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Posts posted by NoSelfSelf

  1. After watching todays video and in the past i heared about feeling your emotions fully and as an emotional guy i thought i feel them deeply, but i was wrong when i heared that :we usually think about emotions and dont feel them, the shift happend i felt emotions differently and more fully, like i felt them for the first time then i realized i can channel it like alchemist to change it to any emotion i like and make it more intense...its amazing i could just sit and be with my emotions and im good ,explore it i realize what bruce lee meant with dont think feel...? is anyone familiar if you could do with this(for advance spiritual things) its like new field opened up....?

  2. So for the people who are doing enlightement work for years and still havent figured it out mybe this would help...probably you are still trying to find the one whos watching with frustration because your mind thinks there must be a fixed watcher somewhere from where you are looking when you find that its done but thats not the case watcher(you) is addapting to the thing you are experiencing when you observe the thoughts its you doing it from that angle then attention could back up and you are following it you can zoom in with attention to watch eyesight and so on or could see it all from the "background" thats easy to experience but then there is automatic watching threw the eyes and behinde it so i think attention is whats confusing...let me know if this helps..