
Running Inside Or Running Outside? What's Your Take?

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I have a question. Someone asked me today, which is more beneficial, running outside or inside. I have a take, but what do you all think?

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@sheenp24 Both burn the same amount of calories. With a treadmill you can keep the speed constant though and you can use it in the winter.

Both are good. It's just a matter of preference. 

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I would definitely say outside i run several routes and i learned to really love them, i know every tree, every crack in the road and every building, sometimes i run around a lake,sometimes through the town, sometimes i run up to a certain point for example an old mill and back, sometimes early morning sometimes when the evening sets in and so far over the years iv'e seen deer,rabbits,foxes,owls u name it and that is why running outside is best in my opinion.


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The mayor difference is the psychological point of view. Running on treadmill can get pretty mundane and even depressing because it takes all the joy out of it. You seek ways to distract yourself to avoid staring at the wall or TV. 

Outside gives you the natural distraction of the environment, sounds and vibrations. When you run on the meadow or in the woods, you feel connected to the nature in a sort of spiritual way. Your pain is more tolerable and you are more optimistic which at least for me boosts the performance. 

From the physiological perspective, it is very similar and there might be slight differences like the surface. Running on pavement causes more damage than on treadmill but than you can also run on a dirt or grass. Running outside also has the benefit of versatile terrain (uphils, downhils). True you can set uphill on treadmil but it feels like a hamster on a  wheel. 

Of course finally there is the safety element where indoor wins(although I've seen some nasty accidents due to lack of concentration or uncontrolled speed) but unless you are foolish running across highways, you'll be fine. 

Hence I'd definitely say outside but try both. Give them a 10 day challenge and see what works for you best :)


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Great information guys! I definitely agree with all of you; you all have great points! @Dan Arnautu From my own observation, I see a lot of people using only the basic features on the treadmill. Running constantly on a flat surface with no variables affecting their efforts. You don't think that running outside with varying surface changes, rather big or minute, changes the overall effort one needs to physically adapt to the changes in terrain? With running outside, you run into inclining as well as declining land formations, promoting muscle confusion kind of like with interval training. I have done both before and it seems like I can run forever on a treadmill, but every time I run outside, it feels like I become exhausted a lot quicker. But that's just my observation. @Michael569 I personally like running outside better as well! The visuals are so much better!

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I would say outside because then you will get fresh air, sunlight and connect with nature! We are too much inside now a days.

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