Rishabh R

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Posts posted by Rishabh R

  1. Any update on the courses since Leo told that he will be releasing the courses this year and it is already going to be the end of year. I am literally starving for the mind course however I must question that impulse . Like why I am starving for the course ?

    Because I think that I am nothing without Leo's course.

    Why do I think so ?

    Because I think that I am empty handed

    Why do I think that I am empty handed ?

    Because I think that I have nothing 

    Why do I think that I have nothing ?

    Because I imagine it to be true 

    Why do I imagine it to be true ?

    Because I think that it is truth

    Why do I think that it is truth ?

    Because I don't know what truth is.

    By the way sorry for bugging you all unnecessarily.

  2. I was walking beside the mall was with my friends. I suddenly thought of buying a success course of Tony Robbins , Robin Sharma, Dr. Robert Glover. However I started questioning why ? Then I found that I think that I am not successful. Then I started constant self questioning. When I reached my hostel - I sat down and contemplated for 5 minutes that  What would happen if I start thinking that I am already successful in life ?- Answers came - I would be happy, I would be confident, I would respect myself more. Then I contemplated for 30 minutes - Why must I think that I am already successful in life ? 

    Answers were-

    .Because I am already successful and attractive

    .Because thinking otherwise would hurt me

    .Because I have overcome tough odds of life 

    . Because I am already trying

    .Because I already achieved my Target in the past (this answer is special as I have scored 80% in past and attracted some girls which is the evidence)

    .Because it will enhance my mood 

    .Because it will detach me from external frivolous things

    .Because I already am

  3. Any idea guys. My mind constantly puts the image of negative hypothetical scenarios of future, how I will angrily react in the future etc. Also during these exam days I am feeling very bad.I also have anger inside me like how people didn't allowed me to date by saying to study and I will get arranged marriage(which I don't want),. I become extremely angry when I see a couple and here in college couples are present all around me and during studying also these thoughts race through my mind - everyone has a girl except me. Sometimes I think of suicide but then I think that life is precious- once gone then can never be rejuvenated. I have painful memories from past racing all the time . How could I overcome this because I see that I am doing ok in my career and I am answerable in classes much more than those who are dating(they cheat in exams whereas I live with integrity). How to climb out of this black hole ?

  4. By the way last year I approached 56 girls and got a one blowout. Also that totals up to near about 76. Which is the amount of girls I approached in my life including random + known girls. @nhoktinvt that's ok. However, I fear  approaching random strangers because guys here are too insecure and threatening.And also I said "I love you " to 3 girls in my life. Thank you guys for the appreciation.

  5. Yes everybody is already resilient( the forum people and real life people including me) . I have been through all the tough times such as death of a loved one , trauma,threat(right now I realised that the person who threatened me is the don of college - so I atleast told him ethically  that I was hurt by his threat, which could be a sign of courage),rejection,exam failure,jealousy etc. 

  6. I feeling very bad, suffering , angry etc. What must I do ? My friends advice me to cheat during exams but I don't listen to them and give the exam with integrity. As a result I have lowest GPA in my friend circle. @Leo Gura and others I need help.I study for almost every exam in my college from internals to semester exams.I am also active and I answer in the class. I do meditate (daily from 3 years) and contemplate. Is there a bright future for me ?