Adam M

did u guys see this shit

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The only worry I have about this Leo is that you see to be confirming the Enlightenment theory.  Especially in the beginning when you're throwing around all the labels.  Ah this is this and this is that!  That's a trap.  You don't want to cling to the Enlightenment theory as truth.  Truth is only what's in the present moment.  It doesn't need to be categorized using the Enlightenment theory.  The purpose of Enlightenment theory is to loosen your beliefs.  You are not looking to confirm the Enlightenment theory.  That's a trap.  Enlightenment is an epiphany you'll have when you're dead sober.  It's a big shift.  And it's not an intellectual thing either.  

You're still clinging WAY too much and too hard to belief.  That's what you got to fix.  This is so obvious to me as I watch this video.  You're attaching to all those concepts that the Voice is raising.  That's what you're gonna stop doing when you get the big crack.

Video being referred to:


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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27 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

That's a trap.


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@Joseph Maynor Also, though, in truth, there is no present, nor a moment. That’s a trap too....because enlightenment isn’t theoretical, the map is theory.  You may throw things at me now, I deserve it. If your aim is good, you’ll hit yourself though. ?



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20 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Joseph Maynor Also, though, in truth, there is no present, nor a moment. That’s a trap too....because enlightenment isn’t theoretical, the map is theory.  You may throw things at me now, I deserve it. If your aim is good, you’ll hit yourself though. ?

I agree.  Enlightenment is the loosening of conceptual beliefs.  Even those ones -- all conceptual beliefs.  Beliefs will still arise as part of what's here in the moment, but that doesn't mean that you need to identify with them.  And with that, conceptual beliefs become much less important.  One of the tricks of the Mind is to reinforce the belief that conceptual belief is SO IMPORTANT.  It's like -- crawl into this Matrix, it's so real!  That conniving little Mind.  But once you see through this fully, you'll have an epiphany that is impossible to reverse.  And it's got nothing to do with psychedelics.  You can't unexplode a grenade.  That's what the shift is like.  I just had it yesterday.  It's one of those oh!  Damn!  That's what it is.  It's a shift that happens to you, an epiphany.  It's not a conceptual understanding, but a shift in perspective to use a word.  It's not a paradigm-shift, as that involves shifting beliefs.  This shift is not a shift in beliefs.  It's like an anti-paradigm shift, to use a phrase.  And you can't force it, it just happens when it happens.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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5 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Joseph Maynor Very happy for you! As always! ❤️

Haha.  You get it.  It takes a lot of work to convince the Mind that beliefs are not the truth.  So, you do need to do a lot of work in Enlightenment.  Whatever it takes to get the big crack for you.  

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12 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Joseph Maynor Also, though, in truth, there is no present, nor a moment. That’s a trap too....because enlightenment isn’t theoretical, the map is theory.  You may throw things at me now, I deserve it. If your aim is good, you’ll hit yourself though. ?

Although to call what exists as it is a theoretical is a personal belief and not accepting what is as it is.

This is what happens within the dogmatic belief paradigm that often permeates 'enlightenment' ideology when the physical manifest reality is denied to exist to then invest in beliefs derived only from their personal experience proclaiming it to be Absolute Truth for everyone.

Anyone can create any number or variety of ideas and concepts but regardless of how many people share them they are beliefs, not necessarily what is.

Ouch... that hurt.


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@SOUL  we are where we are. It is so perfect it could be no other way.  I think we’re all scrutinizing too much and tripping over saying the same thing different ways. Love you guys!  if we know, we know. If we don’t know,  question it till death. There’s no other way there either. 



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2 hours ago, SOUL said:

Although to call what exists as it is a theoretical is a personal belief and not accepting what is as it is.

This is what happens within the dogmatic belief paradigm that often permeates 'enlightenment' ideology when the physical manifest reality is denied to exist to then invest in beliefs derived only from their personal experience proclaiming it to be Absolute Truth for everyone.

Anyone can create any number or variety of ideas and concepts but regardless of how many people share them they are beliefs, not necessarily what is.

Ouch... that hurt.


Beliefs are fun aren't they?  They're tools to be picked up and put down in the moment.  The problem is people don't know how to put them down.  They wanna carry them everywhere.  All of them!  The mechanic doesn't carry all of his tools around everywhere.  He selects the appropriate tool for the moment, and then puts it back in the toolbox after he uses it.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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2 hours ago, Nahm said:

@SOUL  we are where we are. It is so perfect it could be no other way.  I think we’re all scrutinizing too much and tripping over saying the same thing different ways. Love you guys!  if we know, we know. If we don’t know,  question it till death. There’s no other way there either. 

Correct.  Beliefs are not good or bad.  They are simply here in awareness.  The issue is how beliefs are attached to -- how the Mind is trying to connect that belief to you and to reality.  That mental relation is the problem.  You can still have beliefs.  Don't repress your beliefs.  Just don't make them YOUR beliefs.  This is hard to communicate in language.  You gotta see what I'm pointing to.  I know you do too Nahm!  So, this is just preaching to the choir.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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ON ENLIGHTENMENT (something I wrote):

Enlightenment/ Enlightenment work isn't what you think it is.  That's the reason why it's so confusing to teach and to learn.  And that's why you have to keep banging your head against the wall until one day -- ah snap, you'll get it -- all of it -- not intellectually, you'll have an epiphany.  And at that time the search will be over.  The work won't be done, but the search will be over.  And after that time you may call yourself Enlightened if you wish.  You’ll realize the ridiculousness of all teachings after that point, so why not.  As long as you don’t attach strongly to that, it’s fine.

Enlightenment is the loosening of conceptual beliefs -- all conceptual beliefs.  Beliefs will still arise as part of what's here in the moment, but that doesn't mean that you need to identify with them.  And with that, conceptual beliefs become much less important.  One of the tricks of the Mind is to reinforce the belief that conceptual belief is SO IMPORTANT.  It's like -- crawl into this Matrix, it's so real!  That conniving little Mind.  But once you see through this fully, you'll have an epiphany that is impossible to reverse.  And it's got nothing to do with psychedelics.  You can't unexplode a grenade.  That's what the shift is like.  I just had it yesterday.  It's one of those oh!  Damn!  That's what it is.  It's a shift that happens to you, an epiphany.  It's not a conceptual understanding, but a shift in perspective to use a word.  It's not a paradigm-shift, as that involves shifting beliefs.  This shift is not a shift in beliefs.  It's like an anti-paradigm shift, to use a phrase.  And you can't force it, it just happens when it happens.  It takes a lot of work to convince the Mind that beliefs are not the truth.  So, you do need to do a lot of work in Enlightenment.  Whatever it takes to get the big crack for you.  

Beliefs are not good or bad.  They are simply here in awareness.  The issue is how beliefs are attached to -- how the Mind is trying to connect that belief to you and to reality.  That mental relation is the problem.  You can still have beliefs.  Don't repress your beliefs.  Just don't make them YOUR beliefs.  This is hard to communicate in language.  You gotta see what I’m pointing to.

You're still clinging WAY too much and too hard to belief.  That's what you got to fix.  You're attaching to all those concepts that the Voice is raising.  That's what you're gonna stop doing when you get the big crack.

Enlightenment theory is counter-weight theory.  You're not supposed to believe the counter-weight theory.  It's there to loosen up all your beliefs so that the Mind can finally come to see that no beliefs touch Truth.  You wanna have the shift that comes from that.  And only the Mind can make that shift, you can't consciously make it.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor I make my way through the little sideshow circus that is my life is by believing in myself, and knowing love. That’s it. I tell my friends, in truth, and in jest, I have a running offer, $20 if they can point out a belief I hold. If I hung out with Leo, I would not offer that bet & bankrupt my self in that manor. I suspect he’d list em faster than a calculator could tally. 



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7 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

The only worry I have about this Leo is that you see to be confirming the Enlightenment theory.  Especially in the beginning when you're throwing around all the labels.  Ah this is this and this is that!  That's a trap.  You don't want to cling to the Enlightenment theory as truth.  Truth is only what's in the present moment.  It doesn't need to be categorized using the Enlightenment theory.  The purpose of Enlightenment theory is to loosen your beliefs.  You are not looking to confirm the Enlightenment theory.  That's a trap.  Enlightenment is an epiphany you'll have when you're dead sober.  It's a big shift.  And it's not an intellectual thing either.  

You're still clinging WAY too much and too hard to belief.  That's what you got to fix.  This is so obvious to me as I watch this video.  You're attaching to all those concepts that the Voice is raising.  That's what you're gonna stop doing when you get the big crack.

Video being referred to:


You forget that maybe it's not a belief, but the actual truth in the present moment.

Don't throw the baby ;)

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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On 1/29/2018 at 6:39 PM, Joseph Maynor said:

Correct.  Beliefs are not good or bad.  They are simply here in awareness.  The issue is how beliefs are attached to -- how the Mind is trying to connect that belief to you and to reality.  That mental relation is the problem.  You can still have beliefs.  Don't repress your beliefs.  Just don't make them YOUR beliefs.  This is hard to communicate in language.  You gotta see what I'm pointing to.  I know you do too Nahm!  So, this is just preaching to the choir.

Even thinking there is an issue, a problem with a connection or relation and that detachment is a preferable way are also belief concepts. That's the whole spinning wheel of chasing the best, the right, the most, the truth, the enlightenment.

All that is 'doing' is shifting the belief to be something else to justify 'doing' of it, to gain a pattern for the mind to build a paradigm around, for the ego to identify with.

As soon as that wheel has been left unspun in us that impetus has been disenfranchised in our being, it has no power of force to captivate our experience, it is impotent.

It's an absolute peace in being.


Edited by SOUL

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On 1/24/2018 at 0:32 PM, Ray said:

When you wake up, open the computer for reviewing the last time your notes for the exam and the mail comes in on a fucking Wednesday and you're like"... wtf...?", you read the title and you're like "NAAAAAAHHHHH", why I'm I still doing an university?



Screen Shot 2018-01-24 at 18.11.10.png


Heyy? I somehow know this pic from somewhere:P it kind of seemed familiar to me?






*and  maybe someone has to stop procrastinating?


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