spiritual memes

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  1. Shadow work using IFS therapy
    Shadow work using IFS therapy
    I recently discovered IFS therapy from Leo's blog and holy shit its amazing. 
    Basically, the mind is a complex adaptive system of interacting parts with a true self underlying it (I guess the true self is God?).  Like members of a family, a person's inner parts can take on extreme roles or subpersonalities. Each part has its own perspective, interests, memories, and viewpoint. Every part has a positive intent, even if its actions are counterproductive and/or cause dysfunction. IFS works by first accessing the core self and from there, understanding the parts to heal them.
    There are 3 types of parts (copied from wikipedia):
    Exiles represent psychological trauma, often from childhood, and they carry the pain and fear. Exiles may become isolated from the other parts and polarize the system. Managers and Firefighters try to protect a person's consciousness by preventing the Exiles' pain from coming to awareness.[5]
    Managers take on a preemptive, protective role. They influence the way a person interacts with the external world, protecting the person from harm and preventing painful or traumatic experiences from flooding the person's conscious awareness.
    Firefighters emerge when Exiles break out and demand attention. They work to divert attention away from the Exile's hurt and shame, which leads to impulsive and/or inappropriate behaviors like overeating, drug use or violence. They can also distract a person from pain by excessively focusing attention on more subtle activities such as overworking or overmedicating.
    Managers and firefighters are protector parts. They protect the exile from harm and prevent the individual from experiencing the pain of the exile. A key aspect of IFS is to not work with the exile until the protector parts give permission.
    Anyways, I think that's enough of an intro.
    I've only been doing IFS for a few days and i've uncovered more of my subconscious mind than from years of introspection. It's like shadow work on steroids.
    My years of meditation has made it extremely easy for me to access my parts. I guess I've already accessed my core self from meditation and psychedelics so the first part is kinda already done. Like any kind of inner/shadow work, its emotionally brutal. I have to face some really dark, traumatized parts of myself that I had kept buried. No wonder people avoid this work.
    I'm gonna use this journal to write about my parts work. Since my upbringing was quite traumatic, some of the stuff I write might be a bit fucked up so heads up.