
Preparing For 5-meo Dmt Experience

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So I've arranged to attend a 5-Meo retreat while travelling Europe and am just wondering if there's anything I should be doing leading up to this? I don't have a great deal of experience using psychadelics so I'm wondering from those who have tried it if there's anything I should do beforehand to prepare. I want to get the most I can out of the experience so any recommendations would be much appreciated. 

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Honestly, i am not qualified to speak on the matter, since i haven't taken 5-Meo yet. But i plan to do so and have already strategized on how to prepare.

To me, my preparation has 3 main building blocks: 

1. Become a more experienced psychonaut: I would very much advise you to try a few softer psychedelics first - just so that you get an idea of how powerful these substances can be. Even an LSD-trip can be a sort of once-in-a-lifetime experience for the average person. Therefore i would, in your case, have at least a few trips on milder psychedelics like shrooms or LSD (or any analogue of the two) under my belt, before going into the 5-MeO-Dmt-experience. Ideally, you already broke through duality with a stronger dose of shrooms/LSD. And then, i would also advise you to get some experience with regular DMT - it can get you acustomed to the quick onset-times and the intensity. 


2. Contemplation and meditation:  The more you have dropped your conceptualizations and beliefs about the nature of reality before going into the experience, the better. Therefore: meditate, self-inquire and contemplate and question every belief you come across. 


3. Prepare to die: I think spiritual seekers often misunderstand and underestimate that the ultimate destiny of their search is the 'death' of their ego. And as you probably know, a full release-dose of 5-Meo will make you experience that kind of death.  So maybe it's a good idea to live life knowing that you will die soon, as if you had some kind of deadly disease. Susanne Marie, a spiritual teacher from california, actually described that she was going through a phase of "knowing that i will die soon" before her sense of personal self finally fell away. 


And i want to make the case that it's good to prepare as much as possible for the experience. In my opinion, the problem in doing it with too little preparation (especially with too little prior psychedelic experience) is that you might just be shocked and overwhelmed by the experience, and therefore way to resistant to do 5-Meo again, which ultimately seems to be the best if you want to use it as a catalyst for your spiritual growth. But also: from all i have heard, there is no way to reliably prepare for the 5-Meo-DMT experience, since it is so incredibly more intense then anything you could imagine. I wish you all the best if you are going to try the substance. And until then, may you prepare to die. ;) 

Oh, and btw: are you doing it with the guy from Psilohuasca?



Edited by beaucoup

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@beaucoup I've sort of looked at it like getting ready to die haha but I doubt I currently have even the slightest idea or how intense it'll be. And yeah it is with Psilohuasca but it's a lady that i'm doing it through. Apparently her and a guy did group sessions but now she just does 1 on 1. I'll be sure to post here and let you know how it goes. 

Main reason I haven't done many psychadelics yet is because i'm still living with my parents in a country town where there's little to no access to pure substances and getting it online probably wouldn't impress my parents if they get to it first. Maybe that'll change if I realise me and my parents are one along with everything else but we are also nothing :).

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@Kallan daily practice: save a few minutes to be mindful of all of your attachments and let go of them.

unborn Truth

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@beaucoup I haven't done 5-meo-dmt, yet I had similar concerns before traveling to Peru for an Ayahuasca retreat. For me, I think it helped to have experienced "ego-death" prior with psychedelics. Also, I went early to get know some of the guides and participants - to build trust. As well, being comfortable with mediation and just being.

Anything that allows for letting go probably helps, yet if I'm not willing to let go and surrender during the moment, it turns out to be a rough trip. Preparation is great, yet for me - it comes down to that moment of surrender. I'd much rather have no prep with a shitty attitude and be able to surrender during the trip than prepare perfectly with a wonderful mindset, yet struggle for control during the trip (which happened during my 2nd Aya ceremony).

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surrendering always helps I guess

Edited by Ilya

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Purify yourself in preparation for 5-MeO-DMT, without being extreme about it. To the best of your ability, avoid consuming substances that lower your consciousness, so especially alcohol, and especially on the day of, you shouldn't drink. Try to eat very healthy food leading up to it, be well rested, and in good physical health. Do some exercise leading up to it so that you feel good in your body. Be clean, shower beforehand, take care of your self.

Try to be on good terms with the people in your life. Imagine you could be hit by a bus tomorrow, so what terms would you like to leave your loved ones on? Be kind to your friends and family, without getting weird about it.

Leading up to the session, be comfortably fed but not full, maybe slightly on the underfed side if anything. Be well hydrated. Avoid caffeine the day of, but if you're the kind of person who drinks 5 cups of coffee a day, maybe just kick it back to 3 cups so you're not out of sorts.

Some meditation leading up to it is good to practice letting your mind become still.

Be comfortably dressed. Don't wear restricting clothing. Be slightly more warmly dressed than normal, you'll probably be very stationary during your session, so you won't be generating as much heat as normal. I like to wear loose pants and thin wool shirt. I also have a blanket ready, cause I get shivery otherwise.

Will you be insufflating (snorting) it? If so, you want to try to have smooth breathing through your sinuses. Blow your nose to get the excess snot out of your sinuses.

Be ready let go, fully surrender to where the 5-MeO-DMT wants to take you. Find the stillness at the bottom of your breath and go into that. Allow your thinking to cease, you don't need to analyze.  At some point the 5-MeO-DMT begins to accelerate you, your heart may race, it may feel like fear or excitement. Allow it to happen, you don't need to grasp on to it or try to figure it out, just let it be. Pass into it, go to the deepest stillness at the very bottom.

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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@Kallan If you don't have access to lesser psychedelics (mushrooms, LSD, etc) then just ramp up your self-inquiry and meditation practices.

You could also do a truffle trip in Amsterdam prior to your 5-MeO.



You are God. You are Love. You are Infinity. You are Leo.

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@Leo Gura Wait Leo, have you been in the Netherlands? Awesome :D 

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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@Max_V I don't need to go to the Netherlands to trip.

You are God. You are Love. You are Infinity. You are Leo.

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Haven’t logged on here for ages but DMT experience was quite incredavke. Certainly one hell of a paradigm shift. Everything feels different now that i’m Somewhat awake. Still trying to comprehend it all though.

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@Kallan how much did you take? Can you also snort it there? 

And what is your spiritual background? If you are looking backwards, was it a good decision to do this so early in your spiritual progress?

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@OBEler I’m not exactly sure what the dose was but it was the standard dose for a full release what ever that is. It was certainly excellent timing for me to do it when I did but you will know if you are or aren’t ready. I was quite at peace inside already which helped.

In saying that afterwards I had experienced a fair bit of spiritual depression or a (dark night of the soul) as some may call it. I felt rather pessimistic for a while and saw no value in doing anything at all really. I wasn’t really aware of this and it was rough as after waking up if you’re whole outlook on being completely changes as it’s different to know this stuff in theory and then to actually experience it. I’d say that it’s starting to fade now though which is good. 

The awakeness stayed with me after the experience and seems to be slowly growing. Also things like meditation are much easier and I can keep my mind quite still for the most part now. I had been meditating for a number of years before this experience though. The other big thing is that I don’t desire things in the same way. I still have goals and wants and all that but I don’t really care as much if these things happen or not. I simply enjoy the process of working towards them and improving a litttle each day. 

During the worse part of the dark night of the soul I felt a strong urge to retreat from society as basically everyone around me seemed really shallow as I could see how much power the ego really has over 99% of people. 

There’s probably heaps of other things I could mention but generally it’s a complete paradigm shift and you’ll never be able to go fully back to sleep. You’ll always see the illusion for what it is but I think the idea is to make peace with it and just let life happen. I sort of see it like there is nothing you need to do but just do stuff anyways cause what else is the point of living. Everything is absolute and going to happen in a certain way reguardless so just enjoy the experience of life I guess. 

Hope this made some level of sense :)

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@Kallan Thanks for your reply. What you wrote made deeply sense to me.

I know how you feel. This realization that nothing is real, nothing doesnt matter and no one exist, this feeling I had in a online video game I was lost in for so many years. It was a depressing feeling. I quit this game. 

So you see everywhere the illusion. I hope you can still get lost in it. Like watching a movie I dont want to be 100% aware during the movie while thinking that this is just a movie and nothing is real. This would not be fun anymore. Can you still get lost in illusions?


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@OBEler The experience actually made my life much more interesting. Life just feels like an adventure now. It really opened me up to how much is posable. There’s no law of physics saying we need to get a 9 to 5 and all that. It’s just a society thing. So currently i’m finishing my music degree and studying life coaching and from next year i’m Going to start exploring this huge world we live in. Going to start by studying traditional Karate and Zazen in Okinawa while coaching online. I’m fully aware that life is just a game but I’m certainly going to enjoy playing it. It often feels like i’m on a small dose of MDMA or something. I don’t really even chase enlightenment now though as I’m content in just enjoying the journey of being. I think you get to a point after a couple of ego deaths where you just feel comfortable with letting the Universe reveal it’s secrets at its own pace. 

One other thing I forgot to mention was once you achieve Ego death it’s much easier to get back there. Like I had an LSD trip not long ago and was completely free of my ego for hours. Not to the extent of 5-Meo where it’s gone but still to the extent where i’m aware of it but know it’s not me literally, not just in theory as there’s a huge difference. Even weed or alcohol can get me up there sometimes not that I overuse either. I get interesting looks as I always get uncontrollability spiritual and loving on pretty well anything these days. Even trying the Shamanic breathing that Leo brought up a while ago has been interesting. I don’t do it heaps though as I find I can get headaches. I’m lucky I stumbled onto spirituality so young and am where I am at 21 years old. Who knows where I’d otherwise be.

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@Kallan Thank you, it sounds like you are over the dark night of the soul. I also went through it after my first lsd trip. I needed to stop from spirituality for a month. Since 2 Weeks I am back, I feel normal again and most of the time I am not aware that all of this is illusion. But still life becomes so more awesome after dark night of the soul, I also start to see some hidden truth in almost every form of art. Nature looks mysterious.

And we still need to live our life so meaning exist in some way in some level, at least for the ego. But I know it doesnt exist on deeper levels and I am ok with it :)

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Eat only fruits one week to few days before or water-fast.

Meditate, spend time in nature, don't use electronics, don't use social media/screens.

Eat, Meditate, Sun gaze, Sleep and practice mindfulness.

If you want the Purest experience possible ;)


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