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Posts posted by Esoteric

  1. 12 hours ago, Koyaanisqatsi said:

    I can say that I am not distracted by thoughts involving time (past and future)--that is the realm of the separate 'me'. So I'm very present, but other than that no special powers or abilities are granted. It's surprising how little changes (but everything is totally different at the same time). The same basic thoughts and feelings and actions are there, but without anyone invested in them. 

    I'm not sure how helpful concentration is on its own, really. It felt like the single-minded determination was helpful here, but it's hard to say. The illusion is so convincing and so enticing that concentrating on self inquiry and direct experience should be helpful in seeing through the illusion. Still, someone could stumble upon an awakening (for example, I met a woman who at 6 years old tried to think about what 'nothing' was and had an awakening experience). 

    I highly advise seekers to follow their gut. It's good to 'get' nonduality intellectually (if that's part of your path), but your flow, your path, is sort of given to you through your 'heart'. It's intuitive. In a way, liberation is about authenticity--following the natural impulses and thoughts that arise, and not the ones that we 'think'--those are shoulds and shouldn'ts and are part of the illusion. Mind itself is not the problem, but some ways of thinking are the problem and it can be hard to separate them. Try to be sensitive to your intuition--your path could be completely different and it's all good. 

    Thanks for your answer :)

  2. Why versus? Tantra has a deep Yoga system. I'd say Kriya Yoga and Kundalini Yoga are tantric practices. Check out Tantra Yoga for more info. Tantra is very broad. And check out Christopher Wallis and his book Tantra Illuminated for a good overlook. He is also working on a system on his website that will share a lot of wisdom and practices that are related to Shaiva Tantra. We live in a world where you can get a lot of wisdom and guidance from your home thanks to the internet.

  3. People definitely underestimate how powerful cannabis can be. Especially if you do it with zero tolerance beforehand and you take alot. I know exactly what you mean the insights come flooding like that. It's beautiful. Sadly I can't smoke it due to how hooked I get on it. Some day I hope to be able to use it once a weekend or month. But there's alot of purification work to be done before being able to do that.

  4. 9 hours ago, Matt8800 said:

    @Esoteric I would go with what Jason said. Hes the man imo. Also, Aiden Wachter has some good things to say about something he calls sigil "shoaling" on his blog that I like. I think he got that from the guy that does Rune Soup. If you google "sigil shoaling", you'll find some great info.

    I dont do much divination. Also, the more Ive gotten into it, the less I am concerned about "black magick". I think Kraig's perspective is a little too restrictive. I believe it is a false dicotomy to demarcate between "white" and "black". If one acts from a place of high vibrational values, they will keep on the path of light. Personally, I have done "black magick" as a way of getting an adversarial person to stop what they were doing but I put a lot of thought into it first. For example, many people here would say they would never punch someone in the face but they might reconsider if it meant saving someone else from serious harm from an attacker. 

    Thank you

  5. @kieranperez To give my perspective on this. Doing the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and Middle Pillar Ritual has helped me very much. Check out the book Modern Magick to get those rituals. It has been the best purification practices I have ever done, and also the best energy practices. I have seen great effects in a very short time, so you might want to check out those rituals and see if they do anything for you.

  6. 36 minutes ago, Matt8800 said:

    @oMarcos Sounds like astral projection. Also, there is a very fine line between lucid dreaming and astral projection. Why not overcome your fear and go for it? Fear is very limiting to beautiful experiences and ones evolution.

    I am a huge fan of sigil magick and do it all the time. I used to get concerned over the distinction between high/low and white/black magick but I finally realized it is the intention that matters. If you have to work at a job for money, why not increase your ability to make money via sigils? I view sigils that way in relation to a lot of things.

    @Matt8800 Damien Echols and Peter Carrol say for sigil magick to work you need to forget about the intention and let it grow in the unconcious while Jason Miller say that it is not the case. What is your perspective on that?

    Also when it comes to making money do you do divinations to make sure it doesn't turn into black magick? I know Kraig wrote about that being important. I haven't done any casting or sigil magick yet. Been focused on LBPR and Middle Pillar mainly so I wouldn't know but would be interesting to get your thoughts and experiences on that.

  7. 6 minutes ago, whoareyou said:

    It's the same thing as you going to sleep tonight, have a dream about talking with aliens, and then when you wake up - tell everyone about your experience and say that they are "real" - because you saw them and experienced them.  You also will tell us that they told you they are coming to earth "in 7 days". 7 days pass and they never show up - it was just a product of divine imagination, nothing more.

    If you noticed clearly enough - your dreams are heavily influenced by your thoughts before the dream.

    The same applies to having that experience with psychedelics, it's just part of the divine imagination.

    You can say that this "reality" is not real, but I would tell you that it's as "real" as it gets. Coherence and continuity are the key.

    Why did the predictions by Terence Mckenna that were based on his experience with psychedelics did not come true? Because yes objectively speaking, it was groundless and misunderstood for what his experience was.

    @whoareyou When you talk to a relative don't you as an entity communicate with another entity? In the relative sense. You are as much spirit as a machine elf or an arch angel. I am not saying it's still not "divine imagination", in the end it is the grandest masterpiece made out of itself. But is it such a big leap to consider that there are entities not just in this "realistic paradigm" that we are in?

  8. @Matt8800 What do you mean by "local spirits"? And what have you found to be good offerings? I will soon start working with spirits. Been gathering info on evocations but from a Chaos Magic and a more traditional Magick sense. Both styles tend to melt into eachother beautifully in general like you wrote. I've been watching some podcasts with Jason Miller, really resonate with him, and he makes that point as well. The freeing and very non-dogmatic aspects of Chaos Magic merges with the traditional Magick and blends into a very powerful toolset. I have decided to start his 1 year course in some weeks :)

    Oh and also. When calling the entity in and you feel the presence. Do you have to make requests? Can you evoce just to be with the deity and establishing a connection? Not talking about doing it for fun and see what happens. But just be present with the deity and be grateful for showing up without neccesarily asking something?

  9. @Matt8800 Is your connection to Hecate distinct from your connection to your guardian angel? When you ask for spiritual guidance from both do you feel you get guidance from 2 entities that are distinctely different from eachother? If you would add another dark Goddess, let's say Kali. Could that create problems? Could your devotion be questioned from any of the entities and create problems for you?