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About Rinne

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  1. How the fuck do I deal with to much work
    How the fuck do I deal with to much work
    @Jamie Universe
    I have been in your spot brother, this was the video that sparked change in my (Along with Leo's Lifestyle Minimalism mentioned above.)

  2. If You Need A Self-Inquiry Boost
    If You Need A Self-Inquiry Boost
    Is regular old finding yourself getting you down? Try these techniques:
    •Notice that YOU are experiencing all of your senses, who is “inside” or “behind” all of your senses?
    •Locate yourself “inside” hearing, tasting, smelling, etc can you find anyone there?
    •What implies identity? Feeling, autonomy? More of a contemplation.

  3. Why is enlightenment so “slippery”
    Why is enlightenment so “slippery”
    You wanna be in more good state. That's why you want enlightenment.

    if you agree with the state above then please keep reading, if not please try to understand and agree it for yourself. If you don't agree, do not read further.

  4. consciousness when sleep deprived techniques
    consciousness when sleep deprived techniques
    Conscious attention upon Breath above anything. 

  5. Why do i have the right to live?
    Why do i have the right to live?
    Rights are conceptual creations of the mind. Take a look at what a right is.
    Your rights are whatever you imagine them to be and whoever else you succeed in convincing to imagine them with you.

  6. Truth for people with autism
    Truth for people with autism
    Let me break some Taboos around.
    The relationship with the parents/siblings/relatives/friends/strangers/enemies is no different than with a partner, only that in a parent/child relationship we use only a certain level of physical intimacy, but in the core is the same, equal, 100% that the feeling of intercourse, got it?  Same with someone hates you, is equally the same, but when you impose yourself not to feel, pain is the consequence. 
    Moving on... the awakening is the same chemistry as with the opposite sex, same feelings, same arousal, same everything and even more. All this by yourself. Reach a harmony inside yourself, the arousal translate in excitement and joy, infinite energy, do this, stay in this balance with yourself, this is the only way to healing and awakening. 
    All this on the surface being the reason of ascetic religions and banning of sex, and imposing a certain fixed morality around it. To break a society it takes only that: show sex everywhere, tv, radio, magazines etc, and subjugate sex in a religious context or moral/institutional places (courts, police, you name it), the opposite will happen, the people will be losing the sexual capacity, the personal power and in the process live a miserable puny lives. And deep down the matter replace sexual energy with currency/money from the outside sources. 
    Consequences: 10x less lifespan bam! pain, suffering, disease, etc. 

  7. Marijuana as a Spiritual Tool
    Marijuana as a Spiritual Tool
    I use marihuana as a healing tool.
    But it requires experience and awakening to use it properly, otherwise will feed too much the mind and self-concept.  

  8. P.S.A. A warning and a book that will help you better than leo ever could
    P.S.A. A warning and a book that will help you better than leo ever could
    I am not even sure if 70% of this forum will even bother to read what I post here ironically people do not like to read anything longer that a paragraph.   Dont fret lazy cult members I will highlight all the essential points.
    He could not even do a month of meditative living with out having suicidal thoughts ! After two weeks he quit ... I ask you is  that a enlightened man.
     Leo should have stuck with actualization and studied the process of enlightenment on his own time until he got a  grasp on the fundamentals.  You are an  intellectual leo you absorb knowledge , yet enlightenment is not about knowledge or concept.  knowledge  is where your mind has been stuck since you started actualized.com absorbing knowledge from as many spheres as you can as fast as you can.
    It has caused many problems here as people started in self-actualization and then followed you directly into a completely different discipline and you just chugged along and went back and forth confusing the shit out of a good 70% of the people here adding  concept after concept,  mental minusha and more intellectual concept toys for your followers to play with  and parrot back here.  Yet you did them a great disservice. you created a trap for all of the beginners to enlightenment work.  You fed them intellectualism knowledge and concept and then you expected them to progress in a completely different system using the same rules. 
    When you clumsily said there was   "no brains"  I understood what you met even better than you did because I meditated for  decades  and because I  have a foundation in zen. Then I wrote a very detailed post about concept,  language  mental constructs and the difference between the actual and the symbolic world of language .  IT  was not revived well because every one was so focused on your clumsy attempt to describe something you had not fully internalized yet.
    Now two and a half  years later  you stand here with all you misguided and confused followers  and finally get to something that should have been a fundamental lesson.  
    You are not a good teacher of the process of enlightenment and from  what I am seeing from the past and now you took to many short cuts using drugs. Witch shows your sloppy haphazard way you try to teach enlightenment.
    You should have stuck to the sphere of  knowledge and the world of the intellectual and actualization because you have given your followers the same disease you had and continue to have regarding  enlightenment practices. 
    The process of enlightenment is not about adding knowledge  it is reductive is strips away until there is nothing left but the actual.
    The very fact that it took you three years to breach this topic is shameful.
    The people that hold up this web sight that understand the process of enlightenment had that understanding before they came here and should seriously think about if they want to be associated or waste there time with a teacher  that is building his brand wearing a mask of accomplishment,  when in fact , you are just fumbling along clumsily winging it when it comes the process of enlightenment.
    This place has become a trap for too many  as they  try to absorb as much knowledge as they can as fast as they can while simultaneously pursuing the process of enlightenment which has  the completely opposite mechanism to reduce knowledge to eliminate concept and to increase awareness.
    Most of the threads are not answered in a constructive manner and are this type of pseudo intellectual mystical spiritualism,  extrapolated from Leo's videos instead of experienced,  processed and integrated by themselves  personally. 
    I have been around I have read threads asking questions  that noone bothers answers adequately.   I have addressed them individually in pm and I always give them this digital copy of this book because it gives  the basics at the beginning and cuts though the mental shit and intellectual land mines leo  throws at you  every week.
    so please if you want to move forward and actually understand the fundamentals now instead of three years from now stop depending on leo as a guru and read this. It is free legal digital copy in the public domain.  It is on the top of my book list yet.  I will not charge you for it.
    This best book on zen it is not watered down it will help you understand the conceptual illusion we are all trapped in and how to move past that. It is also written by D.T. Suzuki an accomplished scholar that spoke fluent Japanese Chinese  and English and lived and studded  with monks in a monastery. Without this man and his books zen would not even be a word in the English language.
    This book is out of print but this is a free legal digital copy my wife found me has been ironically archived in  in India . I have read this book three times  in my life  and I can say it is the best book on the enlightenment process i have ever read. this copy has a few spelling errors due to a non English speaking person translating it in to eBook format. it is nothing that a critical thinker can not easy mitigate or just read it in the direct facilely copy taken directly from the book every there pages or so that contains no errors.
    I challenge anyone her to go look at Leos responses the bulk of them not just one all.  Go dig see what you find. how one sentence responses are what he considers adequate. The truth is leo stands on the shoulders of the people here that do know better than him. He reads others theory's and regurgitates them for you weekly.  When will leo ever produce a original work instead standing on others shoulders  parroting theory's  and concepts? leo is a mask the person he shows you is not real. If he was sincere he would actually spend some time here counseling teaching and aiding in a meaningful way. He does not do this as you can see if you look at his responses to your questions.
    That is all I have to say
    Be wise and and take the path with the least amount of confusion.  seek out teachers that know the information and have internalized it  instead of ones stumbling though it.  Even this video does not make it clear. . "Just keep staring at you hand and you will get it"  take up the practice of navel gazing while you are at  it and solve the mystery of belly button lint.
    Good luck in all that you do
    @Leo GuraThe user @egoless has been banned for spreading misinformation about nonduality.
    In the future, I will be banning more people who keep talking shit about things they do not have direct experience of.
    This forum is not a zone to spout off all manner of falsehood under the banner of free speech. This kind of devilry will not fly here.
    If you don't agree, tough titty, find yourself some other corner of the web to shout your BS to.
    People who keep spreading JP's BS will also be banned. I expect better of you guys.
    What should your followers expect from you ?
    (Enter the thought police) Leo who the FU&% are to to tell people what to think and if there experience is valid you steal 99% of your information from others.
    leo how about yourself when  the holotropic breathing issue came up  you spread disinformation by saying the mechanism causing effects  was excess oxygen.  Instead I proved it was in fact oxygen deprivation aka hypoxia   but you still have not corrected that.  You can not even live up to your own standards. nor can you self correct.  You are a hypocrite  a plagiarist and a fraud. Your 5meo-dmt is a short cut that has robed you of any actual progress though enlightenment. you took the fast sloppy undisciplined way  and it shows in what you produce and your mental state.
    What misinformation did he spread ? So I and all critical thinking individuates can assess for myself if you are right or wrong.  If you will not state the MISINFORMATION  so people can decide for themselves you will be perceived as a dictator.  If you are going to start banning  people you might want to explain exactly why.  because when more and more people start disappearing because they disagree with you well that will be  actualized.orgs  downfall. 
    I guess form your standpoint now getting rid of trouble makers instead of talking to them and resolving issues is a tactical move on your part. How many hours did egoless post and help others here how many hours did he help your brand and draw others in.  How many post did he make? I see all his post are still here for you to Profit off of.   Well  not with me I have hidden 95% of my post and all my original content off this sight what is left is personal help I gave individuates or things I really do not care about.
    If you would like to ban me  feel free I  have not posted directly on your forum in a long while and I just focused on helping  others in pm and it is not because I want to take your followers I do not want anything or anyone from this sight because I view you and your followers and influence  as fruit from the Poisonous   tree. You have 70% of the people here so goddam confused and so invested in you intellectual concept traps only the ones that are new to enlightenment are the ones I could help. The rest are so indoctrinated to the cult of leo I can not unfuck there minds. As for the other 30% that have acquired some  enlightenment experiences they all ready had the tools before they got here. them like me you have nothing to offer. As I see though the mask of @Leo Gura.
    So disappear me if you will let the mass banning began I will take it as a compliment at this point.  
    All of my experience was hard earned though years of practice.
    Your biggest mistake was adding enlightenment to actualized.com You are quite adept at self actualization because you are intellectual and the world of concept is your play ground. That is the very reason you will stall in your process of enlightenment that continues to be you biggest weakness and trap. Attachment to information , no not attachment , addiction to information. Until you over come that you will not go any farther pretend as you may.
    To the followers of the cult of leo If you are smart you will stop supporting a person that hides behind knowledge and produces nothing of any consequence himself you think after all that reading all that cross referencing at the least he could do is come up with some unique points of correlation and some original ideas. Yet that is not the case he still is a cliff notes version of everything he reads.
    I am completely done with this sight and anyone that has to do with it.

  9. Is visualization still a cutting-edge technique?
    Is visualization still a cutting-edge technique?
    I use visualization for any psychic or healing work all the time.  

  10. What was your last meal ?
    What was your last meal ?
    Sunlight, its so warm and nourishing source of pure energy, just clears my hunger away

  11. are psychedelic really safe?
    are psychedelic really safe?
    Is life really safe? Why don't we just end our lives right now?
    If you live in fear, you will never evolve.
    Enjoy your life, do what you want, don't buy into shit, create your own reality.
    If it makes you happy, by all means share the love!

  12. How bad is alcohol ?
    How bad is alcohol ?
    I had an insight that the only reason we use drugs/alcohol ect.. is subconsciously most aren't aware but they reminded of us how we felt like when we are still pure, young children vibing high and full of life and love/bliss. Years later when we found something that makes us happy and child-like again, i can see why it becomes extremely addictive.
    We miss being ourselves so we use these substances to escape this dark world we have collectively bought into that helps us let go and be our free spirited selves again for a little while. The only problem is, we are not learning the lesson so we keep going back for more.

  13. Look at your fucking hand
    Look at your fucking hand
    This is more about venting and expressing myself than anything else, but I still post this here because I think it can help to put some perspective for people on the same situation.
    So I had a bitter pill to swallow recently.
    It is that pretty much no one will genuinely care for you, whoever they are (except maybe your mother).
    Everyone you will ever encounter only sees you as a way to satisfy a desire they have, they can't just love you and accept you for who you are, there is always an underlying reason to that.
    When you get this, you will feel alone frequently, because you will know that only you can love yourself, no one else can, and never will.
    The irony of that, is that it can't happen (permanently) until you awaken, because fundamentally you think you are an autonomous entity living separately from everything else.
    That implies that you're denying yourself, and how could you love yourself if you refuse to accept what you are ?
    You can't.
    There is no one that will ever love you, or care for you, not selflessly, not if you don't meet their needs.
    You will feel lonely often, but this is totally normal, you're lying to yourself about what you are after all.
    This is a necessary step, to feel isolated from everything and everyone.
    Nothing and no one can connect with you deeply, because no amount of pleasure or social interaction will satisfy the void you're creating for yourself.
    Sometimes you will wish to forget all about this, life seemed easier and more satisfying when you were fully asleep.
    Even if this was true, it is irrelevant,
    You can't go back.
    You have to die now.
    You as a concept that thinks is moving this body, breathing this air, thinking those thoughts.
    You don't exist, you never did.
    I'm quite litteral, you don't fucking exist, did you ever find something that feels like you ?
    No, the only thing you ever found was perceptions.
    It's all very convincing, but at the end of the day, that's all you've got.
    You know what else is purely made of perceptions ?
    An illusion.
    That's what you are, a fucking mirage.
    Think about the last character you liked in one of your dream.
    That's what you are, neither real or unreal
    But certainly not what you think you are right now.
    You've put a suit, and totally forgot that you're wearing it.
    No wonder you feel alone, you've invited yourself to a party with millions other "you".
    But since those you aren't perceived as such, and that you only have perceptions
    You always assume,
    In the back of your mind, that you are alone, unfulfilled, restless.
    Everything that you do in your life is a way to distract yourself from this.


  14. Where to find a high quality shilajit product to an affordable price?
    Where to find a high quality shilajit product to an affordable price?
    Here are some mushroom extracts:

  15. Where to find a high quality shilajit product to an affordable price?
    Where to find a high quality shilajit product to an affordable price?
    The best one so far i found is from this company https://naturalshilajit.com/
    but then you can find really cheap ones on ebay directly from Russia which i have found almost same effect/quality so i am more for the Russian shilajit lately over the Himalayan overpriced shit they sell. The natural one above is from Russia as well but if you want to save money search Altai shilajit resin (Mumiyo) on Ebay and you can find for $30 what other shilajit companies sell for $100+
    YOU DON'T WANT THE POWDERED STUFF. You want the resin. I only use powder 1/4 of a capsule when i want to sprout or soak nuts/seeds/beans/legumes/gains ect.. or sometimes for gardening or pets.
    The resin is far more pure and effective and less likely to be poorer quality and contaminated.

  16. Life limit
    Life limit
    No no no god didn't give you 100 years to live. You did.
    I will live as long as i desire, why? because i say so.
    You are god, only those who are still sleeping misinterpret god for outside of self.
    This universe is your creation, don't limit self with other's belief system. Create your own

  17. Temazcal Ceremony (Sweat lodge)
    Temazcal Ceremony (Sweat lodge)
    I ran into an amazing Temazcal ceremony run by some really great people.
    You had to stay in a pitch black hut as water and different medicines were poured on hot rocks.
    It got extremely hot, you could feel your face burning and the hot air that was breathed in burned too.
    You would have to watch as your mind put up resistance and then work to let it go and keep grounding yourself in your body and in the singing.
    It felt really purifying and healing.
    They have a 4 day vision quest where you dont eat or drink water for 4 days, they do it Easter long weekend so I am definately going to do it!
    It was really nice meeting people like me, one guy even knew about Leos videos!  Everyone either had done ayahuasca, bufo, vipassana etc...
    With all the talk of spirits I was a bit wondering where the non duality was but to my great surprise at the end we all said to each other "I am you" and "You are me"
    And we also said "I am you" to the sun, the earth, and to The Great Mystery.
    It was awesome!!!!!
    Have a great week everyone  

  18. Someone help
    Someone help
    First, you could have a "childish" voice and still sound good. For example, Duncan Trussell has said he sounds like a lesbian, but for some reason his voice is magnetic imo. 
    Speaking of NoFap, here's a conversation about it on Joe Rogan. Pay attention to how Duncan (the other guy) speaks:  
    Btw - I doubt NoFap will make your voice deeper.
    Second, you could search for singing classes. This way, you'll learn how to breathe properly, speak with rhythm, and have musical sensitivity. In other words, you'll sound better. You gotta make sure to find a good teacher though.
    Third, a speech therapist, as said above, can help with the lisping. 

  19. Someone help
    Someone help
    Check out the whole book on http://www.arfalpha.com/ScienceOfBreath/ScienceOfBreath.pdf to see what a Complete Breathe is. It's just 71 pages.
    Who knows, maybe it could help you?
    Hope this helps

  20. Overconfidence/Arrogance and the Relative/Absolute
    Overconfidence/Arrogance and the Relative/Absolute
    Those who are on the path, whom awakened and expanding all the time surely they have something to say. 
    There is a "non-arrogance virtue" in spiritual groups, and I think is just BS. 
    Those who are walking the path and know how IT works, really don't bother with "I'm arrogant or not", in fact, they are the most arrogant. This social humbleness in "respect the stupid or the handicapped or ignorant" are just social constructs to have a sheep society. 

  21. Physical IMMORTALITY and how to achieve it
    Physical IMMORTALITY and how to achieve it
    I found the way in a way but, some believe it would be boring staying in the same body and evolving with it. 

  22. Is Liberation A Desire Of The Ego?
    Is Liberation A Desire Of The Ego?
    Curiosity killed the cat.

  23. How Law of Attraction got me intro trouble and caused suffering
    How Law of Attraction got me intro trouble and caused suffering
    It takes about ten thousand hours to practice and master a certain ability
    You're just going to give up like that?
    Wouldn't it make sense that by far the most powerful ability in life, to attract realities you desire require at least a steady commitment?
    The only trouble here are oversized expectations to master magic in an instant

  24. Living alone - how to live in solitude
    Living alone - how to live in solitude
    You have to lose yourself first, come back and then one is able to live in solitude, after awakens. 
    Before awakening is a constant depression when alone. 

  25. Living alone - how to live in solitude
    Living alone - how to live in solitude
    To be truly enlightened, is to be completely alone. This would force the self inquiry, all is certainly well here, sans resistant thinking until enough inquiry occurs.  The veil, is “loneliness”, but like all fears, God has hidden truth just behind it - the euphoria is eternal.