Kuba Powiertowski

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Posts posted by Kuba Powiertowski

  1. 23 hours ago, Razard86 said:

    The journey to this understanding encapsulates all the teachings, but eventually you must throw away every teacher, every style, and understand it from your perspective and your own words. There is no evil, but there is evil because the concept of evil, God created. There is no self, but there is a self because God created it. There is not God, but there is a God because form recognizes the formless as God. There is no controller, but there is a controller, because the formless controls everything. The formless controls everything because it cannot be grasped, since it cannot be grasped it cannot be controlled, but form can be grasped and thus controlled, so only the formless is in control and as a result there has never been conflict, only perfect self-agreement. Evil again, has been waved away as the illusion that it was.

    If these are Your words - I’m honestly impressed…🙏

  2. This is pure heart to heart channeling here and now! WTF???!!! 🙉🙉🙉

    Every man has a place
    In his heart there's a space
    And the world can't erase his fantasies
    Take a ride in the sky
    On our ship fantasise
    All your dreams will come true right away

    And we will live together
    Until the twelfth of never
    Our voices will ring forever as one

    Every thought is a dream
    Rushing by in a stream
    Bringing life to your kingdom of doing
    Take a ride in the sky
    On our ship fantasise
    All your dreams will come true miles away

    Our voices will ring together
    Until the twelfth of never
    We all will love together as one

    Come to see victory
    In a land called fantasy
    Loving life a new degree
    Bring your mind to everlasting liberty

    As one

    Come to see victory
    In a land called fantasy
    Loving life for you and me
    To behold to your soul is ecstasy
    You will find other kind
    That has been in search of you
    Many lives have brought you to
    Recognise it's your life now in review

    As you stay for the play
    Fantasy has in store for you
    A glowing light will see you through
    It's your day shining day
    All your dreams come true

    As you glide in your stride
    With the wind as you fly away
    Give a smile from your lips and say
    Are you free yes I'm free
    And I'm on my way


  3. 11 hours ago, Jowblob said:

    After knowing what lsd can do, i feel like Kriya Yoga is just a waste of time...

    @Jowblob well..., "You are always right". You need to see why You are always right, or who is always right. If you don't believe in UFOs, they may land in front of You and You still will find some explanation that suits your belief. That is how it approximately works. You are always right. Kriya will take You to the place where there is no more You, no more belief, no more the right or the wrong one. LSD seemed to fail in this matter...

  4. @SSSanity I don't think you need mental gymnastics or bullshit philosophy to follow this path. If you dedicate yourself to this path with all your heart, the first effects you never dreamed of will come relatively quickly. However, there is a real possibility of serious consequences if you are not consistent on this path. You climb high up a sharp rock pillar. You must remain focused and calm. It's very difficult living in the Western world. Despite a relatively normal life (wife, no children, own business, passion for sports), I have been trying hard to follow this path (yoga kundalini) for several years. I've already been beaten up a lot, but what I experienced is indescribable. Nothing more is needed than the heart's burning need to fly.

  5. Fortunately, stress tests are built into human reality. They will always tell us the truth about ourselves. The question of whether we are ready for it is a completely different but equally fundamental issue. Nothing worthwhile in life comes easy or pleasant. It's the same with wisdom. It usually comes to us after a series of disasters, often with a common cause. The spiritual path includes, among other things, the gradual dismantling of impermanent illusions pretending to be marble monuments.

  6. 6 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

    transcension = inclusion, not getting rid of.


    @Bazooka Jesus I have recently got to the point where I see indeed at least to ways of transcendence. One through extinguishing the experience, second through full integration of experience. Both are equally valid, although to quote Wolfgang Smith: "they are polar opposite". If you mix them you will find yourself in total mess.

  7. The case is (not so) serious. Let's assume for a moment that one of us actually managed to break through to the other side of the curtain. All dualities and oppositions disappear. Everything that makes you human disappears. There are no more genders, no man, no woman. You don't have to eat more to satisfy your hunger, sleep to rest, defecate to excrete what you haven't digested. All needs that have their roots in duality and exist only thanks to it disappear. You are able to achieve such a state during your earthly life. This is Nirvana or Nirvikalpa Samadhi. The highest eschaton in Vedic culture. Human self-immolation. Several entities in the world are ready to rise permanently above human limitations and desires. The rest can only speculate how many devils dance on the head of a pin. And nothing comes of these speculations because the difference is the same as between a story about a flight into space and an actual flight into space.