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Posts posted by egoeimai

  1. On 7/6/2020 at 7:12 PM, Serotoninluv said:


    There are protections against pregnancy that are about 99.9% effective. But yea, the only 100% effective protection would be to not engage in sexual activity. Yet even with that, there is a 0.0000001% chance a woman would find a sneaky way to get some of my sperm without me knowing and insert it into her vagina.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

  2. @ElenaO girl you're authentic and true and honest!!!! That's so must important than being attractive. Think about it!!! You being vulnerable helps you a lot more to grow, being attractive doesn't ☺️

  3. 5 hours ago, SoonHei said:

    But isn't really the ego

    It is you, stuck and living as the ego. 


    It's not the puppet that is doing the actions and saying the words, it's always the puppeteer... And the puppeteer cannot find himself as the puppet


  4. On 31/5/2020 at 9:23 PM, Michael569 said:


    Fasting increases cortisol which for female means stealing of progesterone. Basically when you fast your sex hormones can decline and this can put you a bit out of balance in the hormonal world. In all honesty, intermittent fasting is not a good thing for healthy female because it can wreck your hormone and put you too much in stress-dominance. 


    Really? How many hours can be considered unhealthy? 

  5. On 30/5/2020 at 9:07 PM, Shadowraix said:

    You might find an interesting perspective on hormones by reading experiences from trans people. They offer a unique perspective having experienced both Testosterone and Estrogen.

    Wow is there any particular source to look for that? That would be very interesting 

    Edit. Are you sure tho? Because a trans feels like the person that it wants to be from the time it was born. I'm not sure, I'll have to do research sorry to anyone who reads that, I'm clueless, no intentions of offending someone. 

  6. 15 hours ago, SoonHei said:


    no. YOU CHOOSE as the ego.

    it's always you. 

    for example: same way it would be YOU who is afraid (not faking a fear emotion) of a snake in the grass.

    and it would ALSO be YOU who is no longer afraid (actually so) when you see that it wasn't a snake but a piece of rope in the grass.


    same way. you choose while afraid (lost as ego) and when you awaken to your true self, it is YOU now who is no longer afraid and choosing consciously 

    Ego plays all roles. It is the one who is afraid and the one that is trying to understand fear.