
What To Do When You're As Lost As Alice.

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Do any of you guys feel really really lost in life? If so what do you guys tell yourself to keep yourself from feeling unlost. 

I have completely lost my sense of time. I understand what time is, but I don't feel it anymore. I can go to bed at 7 and wake up at 3am, because I literally do not care what time it is anymore, only for communication purposes with society.

Also most of my desires I've had are almost gone. Not because I don't want them, but because they are all illusory. And this makes you feel so lost, because your desires were kind of your street signs to where you need to go. But now I've realized most of them are made up, like a prankster drew them to troll you. Or the incentive was illusory, like bad self esteem for example, which has nothing to do with the outside, but only the inside.

I'm currently doing a degree in university, and I work part time, but my interest in uni is diminishing, because my degree, and work feels like a dream to me. I don't get how all of my classmates are so passionate about something so made up. I use to be the same though 2 years ago.

I'm completely lost, im not sure what next steps to take. Every direction I point to, ends up leading you off the edge of reality, into a never ending space of holograms and emptiness. 

I want to aim for something, but I want to aim for something meaningful, something real, but I can't find anything that is. Enlightenment is pretty meaningful, but you can't do that 24/7.

Any advice?

EDIT: just to clarify, im not depressed, I am happy, but I'm not sure on how to deal with society, while being conscious. 

Edited by electroBeam

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When the ego highjacks the principles or insights of the path or an awakening it often leads to depression. I would recommend some psychedelic therapy, and attempting to realize what is making you depressed is how ego sees certain truths not the truths themselves.



Edited by Paintballer

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6 minutes ago, Natasha said:

@electroBeam You wanna be like Eckhart Tolle sleeping on park benches instead?

Why not? You're out in nature, you don't have any society related obligations, you can just be yourself without having to fit into society. If I was Eckhart Tolle though, I would do it in a foresty area, because its more pretty.

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2 hours ago, electroBeam said:

Also most of my desires I've had are almost gone. Not because I don't want them, but because they are all illusory

Can you work hard like a ambitious man, without ambitions ?

Work as those work who are ambitious, be happy as those who live for happiness. Respect life as those do who desire it.

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39 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

Why not? You're out in nature, you don't have any society related obligations, you can just be yourself without having to fit into society. If I was Eckhart Tolle though, I would do it in a foresty area, because its more pretty.

He probly stayed in the city cos there was food for homeless available there. But I'm not saying what he did was wrong, after a while, though, he went back to living in apartment, driving a car, getting a girl-friend, writing books, giving public talks, making money, etc. If he didn't have education, his success as a writer and speaker most likey wouldn't have been possible. 

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What degree are you going for?
Could it be something that can be put forth to help the greater good in the long run?

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@electroBeam Yeah the phase your going through is quite disorienting. No will direct you where to go. I don't think you should quit university or your job because it can be helpful to have some reasons to drag yourself out of bed in the morning. It will be easier to choose direction in life if it hasn't fallen apart completely. But yeah it's really tempting to just move out in a cabin in the woods and cut all the connections with society. If I didn't have a family that's probably what I would have done.

There is really no next step to take. Let yourself fall away and things will sort out itself. I found these Adyashantis videos on the subject which was helpful to me.




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@electroBeam I started the journey when I was 25. It seems like just yesterday now. I seen then it was all a game but decided to play the game but get my life set up with what I needed, saving as much money as I could to retire as early as possible and live a simple life. I retired at the age of 50 and have no regrets. My 25 year career was building homes and I loved the work and the guys I worked with. I was mostly outside year round in the fresh air in nature watching the seasons change. I never minded going to work b-c I never considered it "work". So my suggestion: Find something worthwhile you love to do as a career.  Save as much money as you can. Retire as early as possible and have no regrets.

Edited by cetus56

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When youre angry, breathe angrily
When youre sad breathe sadly
When youre confused breathe confusignly.
Let the wisdom of your breath guide you,
let the love in your heart console you.

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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8 hours ago, Natasha said:

He probly stayed in the city cos there was food for homeless available there. But I'm not saying what he did was wrong, after a while, though, he went back to living in apartment, driving a car, getting a girl-friend, writing books, giving public talks, making money, etc. If he didn't have education, his success as a writer and speaker most likey wouldn't have been possible. 

I don't know, I always thought he was saying it like he did not work or do anything but never was homeless in England.

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@electroBeam You triggered one of the biggest breakthroughs in my life. I hope to do the same for you and I'm employing audacity and ugliness because I think it has the best odds:

You have picked to be where you re at.

You can pick to be anywhere when you accept that. 

You were not born this way, no one did this to you. 

No one is ever going to help you.

The fabric of reality is everything and it is you who filters out what you choose to filter out. 




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8 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@electroBeam You triggered one of the biggest breakthroughs in my life. I hope to do the same for you and I'm employing audacity and ugliness because I think it has the best odds:

You have picked to be where you re at.

You can pick to be anywhere when you accept that. 

You were not born this way, no one did this to you. 

No one is ever going to help you.

The fabric of reality is everything and it is you who filters out what you choose to filter out. 


Thanks, needed that. I'm letting my realization that my desires are never going to fulfill me, get in the way of living happily. 

I wish you well in letting your true, perfect self flourish, and I look forward to growing with you in the future

Edited by electroBeam
what I wrote didn't make sense

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Hey, completely understand where you're coming from. 

On one hand, it's a game and illusory. On the other hand, it has as much meaning as you give it. It's a game that continually evolves, and you are one of the creators. You can morph it into something else. You will find a purpose that has meaning for you.

Until then, work your ass off. Put yourself in a position to succeed. This will give you the capabilities to move forward in whatever path captures your interest. Don't take it too seriously, but enjoy the game.

Good luck!

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@electroBeam Glad if it helped man. I appreciate you. I feel like I owe you. You gave me an ego slap that I needed a while back. Spend 4 days on psych's by myself in the middle of the woods. I don't even identify with whoever or whatever I was before that. Maybe the same would aid you currently? If you're able to, maybe get the fuck outta wherever you typically are and be somewhere you would not most probably be, and do things you would not probably do. I wish you insane happiness man. Thank you.



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@Nahm haha you don't owe me anything, you're always welcome to have my input , and my mean zen slappery ;) wherever I can help.

Funny you say that, because for the past 5 weeks I've been fixated on the idea of going out into the woods for a week, and just contemplating my life, its like im drawn to it like a magnet. Can't wait to do it after finals are finished.

@hundreth thanks dude! Good advice. I need to get use to the fact that my desires will never become a reality... for real.

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4 minutes ago, electroBeam said:


@hundreth thanks dude! Good advice. I need to get use to the fact that my desires will never become a reality... for real.

Why do you say that? Have you identified your desires? 

Look man, life isn't that complicated. For most people, the most important aspects of life are family and relationships. Fundamentally, people have been doing the same things for thousands of years. Have good relationships, start a family, work. Have a routine, which is good for your brain, your health, and your sense of well-being. For the minority of people, they have special talents and circumstances that make their art a higher priority than family - and this is a high risk high reward lifestyle. If you are one of them, you will find out soon enough.

Counter intuitively, the struggle, the grind, resistance in life. They are what make us feel fulfilled and happy. Work, keep moving towards a goal for no other reason than you set it for yourself. Enjoy friends, family, relationships a long the way. Enjoy a simple cup of coffee in the morning, a good meal, etc. You'll be fine.

This spiritual aspect of life you've been exploring is important, because ultimately it keeps you grounded when things inevitably don't go your way. Knowing you are the only one you're fighting with prevents you from falling deep into the abyss. Spiritual enlightenment doesn't mean you should shun the world and society though.

Just my 2 cents. Peace.

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@hundreth I miscommunicated. Everything you say is correct.

I mean the desires you dream won't existentially become a reality. Like say you get heaps of money, the reason you do that is so you can feel whole and complete, but that feeling will never come, because money is just an idea in our head, so that attribute is just imaginary.

Same with a lot of things. Going to a good university for example, might be a desire, but what is a university? A building. What is a building? A set of planks of wood put in a certain way. What is that? Keep contemplating, and you get pure illusion. So the feel good vibes you get from going to a good university is just a dream. It's like a pot at the end of a rainbow.

And it's not limited to just 2 things, its for everything. Good family, good house, even personal development is a pot at the end of the rainbow. Even yourself is just pure fiction to a certain extent.

Yes I was one of those people who placed career higher than getting a good family, but ultimately everything I aimed for wasn't real, when I thought it was.

Seems trivial to be so pedantic, but to those who did place so much importance on getting rewards from life, its a good caution. And some people need

Edited by electroBeam

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@electroBeam This guy has an interesting story to share of how he started living the van life.


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Do any of you guys feel really really lost in life? If so what do you guys tell yourself to keep yourself from feeling unlost. 

Find your life purpose, then you won't.


Enlightenment is pretty meaningful, but you can't do that 24/7.

Yes it can, you can be mindful all day all time if you want to, that's actually one of the most important skill to develop.

Meditation is just for calming the mind, and Self-inquiry helps to find yourself, but without mindfullness you will still get triggered like a child, even if you are a meditation pro, even if you're enlightened ...

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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