The White Belt

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Posts posted by The White Belt

  1. Hey people.

    I've suffered from sleep paralysis for as long as I remember.

    It comes on more frequently when I start to try lucid dreaming by keeping a dream journal and what not.

    Last night I woke paralyzed, and I told myself to not panic, my body was totally light which is normal, but then I realised I was slowly descending from the air, into my bed, and I felt the pressure as I lightly fell into the bed and I realised that I was levitating. In the day I was thinking about angels because of somebody elses post and a ringing in my ear. 

    But then I saw the face of a demon, but it seemed more just like a mental image than a figure in my room, and I began to choke as if I was being strangled. 


    What do I do about this?

    How do I take it all? Is it significant, or should it be ignored?

    I'm not frightened or anything. Like I said i've had sleep paralysis before, and in the past a headless shadow man touched my foot, but I can't remember levitation happening since I was a child and i've never felt strangulation before.

    I'd like a comment from @Emerald here too, if possible.

  2. 3 hours ago, cetus56 said:

    @BeginnerActualizer Just my 2 cents worth but it sounds like it could be a form of resistance. Maybe your on the verge of a breakthrough but instead that happens and therefore stops the breakthrough from happening. The subconscious can be sneaky.

    This is actually what I thought, but I didn't want to get ahead of myself. Maybe I'm about to 'experience' no-self but my ego makes a way of pulling my into the body. Any idea how to combat this? 

  3. In the spirit of self honesty and identifying default positions, I am pretentious.

    I scoff at people who smoke and get really drunk and keep buying crap they don't need. 

    I scoff at needy people, and I think I know more than others because I investigate these things encouraged by Leo to investigate that 99% of people don't.

    I think this makes me special.

    Please break my paradigms/beliefs/positions that I am better than the average person.

    Give my Ego a choke slam and then a gnarly arm bar. 


    Thanks x  

  4. 8 hours ago, Loreena said:

    Why are you being so skeptical? 

    It was a healthy skepticism. I asked my questions to the speaker politely. It just seemed like a positive thinking workshop, and didn't seem to hold true to the teachings of Buddhism. 

    8 hours ago, Martin123 said:

    What the fuck ??

    rly dude? :D

    *a kneeling child says*

    "If I dont read the bible do I risk going to hell uncle pastor?"

    *unzips his pants, pulls it out*

    "No, but if you bite you do!"


    Chill. Yo cant go wrong.

    Go with whatever resonates and excites you the most in every single moment. That is the quickest way to your evolution.

    I'm just looking to not waste my time getting trapped into wishful thinking and dogma. 

    6 hours ago, Natasha said:

    @BeginnerActualizer He's operating within a belief system, so his teachings are going to reflect that. Belief systems don't reflect reality.

    Agreed, but yet like I say, even the Noble eight-fold path seemed to contradict him a little, so where are these beliefs coming from?

    (response to below quote, stupid phone)

    Thanks. This is one of the things I thought. It was a general public talk, it certainly can be used as a stepping stone. I used to go to these talks regularly actually. It's just now that I learned more did I pose questions. 

    6 hours ago, Gopackgo said:

    Keep in mind that not everyone who does meditation wants enlightenment. The classes can be tailored to thospeople. Personally, I think you are on the right track

  5. I went for a talk at my local Buddhism centre. 

    I went because it's nice to get these things in person, not just always on YouTube.

    The main points that the guy hit on during the talk were about seeing things less in a negative light and more in a positive light. 

    He also said our job is to take the happiness we get from meditation and make sure we use it for everything we do, compassionately.

    I spoke to the guy after, I told him I read the noble eight-fold path and 'right view' was suggesting that we don't look at things positively or negatively, but exactly as they are, and that even by putting a positive spin on it is still operating under the illusion of thought. He responded with 'It depends how deep you want to go'.

    I don't want to go deep, just to go to truth. 

    But he did say we shouldn't run away from negative things, just to see it and then to creatively make a positive from it, which is all fine. 

    Then I told him if we are meditating for happiness, aren't we just using meditation as a means to something, which is ultimately the cause of our unhappiness to begin with, and I told him that I have read that meditation should be a goal-less practice, to which he responded it's important to know where one is and where one is going.

    He seemed slightly perturbed by my questions.

    Should I return to this centre? It felt more Tony Robbins that Gautama Buddha. 

    Do these basic teachings have value? If I overlook them do I risk 'Zen Devilry'?



  6. On 4/24/2017 at 2:04 AM, electroBeam said:


    @BeginnerActualizer you have 12 hours a day do you not? When you are doing your work, when you are having a shower, when you are talking to your spouse, those are times when you should be meditating the most: 


    Thanks a lot for the video. To be honest I don't understand everything he is saying, but I like the bit about the movie not affecting the screen as a metaphor for our lives not affecting pure awareness. Can you tell me how I can stay mindful and not go unconscious in my hectic job?