Guest Annetta

What Causes Hatred?

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What causes hatred?  I am currently fascinated by the topic of hatred, fear and all forms of destructive human emotion.  How it manifests on the small and large scale.

What are your opinions? 
What causes it?
What are the ramifications of it?
Large scale?  Small scale?


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I will finish this video sometimes tomorrow.  I am thinking, with all of this love running through the air, its brother, hatred should be explored openly.  I have deep, deep hatred within me and imagine most do, to some degree.  It should be explored?  Does it make you feel sick?  Visceral?  Good. :) 


^  Blue Sub 006 is a good anime, it really captures the distortions of hatred beautifully. Enjoy!  

Social psychology of largescale hate


Edited by Annetta

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@Annetta  As far as I can tell right now, it's fear.  I might be a little biased right now, as I'm on something of a 'fear kick' - I'm noticing more and more how much of my self-identity is actually a defence mechanism based around fear-thinking and fear-imagining (i.e. all my little mental projections into the future - say when I imagine myself having a conversation with someone later today - are actually a fear mechanism attempting to predict and protect me from appearing stupid, etc.)

Hatred, as I see it, is an extreme fear reaction.  Most of my anger definitely stems from fear: it's another defence mechanism designed to protect either my body or my self-image from external attack.  Seems to me that hatred is a longer-lasting version of that fear, which is why it can be so well indoctrinated.  "This person is evil, they are dangerous, they will take away everything we care about and love, and they will kill us given half a chance.  We must hate them".  Something like that - I haven't expressed it very well, I fear (ha!)

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@egoeimai Interesting, why do you think that?
@Telepresent You expressed it really well and I agree and relate to this.  Is hatred something you struggle with or mostly just fear?

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As kind of like a stable phenomenon, not incited by a finite event?  Ok.  Lemme shoot -- 

Too much dwelling on the past + compensatory narcissism + victim mentality

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor I'm not quite sure what your first sentence means.  Also, what do you think/opinions about how it is created on a large scale?  Like for instance, wars, genocide, racism?

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@Annetta  Thanks!  I'm mostly a fear/anxiety person, really.  I've hated in the past, but I can't say I hate anything now (aside from momentary bursts, which I'll discuss below).  Maybe that will change again, but for now I don't.  Actually, I'm having to address fear more and more as I move forwards, because it's becoming more... hmm... I feel like I'm getting closer to a core, and I'm starting to fear the process of looking at it.  Like I'm starting to really see what makes my ego tick, and it all seems to stem from fear in one guise or another, and now I'm fearing the looking process itself!  Like I'm imagining some big, bad, invisible I-don't-know-what lurking there waiting to engulf me, or something.  And fear is an interesting phenomenon - I've realised we (or at least I) give it a bad name.  It's a mechanism that's there to protect us.  It should be respected, and embraced for the great job it does.  But we rather mistreat it, dislike it, want it to go away and leave us alone.  Which isn't very nice, and tends (in my experience) to make it strike back even harder.

But back to hate.  It's been an interesting couple of weeks for me: I live in the UK, so we've had several terror attacks, a very nasty high-rise blaze, a fierce snap-election, and the start of Brexit all hit us at once.  And I'm seeing hatred EVERYWHERE.  In the news, from politicians, opinion columnists, but most of all in social media.  And it's so transparent: I can see so clearly that my friends and relatives are afraid for a future that is uncertain, where they don't know what will happen next, and they can't help catastrophising and imagining the worst.  So they look for something or someone to blame.  This political party.  That newspaper.  These stupid people who vote this way or behave like that or hold whatever opinion.  It's fast, very fast, and these people who claim to be liberal and inclusive are the first to start throwing stones at anyone who they see as threatening.

And I know that a few years ago I would have been like that too.  And I still feel it spike in me - I'll read or hear something and I'll feel an instant spike in the belly, and a reactionary thought will slam in: always an automatic thought, always unchallenged, and always all about me.  Somehow I'll take what someone else has said, make it all about me, and react with fear, anger, hatred.  Instantaneously.  Then I catch it, and the recognition makes it go away.  This can all take place in the course of a second or two, and it's fascinating to watch, but the more I look around the more I see how many people are completely under its control 

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@Annetta Ok.  So, what my first sentence means is that I'm talking more about a person who has hatred as a stable characteristic of their personality.  Like a personality disorder, if you want to draw that analogy.  Somebody who has a post-traumatic hatred based off a single event would fall outside of that because their hatred would be based on that event only. 

I'm talking about people that are racist.  People that are narcissistic.  People that are mean.  People that are chauvinistic.  People that are manipulative.  But specifically with a flavor of hatred added in there.  As a stable quality.  Probably always been that way.  That's what I'm talking about.  

And I know nothing about social psychology, so my knowledge only extends to humans, because that's all I've come into contact with.  I don't like to speculate outside of my knowledge comfort-zone.  I like to keep it real with my opinions.  If I don't know, I say I don't know.  And I don't know anything above and beyond people.  Telescoping into abstractions is above and beyond my experience in this area.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Hate is a primal ego emotion towards anything that represents a threat to one's well-being. It is associated with the word disgust. This primal emotion originated towards foods which may smell and/or taste poisonous.

The word hate has be often used instead of dislike. This watered down version points to something that is non-supportive to one's ego, or ideal self. 

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What causes it? - Fear > Ignorance > Hate
What are the ramifications of it? - Mostly media manipulation
Large scale?  Small scale? - Te Lie Vision - Most scale :D



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I'll tell you a story.  A few days ago, I had gotten out of the shower and noticed that I had left my clothes in the livingroom.  I'm usually pretty religious about bringing them into the bathroom.  Coincidentally, my brother was coming up the stairs.  He's deaf so I could not say, "I need to grab my clothes first."  I shut the door quickly.  He tried to open it.  I closed it.  No time to get back to the bathroom.  I spent five minutes holding that door closed with all my might as he screamed at the top of his lungs, "UUUrrraaaaaaaaaaaaagggghhhhhhhhh!"  I thought the door would break.  Slamming the door, kicking it, screaming... it was one in the morning.

Anyways, I felt intense hatred.  He could have texted me.  It was so loud, someone could have called the cops.  I wanted to know where this feeling came, it was gut deep.  Hate him.

In general, there will be times where I will feel something like hatred sitting in my stomach and it has not been dealt with and it should be.  I feel as though a lot of people do have deep hatred buried within them, but it is such an unacceptable emotion that admitting it, much less owning it and removing it?  Naaah.  If hatred was such a rare phenomenon then the ramifications of it would not be present in every day society. 

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@Annetta This is more like extreme annoyance (or anger) than hatred to me.  Hatred implies a flavor of a feeling of superiority.  Like, I despise you kinda thought/feeling.  When you despise somebody, it's hard to treat them well at all.  You don't want to have anything to do with them really.  I think you have anger as opposed to hatred.  Correct me if you think my intuitions are off here.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Maybe?  I haven't really explored it much so I'm not sure.

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20 hours ago, Annetta said:

What are your opinions? 
What causes it?
What are the ramifications of it?
Large scale?  Small scale?

People don't like how others behave, so they hate the person for acting obnoxiously, violently, or immorally. Their ego forms a concept in their mind of how the other person's behavior goes against their sense of morality. The ramifications are there can be negative behaviors towards the thing being hated. 

Example: Some people might assume all Muslims are terrorists so they'll say nuke the Middle East. lol 

The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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On 23/06/2017 at 1:54 PM, egoeimai said:

They say the opposite of love is not hatred,but fear.

In my opinion hatred is dissatisfaction of the ego. 

The opposite of love is indifference.

enlightened no one

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