid of this imagined pain. Even though I imagined it to be, because I wanted to feel it. I imagined the pain and the desire to get rid of it. I imagined I would write this and now I am. 

I wanted to feel everything, even though it might feel "bad". From my point there is just everything, which I wanted to feel and imagine to be. There is no distinction within it. I imagined the ability to feel. I imagined I could imagine. I magine.

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@Psychonaut It is not going to make sense from your current state of consciousness that your dog is imaginary.

What's needed is not a belief that he was imaginary but a change in your state of consciousness.

Also don't forget that imagination is reality. So your dog is real: as real as anything else can be.

When everything is a dream, all dreamed up creations have a reality of their own.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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21 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

from your current state of consciousness

So how do I raise my level of consciousness? Or will I be going up and down for the rest of my life?

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1 hour ago, Psychonaut said:

So how do I raise my level of consciousness? Or will I be going up and down for the rest of my life?

You have been told all the techniques many times already. Pick one and master it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura  Regarding that video yes that's what the kundalini transmission looks like. I've been doing it for 8 months now and attended an immersion weekend of it after which I developed the capacity to transmit myself.  For anyone living in vancouver that's interested in experiencing this, feel free to send me a message as I'm trying to bring it to Canada.

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At risk of spooking people away from DPT, this image really encapsulates the vibe of DPT to me:


(great album too!)

I don't want to give the wrong impression - DPT isn't scary, it just doesn't sugar-coat anything, and it accesses the shadows.

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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@outlandish It's not that way for me at all.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura @outlandish I enjoy thinking about the randomness of psychedelics. However there is an intent mismatch I’m beggining to see. The psychedelic pathway is relatively new. However if you look at non duality masters their intent is the same to rid themselves of ego. For the student, this is also the same. So their intent aligns. 

However, there is a clear mismatch between Leo’s intent with psychadelics and the students. Leo’s is discovery, the students is death. I’m not sure what your old intentions were early on in your psychedelic path. Maybe you could check back to look if you were going with the intent of death?. 

Still, it looks like the pathway is really chaotic, maybe you should do a video on your blog about what you do whilst you are in deep time. So the student can mimic in their deep time. Otherwise your going to get varying results with everyone and what you need is reoccurring repeat  experiments of the same experience. 

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14 hours ago, outlandish said:

this image really encapsulates the vibe of DPT to me:

To me it is also nothing like that either. It is one of the most gentle psychedelics for me. However a lot has been cleared out of the way using other psychedelics prior to using DPT. That image is calming to me with a slight vibe of sadness.

@Aakash @Leo Gura

I would also be interested in what you do during the trip. You have a rather basic video from when you started on how to use psychedelics.

However, to me at least it seems like you have a strong bias towards contemplation and trying to understand something. I personally have been a rather practical person in the past. I am mainly interested in knowledge that I can use. For example, how to fix things, how they work and just how to have a better experience overall. 

So I guess, you will have a very different experience to me, because you think of very different things. This might seem wasteful to you, but on my last DPT trip I was thinking of better ways to fuck my girl and was able to feel what she does. Heck, if I have sex on weed I can completely leave my body, feel what she feels and give her exactly what turns her on. This is one of my core desires. To be able to feel myself through another body. To be able to feel my presence and effect on someone else through their reaction to me. To be able to not just feel my penetration of the world, but how the world is penetrated by me at the same time. To be able to feel so much that I just dissolve like salt in sea water. 

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I tried plugging DPT, twice. 60mg & 90mg (take into account that some of the substance will be lost during the procedure of plugging). I took some trips to the toilet, and didn't eat multiple hours before taking it. The only things I felt/saw were slight contrast changes and a very subtle "high", other than that it also made me want to go to the shitter after a while (even though I emptied my bowels, or what I could, beforehand). Disapointment set in... then I tried snorting it while still feeling a bit frustrated, and oh boy, this worked. Snorting isn't fun, because there's this uncomfortable feeling and taste in the throat, but it worked for me.

So if anyone has difficulty plugging, maybe try the nasal route and see if it does you any good. :)

"Wisdom is knowing I am nothing, Love is knowing I am everything, and between the two my life moves."

- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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17 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@outlandish It's not that way for me at all.

Leo, is there an image that you feel could represent your angle on the DPT vibe?


16 hours ago, Keyhole said:

@outlandish That is a really nice image to meditate on, I love that vibe - it isn't scary at all.  Reminds me of watching ice crack in warmer water once it's been dropped in the cup.

Yeah that's what I'm hoping to convey! I see how that image can look scary or sinister, and I know it could give the wrong impression, but there's a beauty in the shadows, and it doesn't feel scary at all. More mysterious and spacious. Like the image you describe.

I took a DPT trip last night to revisit it, as it's been a very long time since I tripped on DPT. I realized it's not so much that the above image represents DPT itself to me, but the figure actually represents the character of me on DPT. I become an embodiment of that image, a shadow-person, peering out at the world from the perspective of the shadows that normally go unnoticed or ignored. To me it's the perfect psychedelic to wander the dark alleys of the mind (or alleys IRL). Secrets and shadows, fog and moonlight.

I forgot how much I like DPT, thanks for the reminder @Leo Gura 

I'll try to put up a mini trip report when I find the time.

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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41 minutes ago, outlandish said:

Leo, is there an image that you feel could represent your angle on the DPT vibe?

It's really hard to put an image on it.

To me DPT feels like a mix of 5-MeO-DMT & Mushrooms.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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