The Don

What Do You Do To Retain The Knowledge From A Book?

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This subject will be about reading books.

My frustration lies in the fact that after I finish the reading of a book, to be realistic, I only retain about 3% of the information.

That's pretty sad considering the fact that my focus is well developed as I meditate for 30 minutes every single day.

How do you read a book? Do you take notes? Do you read the same pages several times? Do you read the book more times?

How about you @Leo Gura? What's your method? What's your way of reading a book? :)

I guess it's not just about reading a book. It's also about studying a book.

Me on the road less traveled.

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The sub-field -meta learning is what you need here 

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I write all over my books with a pen.  My books are loaded with underlinings, notes in the margins, circled passages.  And I read every book at least twice.  Actually I don’t have any books anymore since I gave them all away last year, but that’s what they used to look like when I read and had books.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Maybe make a heading in your journal named 'Book insight's' or whatever and then right down your favourite insights of the book, highlight them and then pick up your notes weekly? 

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@The Don I'm someone who suffers from mild dyslexia so I understand your struggle. 

When a piece of text is written on particular topic, the author paints a picture of the topic in their own idiosyncratic way. Their word choices and connotations of those words, the logical steps they highlight as well as the logical steps they ignore, the intuitive picture they try to communicate and etc (ofc this is not the case for hard-core fact sheets which just have facts written down with no explanation or back up). Human minds are complex and so it is that the same topic can be intuited/thought of in an infinite number of ways. 

Struggles can arise when reading a book because your brain is not the same brain of the person writing the book. When you read about and are studying a particular topic, do not try to memorise the chains of reasoning or memorise the sequence of things which were focused on. What you should do instead is take the information from the book and try to synthesise your own "unique" understanding and viewpoint of a topic. Come up with your own starting points, your own points of focus on a topic, your own chronological order of things to focus on. 

For example, if I'm studying maths I do not study things in the order that my school recommends. I start with foundations and build upwards, rather than spread myself thin and jump from topic to topic too quickly and not understand anything I've learnt as a result of my incorrect method of studying. The method people use for learning maths is to become a memory drone, rather than actually understand the maths. I'm trying to form my own pathway in understanding a topic. It requires that I constantly look at different sources and synthesis my own, personal understanding. 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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Thank you guys!

Here is a video that I found on YouTube.

It is about reading.


Me on the road less traveled.

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8 minutes ago, The Don said:

Thank you guys!

Here is a video that I found on YouTube.

It is about reading.


You're not very aware of the implicit rules of the forum don't you ?

Zen devils must be all deported !!!!


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Maybe you are too tense, relax. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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