Anton Rogachevski

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Posts posted by Anton Rogachevski

  1. By realizing there's no control whatsoever: One is completely powerless against unconsciousness.

    Only a realization of a higher power and a complete surrender of your will shall resolve this. You can't even surrender, but only decide to do so.

    Trust that a higher power can heal you. You can't, because you are the helpless ego that keeps causing trouble because of arrogance.

    Also love yourself unconditionally regardless of result. Let go of results.

    Learn to pray,
    Help god help you.

  2. On 1/24/2019 at 4:15 PM, ivankiss said:

    It is limitless and unbound. Creative and eternal. It does not have a need to identify with anything. It just flows through abstract perfection. Passion is not a pattern.

    The pattern can mimic or imitate. But it can never trully be alive; spontaneous, joyful and playful in it's expression.

    The pattern is limited and finate. It is precisely defined. While abstract infinity is not defined at all.

    Gorgeous! The Tao of Ivan!


    On 1/24/2019 at 4:15 PM, ivankiss said:

    You are not trully and entirely awake if the world around you still sleeps. Use as many excuses as you wish.



    Incredible text my dear friend, it's beautiful to watch your awareness expend every post, more love, more honesty. Thank you for being.

    Good luck!


  3. 2 hours ago, TheAvatarState said:

    I like what MindValley U is doing. That's a really progressive vision of what school at stage green/yellow might look like. But self-actualization must stay at "self," and should not be standardized. Because at the highest levels of what we're aiming for, absolutely nothing can be said about it! How can you standardize or even "diploma" a knowledge that's transrational and beyond words? You'd need a qualitatively different model altogether!

    That's Stage Yellow individualistic thinking, remember, Stage Turquoise swings the pendulum back to Community. So how are you going to fathom this?

  4. @Leo Gura

    Thank you for sharing.

    I guess hypothetically, you would need certified delegates you could trust, to let go of managing and letting it run by itself.

    That's why great sages had devotees.

    I'm a part of a spiritual growth group that has no leader, it decides all matters by a purely democratic vote. I guess it only works for small groups, but on the large scale we have a committee of trustees.

    Right now you picture life purpose as a personal individualistic aspect of ones life, but what about a shared unified life purpose that will be the heart of a high consciousness group of people?

  5. 8 hours ago, ajasatya said:

    i am here to dig deeper, since nobody else is playing the role of the grounding partner. how do you imagine the real thing happening? what exactly happens in classes and how will people feel motivated to take action and practice? this is not anywhere clear to me.

    These are minor details that can easily be taken care of. The motivation is a unified life purpose of actualizing the whole world.

    In the future many people will evolve to green and yellow, and they are serious actualizers that will be diligent in what they see would benefit the planet.

    We will cross the bridge when we get to it.

  6. The institution is also going to be offering free coaching to people, and students will practice coaching each other and doing volunteering.

    There's going to be business coaching for firms that want to improve their consciousness.

    Also Actualized Politicians program to reform schools and add personal development classes.

    Possibly government funded social services. Imagine social workers with a personal development degree.

  7. If you only tried smoking, and it didn't work well. Try eating it. Amazing difference.

    Almost no dry mouth, very subtle awareness and joy increase, it takes about 30 minutes to start, and then the liver metabolises it into a more potent substance, it can now easily cross the blood to brain barrier. It lasts longer and more subtly, good for emotional work, and a little awareness work.

    Better in the evening, it may make you drowsy on the comedown. So it will be good right before bed.