
Message to Leo and his disciples.

39 posts in this topic

I'd just like to thank you sincerely for completely fucking up my mind, body and soul. And probably, within the next 24 hours, the mind, body and soul of everyone I have ever loved. This is the end for me. Yes, IT IS then end. 

What you are preaching is existential nihilism. There is no difference. It is a dangerous, dangerous thing.

You CANNOT explained the universe. FACT. 

Nobody can.

You certainly CANNOT explain the universe by eating mushrooms. FACT.

There is NO ANSWER.

This is God repackaged. 

Look at this forum. Full of enlightened beings. All I see is anger, condescension, mockery and longing for something that, if we were supposed to have as a right, we shouldn't have to eat fucking mushrooms to attain. 


You'll say this is my ego, or my vibrations are out of whack mannnnn.

You are not the universe. And the Universe does not love you. It does not have infinite knowledge. It does not have infinite love. If it did, then what sort of fuckin sick joke is all this??

Most of you on here are smart people. Which is why I know a lot of you are questioning all this all the time. You just daren't admit it. 


Leo if you truly believed what you are saying, pack up all of your shit, close your YouTube channel, with your self-indulged 'mystic' imagery, and go live in a cave in Japan, gobbling mushrooms. 


As for me, I have two options. I'm either going to the hospital, and telling them I'm a nutcase so I can live in a psych ward all my life while they feed me pills, just so I don't completely break the hearts of my parents. Or I'm off a bridge a few miles from my house. BUT I SUPPOSE IT DOESN'T MATTER. 


Look at ordinary people. You ask them, explain the universe. They'll say, fuck knows. Which is essentially where we are all at here. The difference is, they've accepted it and ARE MAKING THE BEST OF WHATEVER THE FUCK THIS IS. They don't need to chase it. Isn't that real enlightenment?


Thanks for the pain of crushing anxiety, crushing depression, crushing hunger and self harm. Yes, these feelings are real. 


Many of you will know deep inside that what I am saying makes sense. You have a chance to forget it all and GO AND LIVE YOUR LIFE WITHOUT QUESTIONING EVERYTHING AND QUESTIONING THAT BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF NATURAL ENGINEERING CALLED YOUR BODY AND YOUR MIND. I don't have that privilege. 


I know this will get deleted. Where's your unlimited understanding and love? Do me a favour.



And on that note, enjoy you endless search for fuck all. 


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Yes, you figured out what you can, cant do in 2 weeks, kudos to you.

You do not have to search for anything, what is wrong with people like you , you can't control your own mind, but you jump straight into trying to understand existence, what did you expect , that looking for answers will somehow make you cure your inabilities, first learn basic things , not jump right into questioning things that will bring you down. 



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You are everything you perceive and what is around you, because what would you be without the sun, the clouds, the soil, space, and time? Only in your thoughts you are something separated from that. Only in your thoughts you exist seperate from nature. You are only a human body with the ability to think. For what would you be if there was no sun, no clouds, no soil, no space and no time?

Edited by Emanyalpsid

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22 minutes ago, Paul92 said:


What a coincidence, I just have been reading about Adam Strauss. Have you heard about him? He is a comedian with OCD, who tried curing his condition with Magic Mushrooms after everything else failed. You can do a Google search and read a few articles about him.

I am not trying in any way to encourage you to try psychedelics, but to show you that there actually might be hope in your situation.

Right now you are feeling strong emotions so you might be unable to judge reality properly. Bare yourself with patience and you can make significant progress. Radical transformation doesn't happen in a week, nor a month, not even a year. You have to diligently work on undermining your false beliefs and applying self-love. 

By the way, you can't convince someone who has had Enlightenment experience that Enlightenment doesn't exist. It's like arguing to Columbus that America doesn't exist.

"But I have been there."

"So what?! It doesn't exist."

That's how ridiculous it sounds.

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Hello Paul. I´m sorry you have to feel this way. I can relate to most of what you said. Please don´t hurt yourself. If you think medical care will make you feel better then get medical care. Remember, most of these teachings are meant to relieve you of suffering, not put you in more suffering. The first noble truth is that life is suffering, the third noble truth is however that there is a way out of suffering. I hope you´ll find your own way out of suffering.

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No it would be arguing with Columbus that what he thought was India was not India.

"But I have been there."

"You just thought you where in India, but you were in America."


Basically this is the same with people on this forum who think they are enlightened. They think they are enlightened but they just took a wrong corner. They touched soil but it isn't enlightenment. It is imaginationland of everything is consciousness. The desire to reach enlightenment (India) makes sure that something that should look like enlightenment is perceived as enlightenment (India).

Edited by Emanyalpsid

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Also i normally try to be as polite as possible but here i have to say what is needed to say:

35 minutes ago, purerogue said:

Yes, you figured out what you can, cant do in 2 weeks, kudos to you.

what is wrong with people like you , , what did you expect 



Please shut the fuck up. How dare you speak in this manner when the OP is in such a sensetive position. If you were half as "enlightened" as you think you are you wouldn´t be spilling your poison on this vulnurable man.


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1 minute ago, Amun said:

Also i normally try to be as polite as possible but here i have to say what is needed to say:

Please shut the fuck up. How dare you speak in this manner when the OP is in such a sensetive position. If you were half as "enlightened" as you think you are you wouldn´t be spilling your poison on this vulnurable man.


How dare you speak in this manner hmm?

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Please excuse my manners. I sometimes find the lack of compassion and the amount of ego mastrubation going on in this server very disturbing, as does OP as he said.

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I think we all need to calm down and take a fucking chill pill alright? Just calm down. Please consider meditating before letting all that rage out. I am talking to anyone here who can't control their mind here. Oh wait... we all can't am I right fellas?

@Paul92 I understand your frustration. A few things you should know though:

  1. Never trust Leo 100%, he is still a human
  2. If you see anyone here praising Leo, they are doing the self-development work wrong
  3. If you see anyone here praising anything, they are doing it wrong. ''Praising'' does not mean ''working'. Therefore it is useless and a waste of your time
  4. Leo is just producing, actually very good quality video's on his channel. That is all. He is a simple information source. Not your master, nor your dad. Don't listen to him blindly. Always have a different source. A simple popular person like Eckhart Tolle as a source for your personal development work can help so much. Remember that there is no one true source. There are many different techniques and methods. Leo's is just pointing out some of them in his video's.

My brother has autism and mental retardation. I don't fully know how you experience this world, but maybe you will respect me because in my case it is my brother who can't ''enlighten'' that easily. I don't know what is up in his mind. I don't know if my brother can control his mind or if he doesn't have a mind. I have struggled with great loneliness (not because of doing self-development work, but because I didn't know what ''a friend'' means) and always reached out to my brother. I have always seen him as my only reliable friend. Simply because he doesn't respond. He is quiet. Does he understand me? God knows. I forgot how many times I cried on his shoulder while he laughed. He just laughed.

Now I don't know if you have tried any psychedelics. I don't know you personally. All I am saying is that literally everyone can enlightened. I know that there is a way for my brother to enlighten. First I will get enlightened myself, then look everywhere (literally EVERYWHERE) to get him fully enlightened. I don't want to be on my deathbed and regret that I haven't been able to enlighten my brother. If there is a possibility for an autist to enlighten, what is your excuse?

Oh and don't expect everything Leo says to work. Not in the short-term nor in the long-term. Don't expect anything. Just observe. See what happens. If Leo says that you should try out meditating for a year, and many other self-help guru's, mystics and sages recommend it as well, then why don't you try it? Why not 10 years? Why not try 20 years? It is not like you have anything to lose right? This is just nihilism right? So who cares? Just try it. See what happens.

Edited by Ampresus

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3 minutes ago, Amun said:

Please excuse my manners. I sometimes find the lack of compassion and the amount of ego mastrubation going on in this server very disturbing, as does OP as he said.

Ironically you are a perfect example.

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15 minutes ago, Amun said:

Also i normally try to be as polite as possible but here i have to say what is needed to say:

Please shut the fuck up. How dare you speak in this manner when the OP is in such a sensetive position. If you were half as "enlightened" as you think you are you wouldn´t be spilling your poison on this vulnurable man.


This is not place dealing with people mental problems, there is other section for it,  I just wish that people would not jump in to fire when they can't even deal with basic things and also your  ignorant statement about spilling poison, as if he is doing something better by making such threads in this section, do you think it has no effect on new readers on this forum.

Best of luck, but this part of forum is not for showering people with love. 


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Dont do anything rash Paul.  There's lots of crazy ideas out there, but do you believe them and let them effect you like this?  Maybe Leo is crazy, so don't listen to him like you would a guy ranting about aliens on the street.  Just let it go, its not real right?  Never was, Leo was always crazy, let it go man, not worth going crazy over, its not the point.

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Nihilism is nonesense. You have parents that care about you. They exist. You, yourself experience ups and downs and can work on yourself and have a better life. 

Spiritual people on here and other places pretend to know all but the wisdom of the average person completely escapes them. To be a human. To know your place. To care about your loved ones.

Its why they are here in the first place. Relax. Have a good cry. Go to your parents. It’s okay to almost crash. Sorry it’s happening, but don’t do anything rash.

It does matter. Go look at your mothers face, imagine her cries, and tell me it doesn’t matter. 

People on here are very lost emotionally. Forget their advice.


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@Paul92 Leo was mistaken in the way he said it because he implied a future where you will reincarnate. There is no such future. There is only the now. 

Plus, the whole world is a concept. So what can you reincarnate to? Hitler? Trees? No such thing. Those things only exist as thoughts, not in actuality.


"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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Are you angry at the doctor for telling you that you have a disease? He just made you aware of it

If the doctor is wrong, that can lead to disaster.

Be glad that if Leo is wrong that's not a disaster because you have the tools to think for yourself

Edited by Echoes

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This kind of desperation can easily arise from being told that life has no meaning.  This is either a life saver or a life destroyer, depending on your individual position.

for those who struggle with this....

The meaning of something is what it is, what it does.
The meaning of life is what life does.
from the very beginning, what made life 'successful' is that life takes information, it preserves it and it transmits it. DNA was the transmission medium for a long time, and thus the meaning of life was to reproduce, but then came writing and communication and now the internet.  Everything we do, from each moment to the next is intended to take information we have learned, process it, and pass it on.


for anyone feeling like life has no purpose or feeling like they are insignificant, just remember, every time you talk to someone, every time you pass on any bit of information, you are driving forward the entirety of life and playing an important part in this wonderful experience.

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Anybody hear from the Op in the last 6 hours? 

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