
How I Became Enlightened Fast And How You Can Do It To

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Excellent post, harmonizes well with my experience although some of the comments of others seem to hold a vibration of spiritual envy. The challenge is they do not believe/know themselves enough to reach the state you have as quickly and as effectively as they'd like to so setting expectations creates further illusions ect..

If you are spiritually in-tune you would be grateful, proud and in a state of joy when reading another being's activation/reconnection to source-self. I also believe there is divine order behind all, i don't believe in time-periods or periods required to reach a certain states.

When people started waking up to the teachings i was giving them years ago and coming back to me with their own realizations and creations of my initial spark it would bring tears of joy and gratitude to my heart that the light i shared was actually manifesting in others and ultimately coming back to me which by nature taught me i was doing the right thing.

When you become Enlightened or enter the Enlightened state, you see everyone (including yourself) as your children, as your creation yet your equals in oneness.  It all comes down to will power, desire and the knowing of who and what you truly are. Acceleration can be manipulated once you understand Energy/Frequency/Vibration to its core function and send out the vibration you truly desire to where you truly want or need to be.

Always "know" you are greater than you think or believe and you can only attract more greatness :)



Edited by pluto


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I have noticed huge changes only after 3 weeks. After 3 weeks white orbs of light started materializing around me over the day. That's a sign you are doing something right. Results might vary, I don't know, I'm only speaking about what I've experienced.

Be aware as much as possible while maintaing a state of inner silence.

Also check this post


My question to you is What are the changes you experienced post enlightenment?

This is a question worth contemplating. There are so many but I have never bothered to articulate them when I experienced them, so I don't remember all of them now. Also different changes were part of a different timelines.

I Will try to list them a few:

  1. Accelerated space-time
  2. I don't care much about having free Will and so I surrender to the Devine Will. The universe always knows what is best, the personal mind is limited, the universe has no limit.
  3. I feel emotions very deeply
  4. I am more sensitive to the influences from the environment. There was a period where I was hyper sensitive, but then I have learned to better ground my energies.
  5. Sensing "paranormal phenomena"
  6. Refined intuition
  7. Knowing that I am guided in the right direction.
  8. Knowing that something is happening without me directly seeing it
  9. More ideas
  10. More open minded
  11. I don't cling to certain positions, I can look trough both perspectives
  12. I am able to shut down thought streams
  13. Able to open up a thought streams
  14. Able to detach from self-agenda
  15. No monkey mind
  16. Breathing mechanism is slower
  17. able to discern more clearly what I am and who I am.


Also read my second guide and stay tuned for the next one. It Will be even better and longer.



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well, of course. Everyone is already enlightened right? So it's not about reaching some place or even evolving. Isn't it more about realizing that everything just already is at it should be - like God is real and also not-real. And like.. Every soul get another chance in the next inkarnations and on the same time everything is one and there are no separate souls... So there is nothing to achieve because everything is and everything isn't and everyone is already enlightened and everything is holy. Its like my favorite poem 

 so cool. 

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17 minutes ago, Sine said:

well, of course. Everyone is already enlightened right? So it's not about reaching some place or even evolving. Isn't it more about realizing that everything just already is at it should be - like God is real and also not-real. And like.. Every soul get another chance in the next inkarnations and on the same time everything is one and there are no separate souls... So there is nothing to achieve because everything is and everything isn't and everyone is already enlightened and everything is holy. Its like my favorite poem 

 so cool. 

God, as in the essense of all that is, is real, but also formless. 

How do I know? Because experience is known. Because reality is subjective, the essense of a subjective reality is the subject and the subject is formless.

Edited by Dodo

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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22 hours ago, AleksM said:


I have noticed huge changes only after 3 weeks. After 3 weeks white orbs of light started materializing around me over the day. That's a sign you are doing something right. Results might vary, I don't know, I'm only speaking about what I've experienced.

Be aware as much as possible while maintaing a state of inner silence.

Also check this post

This is a question worth contemplating. There are so many but I have never bothered to articulate them when I experienced them, so I don't remember all of them now. Also different changes were part of a different timelines.

I Will try to list them a few:

  1. Accelerated space-time
  2. I don't care much about having free Will and so I surrender to the Devine Will. The universe always knows what is best, the personal mind is limited, the universe has no limit.
  3. I feel emotions very deeply
  4. I am more sensitive to the influences from the environment. There was a period where I was hyper sensitive, but then I have learned to better ground my energies.
  5. Sensing "paranormal phenomena"
  6. Refined intuition
  7. Knowing that I am guided in the right direction.
  8. Knowing that something is happening without me directly seeing it
  9. More ideas
  10. More open minded
  11. I don't cling to certain positions, I can look trough both perspectives
  12. I am able to shut down thought streams
  13. Able to open up a thought streams
  14. Able to detach from self-agenda
  15. No monkey mind
  16. Breathing mechanism is slower
  17. able to discern more clearly what I am and who I am.


Also read my second guide and stay tuned for the next one. It Will be even better and longer.



Im getting flashes of white light sometimes when I close my eyes and notice the witness. Like two quick consecutive flashes and then nothing. 

That something you've exp?

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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@AleksM Do you still have suffering? If you do, you havent reached enlightenment. You have some pleasurable experiences.

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0% suffering.

@Dodo This is complicated but it could be your spirit guides or you receiving some higher light frequencies via the pineal gland. I had a lot of strange experiences with light.


This is the observer ego trap. There is much more after enlightenment. Your next incarnations are happening now. Linear time is an illusion. There is a lot to achieve. When you realize what and who you are, then you can realize even more of what and who you are, it doesn't stop, it's not a destination but a journey.It's a journey of expansion of consciousness. Yes, realization is not about reaching some place or evolving but that doesn't mean your evolution can stop after realization, just the opposite, your evolution should accelerate.

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@AleksM How does it feel to be happy all the time? I been grinding but i dont know when ill reach it or what will unlock it for me :)

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It is magical and fascinating, a deep inner fulfillment regardless of the circumstances or temporary states.

 I feel better when I am consistently hitting the gym and happy chemicals get released, also when I eat raw food and drink fresh juices. Building a massive inspiring vision for your life, while taking actions that bring you closer to it Will also make you happier. Focus on the basics and Fundamentals.

Just keep consistently practicing and you Will get there. You might experience some spiritual plateau, but you Will overcome it, if you are consistent with practicing and experiment with different approaches. Stay mindful trough the whole day and keep expanding the inner silence that is present between thoughts, keep noticing how the body does things without you thinking anything and also meditate with  alfa/theta/delta brainwaves a couple of times per week. You have a lot of meditation material in the playlists I shared in my second guide.


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@AleksM thank you. Love u


Soo, i get that happiness is beyond mind. But you said you felt good exercising. Is that pleasure beyond mind too or a positive thought?

Enlightened people dont have positive thoughts because if you have than negatives will appear soo.

How is the thought like? (THe content)

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21 hours ago, Ether said:

@AleksM How does it feel to be happy all the time? I been grinding but i dont know when ill reach it or what will unlock it for me :)

Complete presence = Zero suffering

Giving the realization that there is no enlightenment or path but a simple shift in awareness.


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4 hours ago, pluto said:

Complete presence = Zero suffering

Giving the realization that there is no enlightenment or path but a simple shift in awareness.

No psychological suffering. The definition of suffering that I have is continuous pain.

Continuous physical pain is suffering - Jesus suffered on the cross. Not psychologically. 

Unless you mean physical pain is also psychological,  in which case I need you to try to stick a nail in your hand and see if you can remove the pain simply by being aware.


Another less extreme example is if you are tired, but have to do something.  Might well be that you're tired because of past unconscious actions like thinking too much etc, but could awareness remove this suffering called being tired? 

Or having constant chronic pains in your awareness?  Its fine you can say suffering is just happening and there is noone it's happening to, but it's still a shitty experience, no?

If trully that shift of awareness gets rid of those sufferings, that would be beyond magical.


Edited by Dodo

Free yourself from attachment; Free yourself from fear; Free yourself from desire; Take deep breaths through the diaphragm and train that muscle; Meditate and meld with reality; Never skip spirit day 🙏 🤲 Don't have enemies, they are you.

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Watched the video of his Q&A and he said 432Hz has no basis in reality. That's ridiculous. Will watch the other video later.

Have you watched the documentaries Sonic Geometry 1 & 2?

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8 hours ago, Nahm said:

@Dodo that’s why we transcend it

^^ The purer the awareness the more you will understand. Somethings can only be truly understood via direct experience.



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The joke of it is that there is no “you” who can become enlightened through “doing” ?

"Move and the way will open."
– Zen Proverb

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1 minute ago, zenjen said:

The joke of it is that there is no “you” who can become enlightened through “doing” ?

You still got to try, to not try, by doing nothing !


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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2 minutes ago, Shin said:

You still got to try, to not try, by doing nothing !


Touché ?

"Move and the way will open."
– Zen Proverb

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