The White Belt

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Posts posted by The White Belt

  1. How did you manage to not throw the baby out with the bathwater? 

    You say you've realised that everything is pointless, meaningless.

    Yet you've still managed to run your website, keep up your weekly videos, manage your business, answer your emails etc.

    I just read your comments about how doing things is pointless, and my mind tries to tell me to throw away my passions and big goals.

    I'm struggling to not give into my mind.

    How did you manage it?

    How did you reconcile the paradox in your mind?

    Please tell me! 


  2. I've just begun a relationship. It's only 5 days old but we'd been seeing each other a couple of months. I've known her for two years but we weren't close during most of that time.

    Since the start of the relationship i've been freaking out a lot. I'm almost ashamed to say that I'm already afraid of her cheating on me, I don't feel like i'm good enough for her, I feel like it will end in disaster, I feel hopelessly insecure.

    She's told me the last two people she has been seeing and I know one of them and it hurts to imagine them together even though it was a year ago.

    I've told her exactly how I feel which is good. She's sympathetic and says to me that she wants to put me under no pressure. She tells me that she feels for me like she's never felt for anybody else before, and still my mind isn't satisfied. 

    I'm doing well not to put any of my insecurity or doubt onto her. I'm keeping her away from it.

    The weirdest part of this all is, is that when i'm with her, it all melts away. I feel mostly comfortable and fine.

    My plan/philosophy is this: You're just experiencing resistance because you haven't been in a relationship for several years and you don't wanna fuck it up because you like her an awful lot; wait it off. 

    I feel like these feelings will subside soon, but i'd like to move them along quicker. Entering a relationship with somebody should be a joy! Not an anxiety trip.

    Any advice on how to get these feelings to melt away?


  3. 58 minutes ago, InfinitePotential said:

    I recommend edibles over smoking for increased psychedelic effect and for consciousness work. When ingested thc is absorbed differently in the body, much more efficiently, and can cross the blood brain barrier more easily. 

    The most powerful trip i've had was on edibles. It was 10x more powerful than any mushroom trip I had. I was seeing sacred geometric patterns floating above me, and I thought I (as the body) was going to die. Scary as hell. You can't underestimate edibles. 

  4. In a word: Underrated.

    I'm having a little ego backlash today. Nothing too major just a little irritation.

    Last night I smoked weed, blunt, through a pipe.

    Everything in my field of awareness was vibrating. Little particles. It was almost see through.

    I could sense the disappearance of parts of my body.

    My present moment awareness was so fine tuned that time seemed to slow down entirely.

    I was listening to music and each note seemed to go on and on, like in normal experience my mind would hurry it along.

    It was super great! 

    Give weed a try more. It's brilliant. After a couple of years of meditation it becomes more like LSD than anything (I haven't tried LSD but I imagine it so).



  5. Background:

    Dating for 3-ish months.

    Romantic (confession of feelings, kissing, hugging, dry-humping) for 5-ish weeks.

    Tonight I am staying over for the first time. She's super nervous about me staying over. 

    I really like her, I want to be respectful. I read an article from a Taoist website saying that in Taoism, for best results, you should sleep in bed together for at least three months before having sex. 

    What do you guys think? My intention is for our first time to be the best sex she's ever had. I want to give her the mind-blowing night she deserves.


    Thank you. 

  6. Like @aurum says. Extra meditation is good but it takes years to see good gains in slowing the monkey mind, so don't rely on that. I recommend before you move onto other work, take a few conscious breaths to bring your focus to your new task. Relax your muscles a little and do some -NEGOTIATION- seems ridiculous but I've found it very necessary. Set a timer and commit to that task for that time. 

    25 blocks with 5 min breaks works very well for me. If you need to work for a long time, do 3, 25 minute timed blocks of focused work and then take a longer break to do whatever the monkey mind wants to do 

  7. Would it be more effective to put mindful awareness on the movement of thought and keep coming back to that,

    or to put mindful awareness on bodily sensations and keep coming back to that?

    Or is it all one system in the sense that technically I could be mindful of my ass all day long and it would still increase my ability to catch negative thoughts as they arise?


    Thoughts on this?


  8. 4 hours ago, Max_V said:

    @The White Belt  I wanted to put more time into developing myself, I did not have enough time before because I spent the entire evening playing. So I opened up the evenings. Now I have more time to self-inquire, contemplate, and read

    You stopped what you were mastering to free up time to work on yourself, but now you are looking for something else to master which is going to take up that time once again? 

    I think you seek something more relevant to your growth right? 

    All I can say is explore, explore, explore. All those things you thought about as a hobbie, do them. 

    For a month at a time.

    Keep taking notes and after about 6 months, choose one. 

    Let me give you a big insight that will save you a lot of confusion though.

    When you find it, you will still doubt it, you'll never find a 100% percent perfect fit. You'll be confused about whether or not it is it. No Angels will come from the heavens and congratulate you for finding it. You will still have resistance, you will be scared by the huge challenge you see ahead of you and you'll still have times when you want to quit.

    Yeah it's exciting but nobody tells you that your mind will still be in doubt and try to keep changing it. So look out for that.