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Posts posted by Michael569

  1. I have wasted 5 years of my life studying business thinking i am getting myself prepared for life. Bullshit...  I am utilising less than 2% of it. They teach you a complete horse-crap , useless theories from people who have 0 experience in business and you can learn all of them on your own. Outdated case studies, boring lectures..

    Your dad wants you to have a "good life" just like my dad and just like every dad that sends their kind to "good school". He means it well because he doesn't know any better. Grow up, get degree, get job, get married, retire die... Don't resign without having an escape plan but as it was suggested above, start devoting all your free time to what you love, cut all the crap that is not important like wasted evenings and idle socialising. You are still very young and haven't lost as much time yet. Go do what you love, nothing else is important. 


  2. in China, females have their bones in legs broken and re-assembled somehow and obviously this can ad couple centimetres, seems like an "enjoyable" method to try if you don't mind a bit of pain. 

    General answer is no. Once you stop, that's it. At 25 you should have already achieved your max. Most people do before 21. Embrace it brother, don't suffer about something you cannot change :)  There are much more important things in life. 

  3. @ElenaO

     Seeds ( highest in flax, hemp, pumpkin, chia - all above 20%, pumpkin nearly 35% same as chicken) Nuts ( mostly between 10-18, best almonds and walnuts, avoid peanuts and cashew), green leafy vegetables ( not so much but than it is easy to consume large quantities) , cruciferous vegetables, sea weeds and algae ( spirulina 66%, chlorela 50-60, other dried sea weeds - you can buy them in many forms) 

    Bee Pollen - this is a good alternative provided you are not allergic to pollen,  contains nearly every nutrient needed for human body, powerful natural remedy, 23 amino acids that do not have ti be digested and broken down like meat but are ready to be used. Howeevr not recommended to use more than 30-60 days. 
    Look at largest animals on earth, most of them don't eat meat. This is just a cultural brainwash that we need animal products to be strong and to sustain healthy bones and it is rubbish

  4. @mudita coconut oil is an oil just like any other, the deep molecular structure is not that different. It is still fat. Any fats when used for cooking become rancid and release free radical that oxidide your cells and can cause cancer in longterm. There is no "good fat" when it comes to cooking in high temperature. 

    Dairy contains high levels of IGF(insuline growth factor) growth hormone which is a cause why young calf grows to be 2000 pounds, it has no place in human body. We are primarily herbivores as our digestion track is too long to get rid of the animal food fast enough because they start to decay.  Even if the cows is the most organically fed on earth, the amounts of hormones are high for any human to process. We produce IGF when growing naturally however adding animal amounts is certainly not helping.

    Not to mention that animal protein increases the acidity of your organism, robing your bones of calcium to compensate for it hence causing even more sickness along the way. At the same time the very same protein blocks the absorption of the calcium in animal food so it stays in your digestive track, turning kidneys and bones into stones, that's why you see older animal eaters limping and walking funny with their joints lacking flexibility. 


  5. Are you in it for the money? Does acting mean fame, success and millions of dollars for you? If so, you're gonna be miserable for the rest of your life. Living your passion leads to a content and fulfilled life even when income is not good enough. Join night or weekend acting classes, any country has those nowadays. Once you get surrounded by likeminded people, you start to see the opportunities , their thinking becomes your thinking, opportunities will come your way, you attract what you think. Think negative and guess what will that bring you? 

    If you don't have any marketable skills, maybe work on that first like learning MS Office, and some office skills just so that you can get a stable income and move forward, The Maslow Pyramid needs to be build from bottom up, missing brick will cause a collapse. 

    Brian is not the only actor in the world. Look at Dwayne Johnson. He was earning millions in WWE before even considering acting career, Arnold as Leo suggested, a poor boy from Austrian farm village became 7 time Mr Olympia before considering acting job just listening to his heart and doing what he loved.  Don't become someone else, listen to the voice within. Only you can hear it and it is specific for you only. Listen to it closely and it will guide you. And work on finding your top values, they are your compass, that which is not aligned with them needs to go. 

    And if it took 15 years to make a breakthrough, is that a lot in scale of things? Let's say it would take you 15 years of practice to get your first acting job, would that be worth it? 

  6. Ok, so this one has been bugging me a lot for most of my life. How does one effectively approach random people and initiate the conversation? I know for some people this is completely flawless, I had friend who would just talk to about anybody and these people enjoyed it and liked him for being so open, but when I tried it I felt like a retard, having nothing to say, with creepy shy voice, seriously felt like child molester approaching 5 year old girl on a playground. For me this has been a part of my life holding me back a lot. 

    Once in a  conversation, I consider myself quite social and good discussion partner but the issue is with approaching people, like seeing a group of people having lunch that I'd love to join but feel to awkward doing anything. Not talking about girls ( as from attraction point of view), got that figured already but generally random people to spark conversation. People at work by water tank or coffee maker, at cantin, whatever..

    Any tips from you extrovert people? What are your approach tips? How did you face your anxieties? 


    Thanks a lot in advance for any tips !!

  7. I wanted to share a short story where Journaling  helped me overcome a lot of anxiety, I was feeling about particular event. Though that maybe it would motivate someone to try the habit for themselves. 

    I had a particular conference call at work that I felt anxious about without really realising why. The attendance was quite executive and since I was the one to lead it, I could hardly sleep the night before. Even meditation didn't help. 

    So an hour prior to it, I took my journal where I only recently started adding daily contributions which so far didn't make much sense to me and typed: "Why am I so anxious about this"? As I started stating reasons and breaking one by one down into details, I realised that I was afraid of being ridiculed by people on the other side of the world that don't give a **** about me and that I don't give a **** about, yet I cared what they would think of me at that particular time.  Getting this realisation , I though how stupid it is and that it is my ego feeling threatened and I started to feel my panic dissipating. I approached the call calm and prepared and it all went well. In the end it wasn't as painful as i though it to be. 90% of the fear was gone. 

    So this showed me one of particular examples where Journaling can be powerful, just by putting the mess in your mind on a  piece of paper. 



  8. How can i stay content with what is right now? 

    I have recently discovered my LP and am very slowly moving the direction of it. Going back to Uni and doing a lot of self study. However I still feel like things are moving too slow, like there is something I have to be doing. I meditate and do daily visualisation and affirmations, repeating my LP to myself, yet sometimes I get anxious that I am not progressing enough. 

    Any suggestion on how to stay grounded and content with the way things are? 

    Thanks a big one!!!




  9. Big truth! Once you stop doing gym just for the sake of getting over with it and jumping through exercises as fast as you can but instead start feeling through every set and rep, your body reacts in a different way. The pain and resistance are still there but easier to cope with and when you focus purely on the moment, your mind doesn't have time to come up with excuses why it doesn't want to be there, hence your gains are increased because you simply enjoy it more without all the stress. 


  10. @Socrates my point is that there doesn't need to be a conversation. You don't need to throw facts to someone's face. Be the change you want to see in the world and you will disarm your opponent because they will have nothing to defend against. 

    Your thoughts and actions will attract those who are like minded and to be honest, screw the rest. He who doesn't want to change will not be changed regardless of the amount of science you demonstrate to them. 

  11. Promoting Veganism & Vegetarianism can be tricky. What i found to be the easiest is to motivate by your actions not by giving arguments that heat the conversation. 

    Instead let others see the results in real life. Let them see that you have so much energy, that you lost weight and built a quality muscle, not a water filled crap.

    I carry my green goo smoothies around sometimes at work and people inquire and ask about it. Some even ask to try it. They are surprised to see that it is quite nice. Generally we want to try things but once our egos are threatened we will defend with out lives the lifestyle we lead...

    Be an example and let your personality and enthusiasm be the motivator. 

  12. Very interesting indeed. 

    Reminds me of a first hand experience.
    My resting rate is around 45 due to lot of cardio I do. The last time a doctor measured it, I was sent to ECG and Echo just because they though I had bradycardia ( heart rate so slow that your body is not being oxygenated well). There was actually a recommendation for Pacemaker, an electric device they sew under your skin that adjusts heart rate.  In the end, they did some vivid examination just to conclude that it is due to higher fitness level. 

    So it was a good example that even if you are slightly different in a good way, by society's standards it is a bad sign and something is wrong with you. I guess same goes for pursuing you LP, meditating and all activities that majority population don't do :)


  13. Raw garlic is an incredibly powerful antibacterial and anti-inflamatory food. 

    Chop it or blend it with your smoothie, add banana or mango to blunt the nasty taste, alternatively hold your nose while drinking that. Make sure you get organic garlic as the usual gets irradiated to grow larger and faster. 

    Hope that helps :)



  14. I would advice you to watch what animals do and learn from them. 

    * they spend their time outside
    * they eat only when hungry and only diet natural to them ( plants to herbivores, meat to carnivores) 
    * they play around
    * they mate whenever they feel urgency
    * they explore, run around, go out on sunlight
    * they wake with sunlight and sleep with sundown. 
    * they do not get sick unless we domesticate them and feel them shit!!!

    What I am trying to say is that all chronic and psychological diseases are caused by unnatural lifestyle. Pills like antidepressants only hide symptoms, they DO NOT heal the cause. How long do you think your body can sustain that? How is it that our grandparents' generation did not suffer of anxieties, cancers, diabetes and obesity so much, sure there were cases but they were uncommon. We completely lost touch with nature and with our humanity. This is not a freaking science , it is a common and ancient knowledge. The earth gives you everything you need. But we take it, smash it, cook it, fry it, put fat on it, salt it, fry it again and than eat it....hell. 

    We are domesticated creatures. Shit food, no exercise, no sunlight, polluted water, hectic stressful life, anger and hate in our homes, lack of relationships and social contact, avoidance of real quality sex..the list goes on. 

    There is a great book about this called Heal Yourself 101 from Markus Rothkranz. 

    This is more of a rant than an actual advice but sometimes the solution is to start from the root not cutting out the unhealthy branch. Give it a thought :)



  15. 2 hours ago, Beau said:

    @Michael569 waa. That's sad. Aside from sexual attraction you could also have deep and meaningful relationship with other person. 

    Agreed, but that is what you consciously work on if you decide to do so. That is what deeply loving couples do. Love is as much work as any other personal growth, those who slack it, lose it. 

    It always starts with the sexual desire though, that's the impulse nature put in place to connect two people. We may not agree but that doesn't change anything :)


  16. The mayor difference is the psychological point of view. Running on treadmill can get pretty mundane and even depressing because it takes all the joy out of it. You seek ways to distract yourself to avoid staring at the wall or TV. 

    Outside gives you the natural distraction of the environment, sounds and vibrations. When you run on the meadow or in the woods, you feel connected to the nature in a sort of spiritual way. Your pain is more tolerable and you are more optimistic which at least for me boosts the performance. 

    From the physiological perspective, it is very similar and there might be slight differences like the surface. Running on pavement causes more damage than on treadmill but than you can also run on a dirt or grass. Running outside also has the benefit of versatile terrain (uphils, downhils). True you can set uphill on treadmil but it feels like a hamster on a  wheel. 

    Of course finally there is the safety element where indoor wins(although I've seen some nasty accidents due to lack of concentration or uncontrolled speed) but unless you are foolish running across highways, you'll be fine. 

    Hence I'd definitely say outside but try both. Give them a 10 day challenge and see what works for you best :)


  17. There is no "One." What we see as "falling in love" is actually a sexual desire being disguised as something we call love , a noble feeling from the higher universe if you will or god if you will.  

    Most relationships start with this sexual desire which is a result of our body and mind tricking us to produce offspring and drive the evolution and survival of human species on Earth. The real "love" is a conscious/unconcious decision to participate on spiritual growth of self or another person.
    In exact words of Dr Scott Peck “Love is the will to extend one's self for the purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual growth... Love is as love does. Love is an act of will -- namely, both an intention and an action. Will also implies choice. We do not have to love. We choose to love.

    Hence you don't find the "one". You find someone you sexually desire and once that drive is reduced, you will need to make a decision whether you will continue to grow this relationship or seek elsewhere. That is why so many couples split after they've had enough sex to start using their pre-frontal cortex. 

  18. I used to be the same way. I though I had a great job and I did not really see any other way. Bills were paid, occasional travel, felt like I had all I needed. Never had a strong sense of purpose until I discovered actualized.org channel. Now I feel like my life is upside down just because of all the habits I'm implementing and actually I have more stress than I had before just because I am terrified but still believe that down the road of 15-20 years it will all connect and it will all be worth it. 

    My advice to you is don't listen to other people but try to listen to the voice deep within you. Does it say that maybe, just maybe, there is something else out there for you? If you ask it, it will give you signs. Create a meditation habit and get in touch with your true original humanity, the tiny flame that we all have in us. 

    Or if you have extra money, try taking Leo's life purpose course. I bet something will come out.

    That being said, if you feel like you are not ready or that you really don't need change, than stay as you are and see where it leads you. Maybe you already have your ideal life without realising it. And maybe the voice within you will start to grow stronger. 


  19. The advice people are giving you might actually be correct but you should call it different. In our modern culture , it is not viewed positively if somebody is consulting a psychatrist. Many people see their patients as nuts and completely "out there." Similar to crazy people locked in Sanatoriums. 

    Where in reality the true is that these are one of the bravest people because they know they want to uncover their deepest fears and go the extra miles of facing them under a guidance. Instead of psychiatrist, call them therapists or medical professionals because that's what they are. 

    If you read "The Road Less Travelled" from Scott Peck you will understand that this way you can achieve amazing results. I strongly encourage you to look into that book if you need a motivation. A lot of time our anxieties stem from our youth, from the way we were raised but also can be based on as little as single negative experience in childhood or adolescence. 

    I strongly encourage you to seek out a therapist. You don't have to tell anyone about it and No, you are NOT CRAZY if you admit that you need help and will work with a professional, far the opposite, you are wise because you want to work on your problems. 

    Just a food for thought :)