
How to stay mindful in everyday life??

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When I meet my friends or do something outside I feel like i go full automatic and few hours later I find myself being mindful of me going home. 

How can I trigger mindfulness or remember to be mindful?

(Probebly I should make a habit of vipassana meditation which worked for me really well, why tf I havent been doing it :()


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Why do you want to become mindful outside?

Is going full automatic causing suffering?

If you're enjoying your time out, I don't think you want to become more mindful.

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@Truth Addict Because there is a different ego while with friends and I really don't like the way the ego is. 

Also I hear many poeple saying how powerful being mindful all the day is.

I want to grow my mindfulness yet I don't have the practice habit. I better work on that.

And yes, I don't like the feeling of suddenly realizing that you were full automatic for 4 5 hours.

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@Pouya  No judging, no backstabbing, no whining, no complaining, don't try to impress... All these low consciousness behaviors must go away. Listen more, hold eye contact :) (if your main problem occurs when spending time with friends)

Edited by bejapuskas

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Having a different ego for different situations is perfectly normal, but I see what you mean, you want to grow more authenticity.

I don't have a lot to offer, but since you started noticing this issue, it will be just a matter of time, and you will turn into an authenticity machine!

Just give yourself some time, maybe wear a band to remind you of what you want. I don't know, just go with the flow, bro...

Good luck! ;)

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@Pouya One method that works for me is “reality checks”. Several times a day I do a reality check and ask “Am I dreaming”. To see if I am, I hold out the palm of my hand and see if I can put my forefinger through my palm. The moment my forefinger touches my palm, I know I’m not dreaming and consciousness returns to what is actual now. I’d say this one exercise increased my consciousness from from 5% of the day to 50% of the day.

After I while, I started asking this question in my dreams. My dream character would ask “Am I dreaming?”. The moment my finger goes right through my palm, I know I’m dreaming and consciousness returns to what is actual (in the dream). Some people call this lucid dreaming. 

What I found was it doesn’t matter if my finger hoes through my palm or not. In both cases, consciousness returns to what is actual in the moment.

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It might work to make a few rules for during these auto pilot moments. 

Make a rule that everytime you shake your friends hand or hug them, you become present and aware of it. Make a rule that everytime you walk in the bus to greet the bus driver, you become present. Make a rule that everytime you brush your teeth or step into the elevator at your work, you become present. This helped a lot for me. 

Back this up with Vipassana, breath work, meditation, yoga (and yes, I have to pick some of them up again too ;)). Keep aligning yourself with being, breath, the present moment and try not to slip back in old (bad) habits. 

I'ts a slow but fun process. But you'll find yourself become more aware during these auto pilot moments. 


Edited by Vitamine Water

The art is to look without looking 

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@Pouya Mindlessness is so sweet though. (Sweet as in knowing of not knowing anything. Innocent, humble, vulnerable, wondering. All an impossibility. But, there it all is) 



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@Truth Addict Thanks :)

@David Hammond maybe it's not a problem but what I find problem is that this ego is much much less mindful that common me. I mean the ego while being alone. :|

@Serotoninluv I've heard about this technique in lucid dreaming (i never had :P) I'll try it.

@Vitamine Water I will try them Thanks :)




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@Nahm I love mindfulness because it deepens everything. :D

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an amazing but tough/brutal technique is to dialogue exactly what you have been doing for the entire day, recording every single 10 minute interval. Then see how much time you waste. It will scare you but in a good way, and inspire to start living mindfully/consciously, devoting time to only what you want and put your whole heart and soul into each minute. 

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