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Posts posted by herghly

  1. I'm considering studying psychology , but my main interests is with psychedelics . I know this is a complicated manner and maybe I need to find a creative (legal?) way to work with them. 

     Do you guys see within the new future psychologists being able to work with patients using psychedelics or even like integration sessions ? 


    My my only fear is studying psychology and then not being able to work with psychedelics 

  2. Looking for some critique of my routine 

    Nadi sodhana  X 3

    Ujjayi Pranayama X 3

    Talabya Kriya X 50

    Mah Mudra x 3

    Kriya Pranayama1X 12

    Kriya Pranayama2 X 12

    Yoni Mudra x 3

    Kriya Supreme Fire x 3

    After Kriya supreme fire  I either do concentration, self inquiry (as mentioned in kriya exposed) or Paravastha state of being (drop all techniques and just be)


    This takes me about 70 minutes