Anton Rogachevski

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Posts posted by Anton Rogachevski

  1. 4 hours ago, Chives99 said:

    @Anton Rogachevski absolute truth is literally undeniable,you're either an entity in your head or you're not, ego death shows this isnt the case. ego death is not only simple , its that which cannot be simpler, cannot be further reduced.

    I totally get it. But to use subjective facts to dismiss objectivity just isn't right. It's for your freedom, not to say to other people they aren't real.

    I agree there's no proof of the existence of a reality, but there's no proof for anything really besides what you experience. What you find through your personal investigations is only right for you.

    To find out more, read Ken Wilber's quadron theory. Also check out my post which is inspired by his work:

  2. My real spiritual quest began when I was 18, I just enlisted into the Israeli Army, and was training to become a warrior. A couple of months in I started to experience terrible panic attacks, anxiety, and depression, I was eventually released after a suicide attempt, while being diagnosed as a dependant personality. I had very little hope of ever being happy. I didn’t realize at the time that the episodes were in fact the beginning of a spiritual awakening.

    At 20, I was on many different meds, trying to solve this externally. I haven't had a clue then, that what I experienced was actually a yearn for God. I didn’t even consider the possibility that spirituality was a viable solution and that it was actually the true cure. It was years before I found out.

    5 years of meds didn’t work, so I tried medicating myself with drugs, alcohol and a long 3 and a half years of toxic and codependent relationship. I accepted my fate and had lived for years in a stable moderate depressive state.

    To my incredible luck, 6 years ago I accidentally saw Leo’s video about curing depression. I remember that moment vividly when he said that when a person is in a deep meditative state he experiences bliss, therefore Bliss is the deeply buried basic emotion in each of us. This was a shocking discovery for me. In my total desperation and surrender, I was excited to try something new and different as a solution to my problem.

    Very soon the effects of meditation started to come and I was truly hopeful for the first time in 6 years of absolute misery. I've committed to this journey completely, watched every video Leo’s got, and practiced all the incredible principles and practices as well as I could.

    Following Leo’s radical open mindedness principle, I also found a 12 steps fellowship that deals specifically with Codependency, and it too was incredibly beneficial to my recovery. 12 steps is very simple and useful tool for shadow work and spiritual awakening. Nowadays, I’m coaching a new friend in recovery and it seems like there’s progress.

    Today I experience happiness 90% of the time, and I’ve almost forgotten how depression and anxiety actually feel. I’m deeply passionate about personal development, and have a steady spiritual growth. I’m running a few blogs for different audiences. I enjoy every moment and see the magic of existence. It’s amazing when you start seeing your own happiness expanding outwards to the people around you.

    Thank you for reading,

    I hope to see more recovery stories from you too.

  3. Thank you for the fascinating discussion,

    I am pretty satisfied with Genetics as an answer. Just imagine a hereditary line of priests or shamans, a cast of spiritual people if you will. The DNA stores memories, it's scientifically proven.

    This also explains the visions of the masters who gained full access to the subconscious mind and withdrew that data from DNA.

  4. @clouffy

    I too come from a very problematic place of depression, anxiety, codependency and a messy life. The first thing I did when I'd watched Leo's videos for the first time was to take Meditation very seriously, and in addition to that, I worked on many other methods and principles that ensured my recovery.

    First of all, you can't have the focus or energy needed to do enlightenment work if you have these, so solving them first would be wiser. Secondly, enlightenment work as Leo talks about it, is a very specific and narrow domain. There are many more tools and methods that will help you with depression and anxiety.

    For example:

    Sedona method, self acceptance, affirmations, gratitude, improving your material life, self reliance, 100% responsibility, authenticity.


    The desire for happiness is indeed the desire for god. Nothing will ever fill that emptiness, other than god. For me, the best method to heal emptiness, and loneliness is 12 steps. Please check out my post about 12 steps.

  5. 4 hours ago, Manjushri said:

    you know that's the only important thing!!

    You are young and you think in binary terms - either this or that, but a good life is a balance. The middle path, if you will.

    It is very selfish to think enlightenment is something you do only for yourself. If you intend to become a pratyekabuddha, quit right now. 

    Living a normal balanced life as a part of society is the foundation for being a bodhisattva, your job once you are at high level will be to become a viable part of society, which will help promote the collective consciousness.

    In the end, every single thing you do is enlightenment work, you are just not conscious enough to see it yet. This work isn't separate from day to day life.


    "After ecstasy the laundry."

    Old zen quote


  6. 4 hours ago, BIggleswerth said:

    Here is where I am confused: If it's true that I am nothingness, then it must also be true that when I am focused on a thought or object or feeling, then I am the object. However, I know identifying with thoughts is wrong, so this is contradictory.


    “Form is emptiness; emptiness is form. Form is not different than emptiness; emptiness is not different than form.”

    Prajna Paramita Hrdaya


  7. What else do you do in life? Being more self reliant and responsible will increase your confidence, and decrease those depressive thoughts.

    Try long walks in nature alone, and chanting to work on those growls.

    Accept and love all the sides of you. Make a list of all the things you are afraid to be thought as, and read it to yourself, love every part of you. This will integrate you and you will have a strong self esteem.

    Are you authentic and self honest? If not seek your authentic path and see in what ways had you strayed of your authentic passion.

    Do you desire peace? If so let go of that desire or expectation.

    For hard emotions Sedona Method is king, Journaling can also help clean the psyche.

    Praying is a very powerful tool. Simple and efficient.

    For me one of the most powerful tools is my spiritual 12 steps group, highly recommend it to anyone suffering from intense loneliness and emptiness. Search CoDa groups in your city.

  8. I'm afraid you misconceive reincarnation. Research deeper.

    The ego can't reincarnate, firstly because there's no such thing, secondly, because the memories that are ingrained will wither with the brain, what reincarnates is you, but not the false self- That said, you may say that your children are you reincarnated, and some deeply ingrained DNA memory will pass on.

    Also, what separates you from any living creature that will ever be born, and has been born in the entire universe?

    Reincarnation happens to you every time you conceive of yourself as existent, and you cease to reincarnate upon liberation.

  9. @Ingit

    Hello and thank you for the good question,

    Emotions may come in bundles and you can have 20 labels simultaneously. (That's how it was for me at the beginning.)

    The only thing to do with any of them is to love them, and let them flow freely, embracing and becoming one with them. Treat them as guests, and offer them to stay as long as they wish, for they are your inner child that seeks your attention and love. Be your own parent and heal your soul with the unconditional love of god that's all around you at any given moment.

    Sedona Method is king, you may also try prayer. (Check out my blog post in the signature.)