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Posts posted by egoeimai

  1. @Names are labels  thank you Carrie,again!!!

    When you say vegan you mean raw vegan.?

    Because I said I dont consume animal products since 4 and a half months now. 

    Im happy with that because junk food and fatty foods are really limited here,If you are vegan. Again,not raw vegan. But I still feel something has to change.

    Anyways,Im gonna pm you here or If you want to email you,whatever you desire. 


  2. 53 minutes ago, Elton said:

    @popi its about building a friend circle and training together and giving each other power my friends don't want to join even when i forcibly download the app in their phone .. a support system is a really helpful tool, specially friends with whom you can grow yourself

    Haha I see. I hope that we can share our motivation! Good luck so see you soon :P 

  3. Im a bit disappointed (not from you-but from me and all the man n woman population :P ) Let's get serious. I know we all have past relatioships that didnt go well,as we wanted so.............

    Let go of the past. See the new relationship as a new game. A game that you dont have the rules and dont know how to play. Be in the present moment.

    ....But actually by bad experiences we grow. I know the feelings. The fears and all that, but we need to restart and dont think about past experiences. Because people are not the same,we change,situations changes,time is  passing by. So where is your main hesitation.? What are you afraid of. ?Ask that to yourself

    Why do you feel indifferent.?  

    Are you sabotaging your needs? I feel we get involved in a relationship because we lack something. We want something. You know. What is that. What do you need..?

    And If you are sabotaging your needs..(you say that you want to try and play the game but at the same time you feel indifferent and you change your mind) Are there any obstacles?

    Are you sure you dont feel insecure,or you have enough confidence? If thats not your problem then what is it? I dont know. Find it.

    Also.. reconsider how important are relationships to you. When we are deppressed we are not exactly ourselves. Its a disease actually. Its not yourself. In deppression your brain changes structure. I had read that in a book. So you dont have to think about what you were doing back then. You were on a bad mood etc. People get through these situations and the part after that is the most important,in which degree they have survived. We adapt ourselves and we think about our next moves. So reconsider what are relationships to you. Your expectations,ambitions,needs. How important it is to you. Dont think about the people as faces who have passed through your life. See the relationship as a relationship. The commitment,the exchange. What you want to receive and what do you want to give. 

  4. @Canadian  and then. Tell me please

     After the sex,will you be complete???? 

    Will you feel nice about yourself? Probably that you have achieved sth that your guy friends havent? Okay bravo!!!! What value gives you that? None.

    So. Okay.. but you want help.

    You dont have to hear my opinion. Its pretty simple what you want. You can do it. to the girls. Pretend that you are a bad guy. And thats it. You will have sex. And then goal achieved. 

    You can be excited,make compliments,tell lies, pay a drink, be chill and share some pathetic story of yours even if its fake,make the girl to feel that youre can be whoever you like. Just play the role. You want to be the bad guy? Do it. The shy? Do it. Speak all the time,make a coversation, make them feel secure, nothing more. Find a place...thats it. Even the toilets. What you want its not impossible. Its pretty often.this is happening there outside every day.

    Like...people dont have expectations. They want instant satisfaction.

    Always wear condom.

  5. @Canadian  first of all why you do desire those kind of girls?? Ask yourself.

    Because of their body? Everyone can achieve a hot nice looking body. It only takes proper nutrition and exercise.

    Secondly. Ask yourself. What those girls in the clubs are looking for?? Theyre trying to find a nice guy love him and make love?share dreams? No. These girls often they are seeking confidence. Nice comments for their body their pretty face their nice dress. These girls (not all girls_most of them) want compliments...the confidence theyre trying to find from YOU. so you tell them nice words you pay their drinks and then????? They dont need your compliments any more. They will search acceptance from other guys. Just to see if everyone adores them. Thats what theyre looking for. Girls who like sex,the have sex too. But for one night or so. They dont seek relationshipa there. All they re looking for is flert. The flerting..this process will give them acceptance. These are the attention whores. As they say. And its true. But consider this. Do you want to have sex with a body thats looking hot and the mind on top of the body is crappy? Why do you want this from yourself??? Because there are some standards out there? You have to be lean pretty tall cute feminine etcetera 

    So if you want to follow society rules and dont appreciate sth by your own perspective,thats it. Go for the hot body. But its gonna give you entertainment for a while and then nothing . You will not earn something else. These people have OFTEN nothing to give you except of their nice looking bodies. Your experiences your life wont improve. You wont earn something. And often the "relationships" with these bodies are ending badly. Because their ego is ridiculous and their mind is empty. 

  6. Hello again canadian. Why not you? Of course youre not an exception

     You can achieve whatever you want.

    But i see you have doubts,you are afraid.....go for it. 

    I used to like a guy . I thought he was super hot and sexy and ideal and handsome. Shit. Thats not true. We create those things in  our minds. This girl seems hot and sexy and cool in your mind,but another guy may see her unattractive. Okay. So just go for it. No limitations or restrictions. Better do it rather than regret not doing it. 

  7. 16. Want to have sex. No feelings :P 

    Ok buddy. Its too early to know your feelings yet. The path to know more about yourself dont If has just begun yet! :P 

    So I guess you want shy girls and not hot and "demanding" and extroverts? :P  because that type of girls scares you and you run away?

    Only for sex,you have a lot of time to wkrk on these things. Beter find something else to do. 

    Anyways. I guess you dont want to drop your standards :P omg